Obama freezes unfriendly coverage

Xeno fails to the point of confirming Godwin's law.

:clap2: :thup: :rofl:
There must be a superhighway on your skull from things going over your head.

You can use similar politcial tactis to Nazis and still be dimetrically opposed to their ideology.

What that means since if I make it complicated you won't get it is, I didn't call Obama or Democrats Nazis.
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I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration,” he said in June, though he did not mention Fox by name. He added, “You’d be hard pressed if you watched the entire day to find a positive story about me on that front.”

The White House has limited administration members’ appearances on the network in recent weeks. In mid-September, when the White House booked Mr. Obama on a round robin of Sunday morning talk shows, it skipped Fox and called it an “ideological outlet,” leading the “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace to appear on Bill O’Reilly’s prime-time show and call the administration “the biggest bunch of crybabies I have dealt with in my 30 years in Washington.”

Ms. Dunn called that remark juvenile and stressed that administration officials would still talk to Fox, and that Mr. Obama was likely to be interviewed on the network in the future. But, she added, “we’re not going to legitimize them as a news organization.”

So much for transparency...

More people watch Fox news than any other and the Obama administration is used to the cheerleading networks, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and of course MSNBC. Fox has many liberals on, Pat Kadell, Bill Beckel, Juan, and I am still not sure about O'Reilly and Greta, but they do report accurately the news. The only shows I see on Fox news that is clearly on the opposite side of Obama is Hannity and Beck, Hannilty calls himself a Reagan Conservative.

The problem is the more the Obama administration attacks Fox news, the more people tune in to see what's going on. You can't have better advertising than that. Jaun stated yesterday that 25% of black voters watch Fox, a great many liberals also choose fox news.

That's why the administration is afraid of Fox.
I still say its a sad precedent when the white house uses tax payer money to attack a media outlet.

Pretty shameful and clearly transparant act by the administration to try and keep the truth out of reach.
Ame®icano;1610454 said:
Fox isn't going to stop reporting on what they feel they should report.


Ame®icano;1610454 said:
I don't think Obama is doing a favor to left media by ignoring Fox. Quite opposite, he's doing a favor to fox.


Ame®icano;1610454 said:
Now, whoever think that we should have not known about Van Jones, Acorn, Rev. Wright or similar stories, then I would ask them a question, why we shouldn't?

We clearly should.

So what are we arguing about again? :lol:

Obviously, we are not arguing at all. :)

The question is, is Obama’s boycott of Fox right or wrong?
Lets not forget 3 more dishonest hacks that FOX news repeatedly investigated, and were eventually thrown under the bus by Obama.

Nancy Killifer was in line to become "chief performance czar". Thanks to FOX news exposing the truth, she's nowhere near the administration. A very good thing.

Tom Daschle was in line to become "Health And Human Services Secretary". FOX exposed him, and now he's nowhere near the administration. A very good thing.

Bill Richardson was in line to become "Commerce Secretary". FOX exposed him, he too is nowhere near the administration. A very good thing.

Kudos to FOX news for doing what the liberal MSM refuses to do. Investigate, AND TELL THE TRUTH!
I am certain there are many, many people that want Fox shut down. The govt can't just do it, but by spreading hate on message boards and calling for the boycott of sponsors, they can twist arms and force them to change or at least lose viewers. Claiming that "very few" want them shut down is naïve and disingenuous.They are at war!
Ame®icano;1610527 said:
Ame®icano;1610454 said:
Fox isn't going to stop reporting on what they feel they should report.



Ame®icano;1610454 said:
Now, whoever think that we should have not known about Van Jones, Acorn, Rev. Wright or similar stories, then I would ask them a question, why we shouldn't?

We clearly should.

So what are we arguing about again? :lol:

Obviously, we are not arguing at all. :)

The question is, is Obama’s boycott of Fox right or wrong?

That's a matter of opinion either way. IMO, it's wrong. But not for the fear-mongering, nazi-esque, totalitarian absurdity being advanced by many in this thread and others. IMO it's wrong because it demonstrates that he has no balls.
I am certain there are many, many people that want Fox shut down. The govt can't just do it, but by spreading hate on message boards and calling for the boycott of sponsors, they can twist arms and force them to change or at least lose viewers. Claiming that "very few" want them shut down is naïve and disingenuous.They are at war!

Getting "shut" down isn't the same thing as going out of business because people stop buying your product. Claiming that they are the same is naive at best and disingenous douchebaggery at worst.
I am certain there are many, many people that want Fox shut down. The govt can't just do it, but by spreading hate on message boards and calling for the boycott of sponsors, they can twist arms and force them to change or at least lose viewers. Claiming that "very few" want them shut down is naïve and disingenuous.They are at war!

Getting "shut" down isn't the same thing as going out of business because people stop buying your product. Claiming that they are the same is naive at best and disingenous douchebaggery at worst.

I would rather see government going out of business then Fox.

