CDZ Block Voting is an Anathema to Democracy


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Any time human beings are involved in an honest discussion, there will be a divergence of opinion. One supposed benefit of democracy is that it coalesces these divergent opinions into expressions of public policy which benefit the greatest number of people. By definition, block voting by subgroups within a democracy subverts this "invisible hand" by suppressing honest discussion within that group and promoting personal benefit over public good. Thus, greater uniformity in voting patterns means less democracy at work.
Continually pretending we're a democracy when we're in fact a republic is worse. And it's not a semantic distinction.
Continually pretending we're a democracy when we're in fact a republic is worse. And it's not a semantic distinction.
And quite honestly, we're barely a functional republic.

Why we perpetuate the lie we're a democracy. Hard to bash democracies, easier to do so republics.
Fascist states tend to emphase "trigger" words like Freedom, Democracy, Great, Liberty, etc. It is propaganda.
Continually pretending we're a democracy when we're in fact a republic is worse. And it's not a semantic distinction.

In what way is it "worse?" Would you care to expound your fatuous comparison?
Continually pretending we're a democracy when we're in fact a republic is worse. And it's not a semantic distinction.

In what way is it "worse?" Would you care to expound your fatuous comparison?

Most accurately we're a constitutional democracy. Our biggest problem is that our overly democratic elections are now decided by 30 second TV commercials because Democrats encourage dumb people to vote.

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