Obama frustrated with lack of job growth

That's not accurate either. Neither party really has control of the state legislature, since it takes a two-thirds vote to pass anything budget related.

yet you can blame it on the single govenor but not hold the majority of the legislature responsible for the bulk of what is in the budget....we wll have seen how it works 50% of the politicians shame the remaining 16% into agreeing with them or the are called obstructionist.....

It's as accurate to blame the governor as to blame Democrats, even though they don't hold enough seats in the state legislature to move anything and even if they did, it would have been subject to a GOP veto most of the time.

If you want to know the truth of who I blame, it's California voters who have insisted on higher spending via referendums, but also used referendums to retard the ability of the state to pay for it.

Ultimately, it's the voters, you get what you ask for when you pull that lever and boy are the Californians ever getting it now.
That's not accurate either. Neither party really has control of the state legislature, since it takes a two-thirds vote to pass anything budget related.

yet you can blame it on the single govenor but not hold the majority of the legislature responsible for the bulk of what is in the budget....we wll have seen how it works 50% of the politicians shame the remaining 16% into agreeing with them or the are called obstructionist.....

It's as accurate to blame the governor as to blame Democrats, even though they don't hold enough seats in the state legislature to move anything and even if they did, it would have been subject to a GOP veto most of the time.

If you want to know the truth of who I blame, it's California voters who have insisted on higher spending via referendums, but also used referendums to retard the ability of the state to pay for it.

so prior to the dot com run up....say between 1950 and 1990.....would you say california was viable economically and well run....i would.....so what happened between 1990 and 2010.....over the past 20 years california blew it.....how...why....
1/3 of all jobs right now are "government" jobs. Either directly or indirectly paid for with tax dollars/debt.
Most of the job increases during the bush administration were govt jobs.

We have been trying to pay our way on the credit card for around 30 years.

I need to see a link to this one, because I just don't believe what you stated.
People don't pay attention to who they are electing. McCain, Obama, many of our senators and congressmen have NEVER worked a private sector job, have never had to meet a payroll, and have never owned, managed or operated any type of private sector position. Most are attorneys that went right into politics after they graduated from college.

They are clueless, their wheels have never hit the dirt, they have absolutely no experience. Yet, we vote them in there because they give a good campaign speech and expect them to understand the private sector and how business operates when they have never experienced that themselves. Hell, it's our fault. We elected a bunch of economic dummy's.
1/3 of all jobs right now are "government" jobs. Either directly or indirectly paid for with tax dollars/debt.
Most of the job increases during the bush administration were govt jobs.

We have been trying to pay our way on the credit card for around 30 years.

I need to see your link on most of the "job increases during the bush administration were gov't jobs." I have never seen that and believe that to be incorrect.
2/3 of those in the legislature are democrats, very few republicans, and they have been extremely irresponsible. I talked to one small business owner that moved here from there and she told me that 1/3 of the population in the county in California where she lived and operated her business were government employees. That means that for every 3 people out there, 2 of them are paying the salary for the 3rd person. That's insanity. That's also why she was forced to close her business out there and move to a state where she could make a living.

The legislature is not two-thirds Democratic. Currently, for example, the California State Assembly has a 50-28 Democratic majority (four seats fewer than two-thirds of the 80-seat chamber). The California State Senate has a 25-15 Democratic majority (two seats short of two-thirds).

yep and its all the republican's fault that califonia has more socail programs and regulations than any other state.....god damn social walfare, pro union pro environment republicans....

Republican's fault??? I think you are a little mixed up on party affiliation.
The legislature is not two-thirds Democratic. Currently, for example, the California State Assembly has a 50-28 Democratic majority (four seats fewer than two-thirds of the 80-seat chamber). The California State Senate has a 25-15 Democratic majority (two seats short of two-thirds).

yep and its all the republican's fault that califonia has more socail programs and regulations than any other state.....god damn social walfare, pro union pro environment republicans....

Republican's fault??? I think you are a little mixed up on party affiliation.
He's being facetious on this, Maple
1/3 of all jobs right now are "government" jobs. Either directly or indirectly paid for with tax dollars/debt.
Most of the job increases during the bush administration were govt jobs.

We have been trying to pay our way on the credit card for around 30 years.

I need to see a link to this one, because I just don't believe what you stated.
I'd like to see that, too.
1/3 of all jobs right now are "government" jobs. Either directly or indirectly paid for with tax dollars/debt.
Most of the job increases during the bush administration were govt jobs.

We have been trying to pay our way on the credit card for around 30 years.

I need to see a link to this one, because I just don't believe what you stated.
I'd like to see that, too.

I would like to see that link or collection of links as well, add me to that list
1/3 of all jobs right now are "government" jobs. Either directly or indirectly paid for with tax dollars/debt.
Most of the job increases during the bush administration were govt jobs.

We have been trying to pay our way on the credit card for around 30 years.

I need to see a link to this one, because I just don't believe what you stated.

I need to see your link on most of the "job increases during the bush administration were gov't jobs." I have never seen that and believe that to be incorrect.

