Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

I will have an issue with this if it passes in Colorado:

For example, while an in-state student at the University of Colorado at Boulder would pay $9,152 for 30 hours of credit under the bill, an illegal immigrant would pay $11,012 for the same number of hours.
An out-of-state student would pay $30,330 per year in tuition.

Read more: Colorado tuition bill for illegal immigrants clears House committee but still faces death threat - The Denver Post Colorado tuition bill for illegal immigrants clears House committee but still faces death threat - The Denver Post
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That make no sense, should an Illegal not pay more than an out of state student?, after all out of the country is usually farther away than an out of state student.

But actually, how in heck can an Illegal even get into school, do not need documentation of some sort to get into College anymore? or do they take your word on who you are ....lol....
what is the inscription on the statue of liberty?

I got a better question for you. What's the history of the Statue of Liberty, and what were our immigration policies like when people were still shipped in through Ellis Island?

Read up on that and maybe you'll stop bringing up the Statue of Liberty like an uneducated moron.
So where is the fine, jail and/or deportation going on?? Not hard to find the illegals...

And all humans huh??? Even the unborn ones?? Good to hear

And nobody is saying that even the illegals don't have a right to be alive or whatever... what is being said is they do not have a right to be here, they do not have a right to suck off the government tit, and they do not have a right to get away with their crimes

Okay, your points are all built on some seriously high-piled bullshit.

For starters, immigration, legal or otherwise, has been stagnant for YEARS. There is not a big invading force, and there aren't waves of people surging over the border.
Secondly, the abortion jab is lame and irrelevant to this discussion. I would argue that it's better to care for that human life once it's you know, born, than it is to put all the emphasis on its rights when it is scientifically not much more than a microscopic symbiote. Maybe if you could prove to me that a zygote could live if we took it from its host uterus at less than 20 weeks I'd buy your religious dogma. Until then?

Lastly, there is no possible way to distinguish, from a statistical point of view, the legal from the illegal immigrants in terms of what kind of goods and services they use. So this nonsense of them sucking us dry is just that...nonsense.

Who do you think costs the taxpayers more: illegal immigrants or Exxon?

Totally uninformed assertion. Any resident of southeastern AZ will tell you otherwise. A simple observation of the area exposes your bullshit.

This isn't assertion, dummy. This is unbiased statistical information. That kind of shit matters to some of us.
While I agree that this tactic is wrong- perhaps even illegal- I empathize with the intended outcome. This is to say that I cannot hold these young people responsible for the actions of their parents.

I agree in concept. However, when the rubber hits the road, how can these factors be proven?

The memo said the government would not pursue immigrants who met five criteria. Individuals must:

•Have come to the United States under the age of 16,
•Be no older than 30,
•Be currently enrolled in school, have graduated high school or served in the military,
•Have been in the country for five continuous years, and
•Have a clean criminal record.
Okay, your points are all built on some seriously high-piled bullshit.

For starters, immigration, legal or otherwise, has been stagnant for YEARS. There is not a big invading force, and there aren't waves of people surging over the border.
Secondly, the abortion jab is lame and irrelevant to this discussion. I would argue that it's better to care for that human life once it's you know, born, than it is to put all the emphasis on its rights when it is scientifically not much more than a microscopic symbiote. Maybe if you could prove to me that a zygote could live if we took it from its host uterus at less than 20 weeks I'd buy your religious dogma. Until then?

Lastly, there is no possible way to distinguish, from a statistical point of view, the legal from the illegal immigrants in terms of what kind of goods and services they use. So this nonsense of them sucking us dry is just that...nonsense.

Who do you think costs the taxpayers more: illegal immigrants or Exxon?

Totally uninformed assertion. Any resident of southeastern AZ will tell you otherwise. A simple observation of the area exposes your bullshit.

This isn't assertion, dummy. This is unbiased statistical information. That kind of shit matters to some of us.

20 or so million illegals trumps your bullshit assertion
While I agree that this tactic is wrong- perhaps even illegal- I empathize with the intended outcome. This is to say that I cannot hold these young people responsible for the actions of their parents.

