Obama Deflects Responsibility- Obama: U.s. Intelligence Underestimated Militants In Syria - Cbs

Try 4000.

The only reason they matter is because it was Bush.
Obama has caused the deaths of at least that many in the last few months because he didn't want to do his job.
Try, you are an imbecile ...

Fuck you dickwad. Keep it civil or STFU.
A) l don't take orders from you; and b) you just ran away from your idiotic claim that there were only 4,000 American casualties. Hell, there were well over 5,000 Americans killed in Iraq, and that's not even counting all of the other casualties.
Yet none of them count as far as Obama is concerned.

Thousands are dying, but because MSNBC doesn't talk about it, to you it doesn't exist, never mind all of the deaths in Libya and Syria he's currently contributing to.
Who said they don't count?? I am pointing out there were far more casualties under Bush. Point being, rightards turn a blind eye to Bush's massive incompetence to talk about Obama's incompetence.
Saying Obama is incompetent isn't the same as saying Bush isn't
Yes, there is a difference ... when Bush and the GOP blamed intelligence for their failures, rightards ate it up and regurgitated it 24/7 as a feasible excuse. The difference this time around is that rightards are rejecting that excuse. The reason for this difference? The political party of the president.

with one significant difference. with WMDs it was every intelligence service in the world. with ISIS its only the US intel services. The rest of the world recognized ISIS as a threat.

But the facts are that US intel also recognized the threat but the obama admin ignored it or refused to believe it because of its political implications
How many times must this lie be debunked? Russia, France and Germany were among the countries to claim their own intelligence did not confirm Iraq had WMD.
Several reasons. They were making money off of the situation for one. In other words, they lied.
Too fucking stupid for words. A) if they lied, how is it they were the ones who were right? B) if they lied, how do you know they lied since you don't have access to their intelligence? C) how did Germany profit from it?

I saw all of the German made bunkers they made for Saddam.

The Russians were playing Saddam against us like they always do and the French are simply their butt-buddies.
Try 4000.

The only reason they matter is because it was Bush.
Obama has caused the deaths of at least that many in the last few months because he didn't want to do his job.
Try, you are an imbecile ...

Oh, you want to count wounded the same as dead. That must be like, saved or created jobs. You pad your stats with incomplete statistics. Many of those wounded are able to lead productive lives.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh: How was I supposed to know you don't know the definition of the word, "casualties?"
I know what it means, I just didn't assume you were talking about injuries as well. Injuries that can heal.
Suuure. If you knew what it meant, you would have known it's not limited to deaths.
Deaths matter the most. Injuries are a more fluid situation and subject to change. Only an idiot would count them along with the deaths.
So Obama is blaming his failed foreign policy on US intelligence failures. Always looking for someone else to blame. Another teaching moment for him as he teaches the younger generation there is no such thing as personal accountability



Obama: U.S. intelligence underestimated militants in Syria - CBS

(Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies underestimated Islamic State activity inside Syria, which has become "ground zero" for jihadists worldwide, President Barack Obama said in a CBS television interview broadcast on Sunday.

Conversely, the United States overestimated the ability of the Iraqi army to fight the militant groups, Obama said in a "60 Minutes" interview taped on Friday, days after the U.S. president made his case at the United Nations for action.

Citing earlier comments by James Clapper, director of national intelligence, Obama acknowledged that U.S. intelligence underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.

Islamic militants went underground when U.S. Marines quashed al Qaeda in Iraq with help from Iraq's tribes, he said.

"But over the past couple of years, during the chaos of the Syrian civil war, where essentially you have huge swaths of the country that are completely ungoverned, they were able to reconstitute themselves and take advantage of that chaos," Obama said

Obama U.S. intelligence underestimated militants in Syria - CBS Reuters
I miss the daze when righties blamed intelligence for the president's failures.

"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong." - George Bush, 2005
Wow, you sure showed us.

I think there's a difference between not finding enough WMDs to make you folks happy and not knowing that ISIS was a threat.
Yes, there is a difference ... when Bush and the GOP blamed intelligence for their failures, rightards ate it up and regurgitated it 24/7 as a feasible excuse. The difference this time around is that rightards are rejecting that excuse. The reason for this difference? The political party of the president.
Bush never blamed intelligence failures for the war. The war was his decision, approved by Congress in bipartisan votes.
I realize that distinguishing similar but different things is beyond your capability. That makes you equally incapable of debate. Perhaps killing yourself is a viable alternative?
While Bush accepted responsibility for his decision, the quote I provided clearly indicates Bush blamed faulty intelligence.
Yes, there is a difference ... when Bush and the GOP blamed intelligence for their failures, rightards ate it up and regurgitated it 24/7 as a feasible excuse. The difference this time around is that rightards are rejecting that excuse. The reason for this difference? The political party of the president.

with one significant difference. with WMDs it was every intelligence service in the world. with ISIS its only the US intel services. The rest of the world recognized ISIS as a threat.

