Obama "Disappointment Mints" removed from University store Offended Dems


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This story is unreal in the wake of Tea Partiers being called terrorists by the Vice President no less.

"Obama "Disappoint-Mints" removed from university store shelves

MintsAmazing how intolerant free-thinking liberals are when the shoe's on the other foot, isn't it?

KNOXVILLE,TN - A student at the University of Tennessee was offended the covering of mints being sold at the school's bookstore, so he called a local Democratic state lawmaker who spoke to the store director during a visit.

The mints were taken off the shelves soon after the visit, the state lawmaker said. The offensive cover depicted President Obama with these words: "This is change? Disappointmints"

"I explained to him that I felt those mints were politically specific products that had no educational value," Armstrong said.

"If it was a book or something of that nature, fine, but that's sort of a discretionary product they have there. It wasn't viewpoint neutral. It was very specifically insulting to the president."

KnoxNews.com reports the bookstore carried mints depicting George W. Bush when he was president, too."

Illinois Review: Obama "Disappoint-Mints" removed from university store shelves

Meanwhile liberals are telling Tea Partiers to suck it up over being called terrorists and hostage takers and a Dem can't take a mint.

This story is unreal in the wake of Tea Partiers being called terrorists by the Vice President no less.

"Obama "Disappoint-Mints" removed from university store shelves

MintsAmazing how intolerant free-thinking liberals are when the shoe's on the other foot, isn't it?

KNOXVILLE,TN - A student at the University of Tennessee was offended the covering of mints being sold at the school's bookstore, so he called a local Democratic state lawmaker who spoke to the store director during a visit.

The mints were taken off the shelves soon after the visit, the state lawmaker said. The offensive cover depicted President Obama with these words: "This is change? Disappointmints"

"I explained to him that I felt those mints were politically specific products that had no educational value," Armstrong said.

"If it was a book or something of that nature, fine, but that's sort of a discretionary product they have there. It wasn't viewpoint neutral. It was very specifically insulting to the president."

KnoxNews.com reports the bookstore carried mints depicting George W. Bush when he was president, too."

Illinois Review: Obama "Disappoint-Mints" removed from university store shelves

Meanwhile liberals are telling Tea Partiers to suck it up over being called terrorists and hostage takers and a Dem can't take a mint.


"I explained to him that I felt those mints were politically specific products that had no educational value," Armstrong said.
No educational value huh. :lol:
Shit, maybe we need to shut down all of the schools tomorrow or just have the kiddies both big and little sing Obama songs and praises to the State all day. :D
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I think it was a cute product and would have bought some myself.

Now its perfectly legal for the student to complain.

Its perfectly legal for the rep to talk to the business owner.

It is also perfectly legal for the business owner to deside what products they are going to sell.

why is this an issue?
I think it was a cute product and would have bought some myself.

Now its perfectly legal for the student to complain.

Its perfectly legal for the rep to talk to the business owner.

It is also perfectly legal for the business owner to deside what products they are going to sell.

why is this an issue?
Who are you and what have you done with TM?
The University of Tennessee bookstore in Knoxville has decided to stop selling packages of breath mints poking fun at President Obama after a Democratic lawmaker complained.
The product is called, “Disappoint-mints” and features a blue and red picture of the president on the label.
State Rep. Joe Armstrong told The Knoxville News Sentinel he found the breath mints offensive.
He said a student had notified him of the mints so he decided to go to the bookstore to investigate.
He said the breath freshener was “very specifically insulting to the president” and said the university should be sensitive to what he called “politically specific products.”
But others find the outrage over “Disappoint-mints” to be curiously strong – suggesting that removing the products is a form of censorship.
“Let me make very clear, there is no candy exception to the First Amendment,” Glenn Reynolds, a constitutional law professor, told the newspaper.
“Free speech is free speech. If you make fun of the president in a mint, it is just as much free speech as it is if you make fun of the president in a political cartoon.”
The bookstore manager said the shop previously carried breath mints satirizing former President George W. Bush – but no one ever complained.
Satirical Mints Poking Fun at President Obama Yanked From Tennessee Bookstore - FoxNews.com


MERGED with existing thread.
I think it was a cute product and would have bought some myself.

Now its perfectly legal for the student to complain.

Its perfectly legal for the rep to talk to the business owner.

It is also perfectly legal for the business owner to deside what products they are going to sell.

why is this an issue?

Is it a private business? Is it being hypocritical and discriminatory?
Called the Gestapo in ay? Typical Socialist/Progressive Democrat move. What a bunch of cowardly douchebags.
Damn -- I was heading to Knoxville tomorrow to drop my daughter off and buy her books. Certainly would have stocked up on those..

It IS a little dicey to put political items in a state university book store.. But afterall there IS a political science book section with all manner of partisian crappola for sale.. It would be wise to stock up on maybe on Palin and Obama mints for "balance" and choice... I would never oppose sale of political banners or stickers in a public univ bookstore.. So thumbs down on bailing to the pressure..


Or the very popular ----->>>>>

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I think it was a cute product and would have bought some myself.

Now its perfectly legal for the student to complain.

Its perfectly legal for the rep to talk to the business owner.

It is also perfectly legal for the business owner to deside what products they are going to sell.

why is this an issue?

Maybe because a MAD state representative has the POWER to cut the bookstore budget or can the public employees who MANAGE it???

He's not an innocent observer.. He's there to intimidate and threaten. With a smile of course..

The only "crime" here was maybe not having a broader CHOICE of political satire products on display..
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I wasn't aware college bookstores were required to ONLY carry items that were viewpoint neutral. When did that start?

I wonder if the Democratic politician woukld have gone there to have them remove 'Bush Sucks' t-shirts....
where was anything illegal done here folks?

weren't you one of the loudest whiners about the Wisconsin PAC having absentee ballots being sent to their office instead of directly to the Election Board? There was nothing illegal there either, yet you whined like a little girl about how it was wrong.

Different when the shoes on the other foot, huh.
where was anything illegal done here folks?

weren't you one of the loudest whiners about the Wisconsin PAC having absentee ballots being sent to their office instead of directly to the Election Board? There was nothing illegal there either, yet you whined like a little girl about how it was wrong.

Different when the shoes on the other foot, huh.

knew that would shut the little bugger up :rofl:
where was anything illegal done here folks?

weren't you one of the loudest whiners about the Wisconsin PAC having absentee ballots being sent to their office instead of directly to the Election Board? There was nothing illegal there either, yet you whined like a little girl about how it was wrong.

Different when the shoes on the other foot, huh.
Exactly, liberal mindset; what is good for me is bad for you.
If I can find someplace that sells these mints, I'll buy a few thousand packs and hand them out at obama rallies in the Philly area as the election race heats up :rofl:

Let some liberal weenie 'try' to stop me from freely expressing myself.
I smell racism, were they black on the outside and white on the inside?

Cant hit to close to home nowdays ya know.


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