Obama & Dems Kill Free Checking


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Democrat drive to bring the neck of the American economy under their jackboot claims another victim: free checking accounts.

"End Is Seen to Free Checking

Bank of America and other banks are preparing new fees on basic banking services as they try to replace revenue lost to regulatory rules, in a push that is expected to spell an end to free checking accounts for many Americans."

End Seen to Free Checking - WSJ.com
The offers of free checking without any minimum balance requirements attracted a new wave of low-income customers, who previously went to check-cashing stores. Some consumer advocates have warned that the elimination of free checking could drive some of those customers out of the banking system.

Someone like my teenager who hopefully will be getting his first job soon.
Over regulating anything is always going to cost us money. It is the way of government.

Regulation= killing free market enterprise, and freedom to make money, and even to save money.

Taking government bailouts will come back to bite us all. It is not complicated. I expected this, and will be looking for more costs for the consumer on every level
They just want to feel good that they have stuck the evil bankers somehow. But it is the customers who will feel the pain
Does anyone notice that anything "OBIE" does will end up "Cost us LESS"?
What a poster boy for a first class "F" UP!
His definition of "less" means "More" along with most of whatever else he says or does. The ole 'good means bad, bad means good' nonsense.

His pattern of leadership, if one can call it that, is a disgrace and the worse part of it is that many of the Political SHEEP (politicians) IN Washington. D.C. sit there and agree with this incompetent. Anyone here actually understand what Obamas REAL GOAL might be? For the lefties, don't bother answering, you would follow this 'butthead' into a woodchipping machine to defend this incompetent to the last second.

Yes, cartoons do come true, this one, the names reversed, the results, aren't as good as the cartoon would be, Butthead and Bevis leadership, oh yeah! :clap2:
You can only blame his lack of experience so much. It seems to me that he is intentionally trying to bring the majority of U.S. citizens into the poor house, why? No idea. Hopefully come November the Senate will go through a serious house cleaning and we can get people in there to shoot down his destructive bills.
Conservative whiners must all be pretty poor if their balances don't get them free checking. Maybe if they got a real job
Conservative whiners must all be pretty poor if their balances don't get them free checking. Maybe if they got a real job

Those damn Conservatives started this decline. These damn liberals plunged it into the chaos it is today.
As for "getting a real job" I have a great job the only problem is the cost of living is going up so fast the pay increases(which I haven't seen in over a year) can't keep up.
Morons. How is it Obanas fault that BOA is dumping free checking? One minute you are screeching for market forces and now you are screeching against it?

I think it is a dumb move but how is it that you think the bank had to get Obamas permission? Didn't the banks involved pay back thier loans?
Conservative whiners must all be pretty poor if their balances don't get them free checking. Maybe if they got a real job

Or, if you'd keep up, us conservatives actually do care about the poor, as opposed to you socialist whackos who only give them lip service.
Conservative whiners must all be pretty poor if their balances don't get them free checking. Maybe if they got a real job

Or, if you'd keep up, us conservatives actually do care about the poor, as opposed to you socialist whackos who only give them lip service.

So you want the nanny-state govt to pay banks for checking accts for the poor? Or should the nanny-state govt pass a law to protect your welfare loving ass?
Conservative whiners must all be pretty poor if their balances don't get them free checking. Maybe if they got a real job

Or, if you'd keep up, us conservatives actually do care about the poor, as opposed to you socialist whackos who only give them lip service.

So you want the nanny-state govt to pay banks for checking accts for the poor? Or should the nanny-state govt pass a law to protect your welfare loving ass?


Neither, I want them to stop over regulating to the point that businesses raise costs to where average people can't even afford their products anymore. Just like we talked about in the obama says thread while you were gone, $8/gal gasoline is fine for those who can afford it, everyone else just has to do without I suppose.
Or, if you'd keep up, us conservatives actually do care about the poor, as opposed to you socialist whackos who only give them lip service.

So you want the nanny-state govt to pay banks for checking accts for the poor? Or should the nanny-state govt pass a law to protect your welfare loving ass?


Neither, I want them to stop over regulating to the point that businesses raise costs to where average people can't even afford their products anymore. Just like we talked about in the obama says thread while you were gone, $8/gal gasoline is fine for those who can afford it, everyone else just has to do without I suppose.

That's how the free market works (not that I expect a conservative welfare recipient to understand the free market), right?

If you don't like the fees, find another bank.
Conservative whiners must all be pretty poor if their balances don't get them free checking. Maybe if they got a real job

Did you read the article, this will eliminate free checking for everyone unless they actively use other services the banks make money off of.
Morons. How is it Obanas fault that BOA is dumping free checking? One minute you are screeching for market forces and now you are screeching against it?

I think it is a dumb move but how is it that you think the bank had to get Obamas permission? Didn't the banks involved pay back thier loans?

The new regulations that prohibit banks for charging fees for little things like writing a check for more money than you have.

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