But the facts are that US intel also recognized the threat but the obama admin ignored it or refused to believe it because of its political implications
How many times must this lie be debunked? Russia, France and Germany were among the countries to claim their own intelligence did not confirm Iraq had WMD.
Several reasons. They were making money off of the situation for one. In other words, they lied.
Too fucking stupid for words. A) if they lied, how is it they were the ones who were right? B) if they lied, how do you know they lied since you don't have access to their intelligence? C) how did Germany profit from it?

I saw all of the German made bunkers they made for Saddam.

The Russians were playing Saddam against us like they always do and the French are simply their butt-buddies.
Again, the salient point you evade ... while you ignorantly call them liars, their intelligence was right.
Try, you are an imbecile ...

Oh, you want to count wounded the same as dead. That must be like, saved or created jobs. You pad your stats with incomplete statistics. Many of those wounded are able to lead productive lives.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh: How was I supposed to know you don't know the definition of the word, "casualties?"
I know what it means, I just didn't assume you were talking about injuries as well. Injuries that can heal.
Suuure. If you knew what it meant, you would have known it's not limited to deaths.
Deaths matter the most. Injuries are a more fluid situation and subject to change. Only an idiot would count them along with the deaths.
It's a pity you didn't know what "casualties" meant. Blaming me for your ignorance is not as impressive as you delude yourself into believing.
Try 4000.

The only reason they matter is because it was Bush.
Obama has caused the deaths of at least that many in the last few months because he didn't want to do his job.
Try, you are an imbecile ...

Oh, you want to count wounded the same as dead. That must be like, saved or created jobs. You pad your stats with incomplete statistics. Many of those wounded are able to lead productive lives.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh: How was I supposed to know you don't know the definition of the word, "casualties?"
I know what it means, I just didn't assume you were talking about injuries as well. Injuries that can heal.
Suuure. If you knew what it meant, you would have known it's not limited to deaths.
That's an assumption. My understanding was we were talking deaths and you were using casualties counting them as deaths alone.
We don't seem to be focusing at all on all of the injuries and deaths that are happening. You seem to want to compartmentalize Obama's responsibilittes and forget them.
Oh, you want to count wounded the same as dead. That must be like, saved or created jobs. You pad your stats with incomplete statistics. Many of those wounded are able to lead productive lives.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh: How was I supposed to know you don't know the definition of the word, "casualties?"
I know what it means, I just didn't assume you were talking about injuries as well. Injuries that can heal.
Suuure. If you knew what it meant, you would have known it's not limited to deaths.
Deaths matter the most. Injuries are a more fluid situation and subject to change. Only an idiot would count them along with the deaths.
It's a pity you didn't know what "casualties" meant. Blaming me for your ignorance is not as impressive as you delude yourself into believing.
Once again, you can shove that horseshit right now I know what a casualty is. I didn't assume you did Get it?

No, of course not.
with one significant difference. with WMDs it was every intelligence service in the world. with ISIS its only the US intel services. The rest of the world recognized ISIS as a threat.

But the facts are that US intel also recognized the threat but the obama admin ignored it or refused to believe it because of its political implications
How many times must this lie be debunked? Russia, France and Germany were among the countries to claim their own intelligence did not confirm Iraq had WMD.
Several reasons. They were making money off of the situation for one. In other words, they lied.
Too fucking stupid for words. A) if they lied, how is it they were the ones who were right? B) if they lied, how do you know they lied since you don't have access to their intelligence? C) how did Germany profit from it?

I saw all of the German made bunkers they made for Saddam.

The Russians were playing Saddam against us like they always do and the French are simply their butt-buddies.
Again, the salient point you evade ... while you ignorantly call them liars, their intelligence was right.
Actually, no.

They simply made it right by making sure we couldn't find the bulk of them. We did find plenty of evidence they were there, of which you happily ignore.
Try, you are an imbecile ...

