CDZ Obama Can Gain With Republican Congress


VIP Member
Nov 6, 2008
After the 1994 mid-term elections the Republicans took control of both the House and Senate. Clinton was kind of floundering and even had to claim he was still relevant. His presidency was saved and he had high ratings when he left office. Why did this happen? He found that if he compromised with Republicans meaningful progress could be made.

Two big items that were passed and he got the credit was welfare reform and balancing the budget. Obama should learn from this lesson and find a way to work with Republicans if they control the House and Senate after tomorrow's elections. By doing so he could salvage his presidency and leave office having actully accomplished something that Americans can support.
We shall see what, if anything, Republicans try to push through. I'm guessing they try to repeal the ACA 30 plus more times and they try to lower the top tax rate again. Of course, if they do either of those two things, Obama will veto and then they will cry that he is not compromising with them. Republicans lost the art of compromise a long time ago. They think it means do what we want, rather than I'll give you this if you give me that.
We shall see what, if anything, Republicans try to push through. I'm guessing they try to repeal the ACA 30 plus more times and they try to lower the top tax rate again. Of course, if they do either of those two things, Obama will veto and then they will cry that he is not compromising with them. Republicans lost the art of compromise a long time ago. They think it means do what we want, rather than I'll give you this if you give me that.
What has the Obama offered the GOP in return for something He wants?

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