I'd like to see that, too.

UScitizen could produce whatever "proof."

Frankly, I would find it difficult to believe there's been any industrial or "service sector" growth in the USA that has exceeded the growth of the US Government since 1935.

Unless.......there's been an Oil Refinery built since then?.....no......chemical plants since 1967?......no......textile industry since 1970?.....no.....automotive industry.....can anyone say "rust belt?"

If there's been some industry that's grown more than the US Gov't, its sure keeping damn well hidden!:dig:

1/3 of all jobs right now are "government" jobs. Either directly or indirectly paid for with tax dollars/debt.
Most of the job increases during the bush administration were govt jobs.

We have been trying to pay our way on the credit card for around 30 years.

I need to see a link to this one, because I just don't believe what you stated.

I need to see your link on most of the "job increases during the bush administration were gov't jobs." I have never seen that and believe that to be incorrect.

I'd like to see that, too.

UScitizen could produce whatever "proof."

Frankly, I would find it difficult to believe there's been any industrial or "service sector" growth in the USA that has exceeded the growth of the US Government since 1935.

Unless.......there's been an Oil Refinery built since then?.....no......chemical plants since 1967?......no......textile industry since 1970?.....no.....automotive industry.....can anyone say "rust belt?"

If there's been some industry that's grown more than the US Gov't, its sure keeping damn well hidden!:dig:


You bring up a good point, too much government growth has put a choke hold on the private sector. The one thing that would put thousands back to work in the private sector would be energy, yet the government blocks that at every turn. We can't drill, ANWR a 2million acre permantely frozen tundra has huge resourses of oil, it would require just 2 thousand acres, a pin spot on 2million acres, to drill and drill environmentally safe. Yet, oh no we can't do that. The off shore leases out of California would pay off that state's debt in one swoop of the pen, yet oh no, we can't do that. Those could be done environmentally safe and not even be seen.

I keep hearing how we need to get off foriegn oil, but I see little to no progress when it comes to energy independence and I am for all energy, be it bio-degradable, wind, solar, nuclear everything. Building just one nuclear power plant would create thousands of good long term jobs, yet Obama is against that. France runs on 80% nuclear power, why can't we? Energy is the future, yet our government will not allow us, the private sector, do what needs to be done.
Well one thing for sure there is a full blown panic going on right now. The realization that the stimulus money is not working to create jobs is setting in on our politicians. It wasn't that it was not enough it was because it was mis-directed to the wrong people. It has ended up being nothing more than a slush fund for state and local governments to dip into when they run out of money. In the end we will start hearing about a whole lot of officials stuffing their pockets with tax payer dollars and running off with it. It could look alot like the Berny Madeoff scandal only this madeoff will be making off with millions and billions of our tax dollars.

I think they should rescind the remainder of the stimulus money and pay back down the debt, that would help our economy more than anything else right now.
Mr. president? You KNOW what to do if your frustration is genuine...

Lower taxes, and CEASE trying to take over the private sector and watch it take off...Get off the backs of the PEOPLE whom are the economy numbnuts.

Right on.:clap2::clap2:
yet you can blame it on the single govenor but not hold the majority of the legislature responsible for the bulk of what is in the budget....we wll have seen how it works 50% of the politicians shame the remaining 16% into agreeing with them or the are called obstructionist.....

It's as accurate to blame the governor as to blame Democrats, even though they don't hold enough seats in the state legislature to move anything and even if they did, it would have been subject to a GOP veto most of the time.

If you want to know the truth of who I blame, it's California voters who have insisted on higher spending via referendums, but also used referendums to retard the ability of the state to pay for it.

so prior to the dot com run up....say between 1950 and 1990.....would you say california was viable economically and well run....i would.....so what happened between 1990 and 2010.....over the past 20 years california blew it.....how...why....

No, I wouldn't say California was well-run from 1950 to 1990. The state has been in decline for a long time, and as is often the case, that doesn't become apparent until the decline is already pretty sharp.
I don't remember a time when California was not having budget problems. They want their government to spend more than it takes in.

It's not just a California specific problem. The reason it's came to the surface in California faster is the voters have the ability to deal the damage themselves. It's coming to the national level in the coming years.
I keep hearing how we need to get off foriegn oil, but I see little to no progress when it comes to energy independence and I am for all energy, be it bio-degradable, wind, solar, nuclear everything. Building just one nuclear power plant would create thousands of good long term jobs, yet Obama is against that. France runs on 80% nuclear power, why can't we? Energy is the future, yet our government will not allow us, the private sector, do what needs to be done.


Do we have a Dept of Energy? Does it have any purpose other than making sure its operating budget expands every year?

As long as the Private Sector generates job growth, the the Government doesn't get credit for Keeping People Happy (= votes). Therefore, the Government MUST ensure the failure of the private sector.
I don't remember a time when California was not having budget problems. They want their government to spend more than it takes in.

It's not just a California specific problem. The reason it's came to the surface in California faster is the voters have the ability to deal the damage themselves. It's coming to the national level in the coming years.

I bet your right.

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