Oh, you want to count wounded the same as dead. That must be like, saved or created jobs. You pad your stats with incomplete statistics. Many of those wounded are able to lead productive lives.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh: How was I supposed to know you don't know the definition of the word, "casualties?"
I know what it means, I just didn't assume you were talking about injuries as well. Injuries that can heal.
Suuure. If you knew what it meant, you would have known it's not limited to deaths.
That's an assumption. My understanding was we were talking deaths and you were using casualties counting them as deaths alone.
We don't seem to be focusing at all on all of the injuries and deaths that are happening. You seem to want to compartmentalize Obama's responsibilittes and forget them.
You really can't fool anyone. I said there were about 40,000 casualties. Given I used the word, "casualties," and not, "deaths." And given there were about 5,000 deaths, not 40,000, the only way you could think I was talking about "deaths" is if you didn't know the meaning of the word, "casualties."
How many times must this lie be debunked? Russia, France and Germany were among the countries to claim their own intelligence did not confirm Iraq had WMD.
Several reasons. They were making money off of the situation for one. In other words, they lied.
Too fucking stupid for words. A) if they lied, how is it they were the ones who were right? B) if they lied, how do you know they lied since you don't have access to their intelligence? C) how did Germany profit from it?

I saw all of the German made bunkers they made for Saddam.

The Russians were playing Saddam against us like they always do and the French are simply their butt-buddies.
Again, the salient point you evade ... while you ignorantly call them liars, their intelligence was right.
Actually, no.

They simply made it right by making sure we couldn't find the bulk of them. We did find plenty of evidence they were there, of which you happily ignore.
Are you saying, Russia, Germany, and France made sure their intelligence was right by making sure we couldn't find the bulk of them?

And even Bush finally admitted Iraq did not have the WMD over which he invaded ...

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006
I miss the daze when righties blamed intelligence for the president's failures.

"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong." - George Bush, 2005
Wow, you sure showed us.

I think there's a difference between not finding enough WMDs to make you folks happy and not knowing that ISIS was a threat.
Yes, there is a difference ... when Bush and the GOP blamed intelligence for their failures, rightards ate it up and regurgitated it 24/7 as a feasible excuse. The difference this time around is that rightards are rejecting that excuse. The reason for this difference? The political party of the president.
Bush never blamed intelligence failures for the war. The war was his decision, approved by Congress in bipartisan votes.
I realize that distinguishing similar but different things is beyond your capability. That makes you equally incapable of debate. Perhaps killing yourself is a viable alternative?
While Bush accepted responsibility for his decision, the quote I provided clearly indicates Bush blamed faulty intelligence.
It doesnt show anything of the kind. No wonder your posts suck. You cannot read and draw reasonable inferences from sentences.
I miss the daze when righties blamed intelligence for the president's failures.

"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong." - George Bush, 2005
Wow, you sure showed us.

I think there's a difference between not finding enough WMDs to make you folks happy and not knowing that ISIS was a threat.
Yes, there is a difference ... when Bush and the GOP blamed intelligence for their failures, rightards ate it up and regurgitated it 24/7 as a feasible excuse. The difference this time around is that rightards are rejecting that excuse. The reason for this difference? The political party of the president.
Bush never blamed intelligence failures for the war. The war was his decision, approved by Congress in bipartisan votes.
I realize that distinguishing similar but different things is beyond your capability. That makes you equally incapable of debate. Perhaps killing yourself is a viable alternative?
While Bush accepted responsibility for his decision, the quote I provided clearly indicates Bush blamed faulty intelligence.

Only because it proved only slightly faulty, or he was trying to play nice with Russia. Obama is doing it for different reasons. The Intel was good. The conclusions they drew were wrong.
Several reasons. They were making money off of the situation for one. In other words, they lied.
Too fucking stupid for words. A) if they lied, how is it they were the ones who were right? B) if they lied, how do you know they lied since you don't have access to their intelligence? C) how did Germany profit from it?

I saw all of the German made bunkers they made for Saddam.

The Russians were playing Saddam against us like they always do and the French are simply their butt-buddies.
Again, the salient point you evade ... while you ignorantly call them liars, their intelligence was right.
Actually, no.

They simply made it right by making sure we couldn't find the bulk of them. We did find plenty of evidence they were there, of which you happily ignore.
Are you saying, Russia, Germany, and France made sure their intelligence was right by making sure we couldn't find the bulk of them?

And even Bush finally admitted Iraq did not have the WMD over which he invaded ...

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006
Bush knows more than he's telling.

