Obama Did Wiretap Trump: It’s Like Putting Together a Russian Nesting Doll


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The Leftists who probably won't even bother to READ the article, will call this a lie designed to cover up the president's untrue claims. However, those with open minds, will find this to be a most compelling piece with plenty of links.

No matter how many dolls are hidden in the nest -- Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch -- it is undeniable that they all fit under the big one -- Obama. It was he who authorized the surveillance and multiagency distribution of intelligence -- in Bob Woodward’s reading, “highly classified gossip” -- about political opponent Trump and his team -- invading their privacy in violation of the law. If you were inclined to want Americans to lose faith in their intelligence community and media you couldn’t have done a better job than they did themselves. The Russians didn’t have to do a thing.

Full story @ Articles: Obama Did Wiretap Trump: It’s Like Putting Together a Russian Nesting Doll
The Leftists who probably won't even bother to READ the article, will call this a lie designed to cover up the president's untrue claims. However, those with open minds, will find this to be a most compelling piece with plenty of links.

No matter how many dolls are hidden in the nest -- Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch -- it is undeniable that they all fit under the big one -- Obama. It was he who authorized the surveillance and multiagency distribution of intelligence -- in Bob Woodward’s reading, “highly classified gossip” -- about political opponent Trump and his team -- invading their privacy in violation of the law. If you were inclined to want Americans to lose faith in their intelligence community and media you couldn’t have done a better job than they did themselves. The Russians didn’t have to do a thing.

Full story @ Articles: Obama Did Wiretap Trump: It’s Like Putting Together a Russian Nesting Doll

Confirms that Podesta had FAR MORE ACTUAL sketchy Russian ties than Trump ever had. Where's THAT investigation?? It was a trade war of sorts. Trying to open up the Oligarch controlled Russian investment money and get favorable Western deals. The kind that CGI liked to set up..
As the investigation gets closer to solid evidence of Obama's hand behind the surveillance and leaks of Trump and his staff, watch the Dems run away from the bullshit "Trump collaboration" claim, just like they suddenly stopped talking about taxes after the "leak" of Trump's 2005 tax returns, in which he paid a total of 36 fucking million in taxes, exploding the Democrat false claims and conpiracies.
As the investigation gets closer to solid evidence of Obama's hand behind the surveillance and leaks of Trump and his staff, watch the Dems run away from the bullshit "Trump collaboration" claim, just like they suddenly stopped talking about taxes after the "leak" of Trump's 2005 tax returns, in which he paid a total of 36 fucking million in taxes, exploding the Democrat false claims and conpiracies.
How much closer to solid evidence are you than when le Grand Orange first stepped in it with his cretinous tweet, Roud?
As the investigation gets closer to solid evidence of Obama's hand behind the surveillance and leaks of Trump and his staff, watch the Dems run away from the bullshit "Trump collaboration" claim, just like they suddenly stopped talking about taxes after the "leak" of Trump's 2005 tax returns, in which he paid a total of 36 fucking million in taxes, exploding the Democrat false claims and conpiracies.
How much closer to solid evidence are you than when le Grand Orange first stepped in it with his cretinous tweet, Roud?
Zero, zip, nada, evidence of Trump collaborating. In fact all the intelligence chiefs have come out and said so.

On the other hand, there are the news articles from liberal news sources, there's the Flynn leak, and now new evidence of non Russia related surveillance of Trump and leaks that were orchestrated by someone who had the motive and authority to unmask names, and then leak it to the media. Any guesses who that could be, lightbulb?

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