I agree in concept. However, when the rubber hits the road, how can these factors be proven?

The memo said the government would not pursue immigrants who met five criteria. Individuals must:

•Have come to the United States under the age of 16,
•Be no older than 30,
•Be currently enrolled in school, have graduated high school or served in the military,
•Have been in the country for five continuous years, and
•Have a clean criminal record.

Not only that, but it's too easy to see where this is headed. Start with the kids, then claim that it's just too cruel to separate them from their parents, so of course we have to let the parents stay. Full on amnesty.
Totally uninformed assertion. Any resident of southeastern AZ will tell you otherwise. A simple observation of the area exposes your bullshit.

This isn't assertion, dummy. This is unbiased statistical information. That kind of shit matters to some of us.

20 or so million illegals trumps your bullshit assertion

Sorry, I'd take one Law abiding citizen's word, over 20 Million or so criminals.
While I agree that this tactic is wrong- perhaps even illegal- I empathize with the intended outcome. This is to say that I cannot hold these young people responsible for the actions of their parents.

I agree in concept. However, when the rubber hits the road, how can these factors be proven?

The memo said the government would not pursue immigrants who met five criteria. Individuals must:

•Have come to the United States under the age of 16,
•Be no older than 30,
•Be currently enrolled in school, have graduated high school or served in the military,
•Have been in the country for five continuous years, and
•Have a clean criminal record.

Not only that, but it's too easy to see where this is headed. Start with the kids, then claim that it's just too cruel to separate them from their parents, so of course we have to let the parents stay. Full on amnesty.

However, COULD this be used as enforcement? If you find the kids, you will eventually find their parents, right? Can we use this as a way of deporting their parents, or at the very least collect the taxes they owe?
Okay, your points are all built on some seriously high-piled bullshit.

For starters, immigration, legal or otherwise, has been stagnant for YEARS. There is not a big invading force, and there aren't waves of people surging over the border.
Secondly, the abortion jab is lame and irrelevant to this discussion. I would argue that it's better to care for that human life once it's you know, born, than it is to put all the emphasis on its rights when it is scientifically not much more than a microscopic symbiote. Maybe if you could prove to me that a zygote could live if we took it from its host uterus at less than 20 weeks I'd buy your religious dogma. Until then?

Lastly, there is no possible way to distinguish, from a statistical point of view, the legal from the illegal immigrants in terms of what kind of goods and services they use. So this nonsense of them sucking us dry is just that...nonsense.

Who do you think costs the taxpayers more: illegal immigrants or Exxon?

Totally uninformed assertion. Any resident of southeastern AZ will tell you otherwise. A simple observation of the area exposes your bullshit.

This isn't assertion, dummy. This is unbiased statistical information. That kind of shit matters to some of us.

On any given day dozens upon dozens of illegals pass through a single small corridor in SE AZ. One small geographical region. But keep up your belief that relatively few illegals come to this country.

Of course, there are lots of illegal aliens leaving the country, which explains a somewhat flat total population. You rely on statistics without understanding them. Why? Because you could care less about intellectual honesty. And on top of that, you are a complete fucking moron.
I love it when Obama jerks the tea party's chain and they start frothing at the mouth.

The INS needs to concentrate on securing the boarders and deporting those that are actually doing harm. We should not deport people that were brought to this country by their parents and are now productive members of society or are attempting to be. These people should be documented as all legal residents are, taxed, and monitored by the INS, and given a chance to make something of themselves in the country they call home.
I love it when Obama jerks the tea party's chain and they start frothing at the mouth.

The INS needs to concentrate on securing the boarders and deporting those that are actually doing harm. We should not deport people that were brought to this country by their parents and are now productive members of society or are attempting to be. These people should be documented as all legal residents are, taxed, and monitored by the INS, and given a chance to make something of themselves in the country they call home.

Really? And so what do you say to all of those people from other countries who are still waiting in line to get in LEGALLY?

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