He knew what they were up to, he just couldn't prove it.
Oh, you want to count wounded the same as dead. That must be like, saved or created jobs. You pad your stats with incomplete statistics. Many of those wounded are able to lead productive lives.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh: How was I supposed to know you don't know the definition of the word, "casualties?"
I know what it means, I just didn't assume you were talking about injuries as well. Injuries that can heal.
Suuure. If you knew what it meant, you would have known it's not limited to deaths.
That's an assumption. My understanding was we were talking deaths and you were using casualties counting them as deaths alone.
We don't seem to be focusing at all on all of the injuries and deaths that are happening. You seem to want to compartmentalize Obama's responsibilittes and forget them.
You really can't fool anyone. I said there were about 40,000 casualties. Given I used the word, "casualties," and not, "deaths." And given there were about 5,000 deaths, not 40,000, the only way you could think I was talking about "deaths" is if you didn't know the meaning of the word, "casualties."
I hate repeating myself, and you're acting like I didn't say that I thought you meant Deaths.
The Captain is responsible for everything that happens on his ship.

A bad captain will blame his crew for mistakes.

A good captain will take the blame upon himself.

Enough said.
So Obama is blaming his failed foreign policy on US intelligence failures. Always looking for someone else to blame. Another teaching moment for him as he teaches the younger generation there is no such thing as personal accountability



Obama: U.S. intelligence underestimated militants in Syria - CBS

(Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies underestimated Islamic State activity inside Syria, which has become "ground zero" for jihadists worldwide, President Barack Obama said in a CBS television interview broadcast on Sunday.

Conversely, the United States overestimated the ability of the Iraqi army to fight the militant groups, Obama said in a "60 Minutes" interview taped on Friday, days after the U.S. president made his case at the United Nations for action.

Citing earlier comments by James Clapper, director of national intelligence, Obama acknowledged that U.S. intelligence underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.

Islamic militants went underground when U.S. Marines quashed al Qaeda in Iraq with help from Iraq's tribes, he said.

"But over the past couple of years, during the chaos of the Syrian civil war, where essentially you have huge swaths of the country that are completely ungoverned, they were able to reconstitute themselves and take advantage of that chaos," Obama said

Obama U.S. intelligence underestimated militants in Syria - CBS Reuters

This has nothing to do with the fact that he failed to have his Daily Intelligence Briefings more than half of the time in his second administration, now does it?
Too fucking stupid for words. A) if they lied, how is it they were the ones who were right? B) if they lied, how do you know they lied since you don't have access to their intelligence? C) how did Germany profit from it?

I saw all of the German made bunkers they made for Saddam.

The Russians were playing Saddam against us like they always do and the French are simply their butt-buddies.
Again, the salient point you evade ... while you ignorantly call them liars, their intelligence was right.
Actually, no.

They simply made it right by making sure we couldn't find the bulk of them. We did find plenty of evidence they were there, of which you happily ignore.
Are you saying, Russia, Germany, and France made sure their intelligence was right by making sure we couldn't find the bulk of them?

And even Bush finally admitted Iraq did not have the WMD over which he invaded ...

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006
Bush knows more than he's telling.

He knew what they were up to, he just couldn't prove it.
Well all that was found were leftovers from the Gulf war, none of the WMD Bush was talking about leading up to the war. And we have Bush admitting there were none. But sure, ok, an idiot on the internet who doesn't know the difference between "casualties" and "deaths" knows better. :eusa_doh:
So Obama is blaming his failed foreign policy on US intelligence failures. Always looking for someone else to blame. Another teaching moment for him as he teaches the younger generation there is no such thing as personal accountability



Obama: U.S. intelligence underestimated militants in Syria - CBS

(Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies underestimated Islamic State activity inside Syria, which has become "ground zero" for jihadists worldwide, President Barack Obama said in a CBS television interview broadcast on Sunday.

Conversely, the United States overestimated the ability of the Iraqi army to fight the militant groups, Obama said in a "60 Minutes" interview taped on Friday, days after the U.S. president made his case at the United Nations for action.

Citing earlier comments by James Clapper, director of national intelligence, Obama acknowledged that U.S. intelligence underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.

Islamic militants went underground when U.S. Marines quashed al Qaeda in Iraq with help from Iraq's tribes, he said.

"But over the past couple of years, during the chaos of the Syrian civil war, where essentially you have huge swaths of the country that are completely ungoverned, they were able to reconstitute themselves and take advantage of that chaos," Obama said

Obama U.S. intelligence underestimated militants in Syria - CBS Reuters

This has nothing to do with the fact that he failed to have his Daily Intelligence Briefings more than half of the time in his second administration, now does it?
Except neither you nor the Conservative GAI can prove that claim. All they can demonstrate were the number of entries in the White House logs which indicated such a meeting. They omit all of the PDB's Obama read sans meetings.

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