Is there a way to cut or boycott their funding?
Obama's whining about coverage he receives on Fox is embarrassing. I would think the White House would have enough to do without going after Fox. The people who watch Fox do so because other media outlets all report the daily White House talking point. As for liberal news they failed at talk radio and are doing the same on TV. No one wants to listen to Maddow or Olbermann, not even liberals, that's why they all watch Hannity and Beck. The liberals I come across know more about what Hannity and Beck say on their show then I do.
I am certain there are many, many people that want Fox shut down. The govt can't just do it, but by spreading hate on message boards and calling for the boycott of sponsors, they can twist arms and force them to change or at least lose viewers. Claiming that "very few" want them shut down is naïve and disingenuous.They are at war!

Well, the boycott plan has been tried - by the Color of Change in support of a certain Van Jones against Glenn Beck.

Look what happened to Mr Jones..... Everybody wave bye bye Van.

And look what happened to Beck.... Even more sponsors - because his ratings went up.

It Obama wants to play that game, he should at least consider the stakes. :eek:
Mani asked earlier why Obama had to give FOX access and thinking it was a big point, while forgetting that the entire concept of a free press in America is to be the watchdog of government.

So again, he asks why the thing designed to watch government should be given access to it.

I think the answer is self evident.

Nice try. But fail.

Why not WND or Daily KOS? Why shouldn't they get interviews too? :cuckoo:

Being a watchdog of government isn't the same thing as being included on a short list of appearances... nitwit. Trying to equate the two just exposes you further for the partisan fraud you are. Although lately you seem much less interested in concealing it. I guess you've finally accepted that the cat is out of the bag. :lol:

Exactly....it also doesn't mean Fox is barred from the same overall press freedoms that all the other journalists have with the president.
So go ahead Reevus, tell us why the White House should be especially obligated to accomodate Fox News?

It wasn't about not being able to appear, the administration called Fox News an ideological outlet.....:cuckoo:

It is. It's up to Fox now whether it wants to upgrade itself to a news outlet.
Ame®icano;1610223 said:
HA HA HA, Barry is such a pussy he fears a cable news network!

Maybe Hugo can help, he loathes FOX also! :lol:

Does anyone here wish Obama to be as critical and harsh of Iran, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda as he is Fox?


We've had enough of the cowboy rhetoric and bully pulpit.
Ame®icano;1610223 said:
HA HA HA, Barry is such a pussy he fears a cable news network!

Maybe Hugo can help, he loathes FOX also! :lol:

Does anyone here wish Obama to be as critical and harsh of Iran, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda as he is Fox?

As someone whose family have spent and are about to spend more time in certain 'hot spots'.... YES! I would really like him to prioritize the issues where our fellow citizens are putting their lives on the line over whether Fox is fair or not.

Who's spending more time on "media unfairness":

Obama, who uttered a few sentances on it, or

the Righwing Media undergoing mass incontinence over it?

Shouldn't they be spending more time on "hot spot" issues? War? Economy? Health Care?
Ame®icano;1610223 said:
Does anyone here wish Obama to be as critical and harsh of Iran, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda as he is Fox?

As someone whose family have spent and are about to spend more time in certain 'hot spots'.... YES! I would really like him to prioritize the issues where our fellow citizens are putting their lives on the line over whether Fox is fair or not.
There should be a qualifacation about fair.

While FOX is more 'fair' then other news orgs, they are not saints and do slant their coverage to conservatives.

The difference is they will at least attempt to give both sides a say, and not with fops and fools, they put up intelligent people like Juan Williams to speak for the left view of things.

But they are nowhere near a 'houseorgan' for the GoP and they did not cheerlead for Bush the way MSNBC does for Obama.

I would disagree. Both Fox and MSNBC are ideological tools and Fox most certainly did "cheerlead" Bush and the Republicans. They frequently mixed their own opinions into the news as well.

I listen to NPR (my own bias) but I find that more than MSNBC and Fox, they include multiple points of view with knowledgable people for both sides and, they treat both sides with respect and good questions. I usually end up learning something about the other side of the issue.
Ame®icano;1610347 said:
As someone whose family have spent and are about to spend more time in certain 'hot spots'.... YES! I would really like him to prioritize the issues where our fellow citizens are putting their lives on the line over whether Fox is fair or not.
There should be a qualifacation about fair.

While FOX is more 'fair' then other news orgs, they are not saints and do slant their coverage to conservatives.

The difference is they will at least attempt to give both sides a say, and not with fops and fools, they put up intelligent people like Juan Williams to speak for the left view of things.

But they are nowhere near a 'houseorgan' for the GoP and they did not cheerlead for Bush the way MSNBC does for Obama.

I am pretty sure that many on the left would like to see Fox shut down. The same people would let the government control who is allowed to broadcast news based on their preferences.

Those should remember their 1st Amendment, and something there called free speech. Whether or not you agree with Fox News, can you really lobby for it's removal simply for what they say? Does anyone here knows what oppression is? If they shut down one network today, there is door opened to shut down another tomorrow. You want that?

If you don't like Fox, change the channel. Period.

I totally agree. And the more diverse media outlets we have - the better off we are. I don't think anyone is seriously lobbying for Fox to be shut down but - they should be held to the same standards of verifying and fact checking as any other News station and if they are going to act like a tabloid, be treated like one.
Oh, my, yes, FOX did cheerlead for Bush no less than MSNBC for Obama.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is either ignorant or lying or mentally feeble.

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