Obama approves of same sex marriage

I don't think Obama can allow an election in November.

He's anti-Israel, pro-Vlad Putin, anti-Capitalism and pro-gay marriage.

He loses all but NY and CA, maybe, that means Romney wins 55 states

Why are you even worried about it?

My prediction: Obama does not seek a second term

A political calculation without question.

It doesn't matter how much whining the right does, there is no way they can stop this from becoming the law of the land.

Why? Because gays and supporters are gaining enough political power to demand it. It's that simple.

In America, rights are determined by what you can demand .. not by what is right, just, fair, humane, or what Jesus would do.

It's just that simple.
No, they are not. I demand that I be allowed to kill college professors who hand out less than A grades. If I get a big enough political following, do you think it is right that we should be allowed to kill someone, simply because we now have political power?

Do you even know what rights are?

No one has a right to be married, and the Presidents statements on this is another clear example of why he is unfit to be President of the United States.

If he is for gay marriage, great. But if he is for gay marriage because he was pressured into it, how can anyone expect him to stand his ground with the other nations of this world? To be President, you have to believe your views of the world are right and correct and not allow people to push you off your beliefs.


Who would be stupid enough to try to get college proffesors killed because they hand out bad grades?

There is an element of intellectualism that is assumed in my statement .. but if you need a graphic depiction instead .. Civil Rights only came when African-Americans were in a position to demand them. Any questions?

Women's rights only came when women were in a position to demand them.

Worker's rights, the right's of the disabled, gay rights .. any right achieved in this country came through demand.

If you take a look at the wall, you'll find handwriting there. :0)

There is no question, no doubt that gays will be able to marry in this country and it won't matter what people who don't like it think about it.

The handwriting is on the wall. :0)
I have nothing but respect for the man. Talk about being true to your convictions. He made this announcement in an election year, six months before we vote. Knowing what it could cost him. NOTHING but admiration and respect, Mr. President. Thank you.

In political terms this is called pandering to your base.
Fucking idiot - Blacks do not favor same-sex marriage. Are they not a huge part of his base?

Obama would have to show up to his next public apperance dressed in the KKK Grand Wizard robe to lose even 50% of the black vote.
What's your point?
I don't think Obama can allow an election in November.

He's anti-Israel, pro-Vlad Putin, anti-Capitalism and pro-gay marriage.

He loses all but NY and CA, maybe, that means Romney wins 55 states

Why are you even worried about it?

My prediction: Obama does not seek a second term


Wow! I still have time left to get that one right

Have you considered joining the CrusaderFrank Fan Club?
I agree that gay couples should be married and churches should be free to decide if they wish to or not wish to perform the ceremony.

The government should not be sanctioning any kind of marriage, but instead providing contracts between the two parties and enforcing those contracts, be they marriage, civil union, time share or revolving door.

Let the churches sanction whatever they think is right.
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Fucking idiot - Blacks do not favor same-sex marriage. Are they not a huge part of his base?

They are a most essential part of his base. Without ENERGIZED black support, he loses.

.. and yes, we are seriously homophobic. Stupid as a doorknob on this issue.
Which means, again, that this was a courageous move.

No it doesn't.

He knows that he has the black vote in his pocket no matter what he does.

I doubt if he spent more than 5 minutes factoring that into his calulation. He knows that he'll even get black churches .. a hot bed of homophobic thought.
In political terms this is called pandering to your base.
Fucking idiot - Blacks do not favor same-sex marriage. Are they not a huge part of his base?

They are a most essential part of his base. Without ENERGIZED black support, he loses.

.. and yes, we are seriously homophobic. Stupid as a doorknob on this issue.

I used to do blue collar work and often worked with blacks and hispanics and I NEVER met one that was pro-gay on any issue whatsoever.

So this election, Obama has put them in the position of either voting for their race or voting their conscience. It will cost OBama a lot more hispanic votes than black votes but I wouldnt be surprised if about 30% of blacks dont vote at all and about 15% vote for Romney.
In political terms this is called pandering to your base.
Fucking idiot - Blacks do not favor same-sex marriage. Are they not a huge part of his base?

That being said, I do not believe this is a big enough issue among the black community to get them to change their vote. Those who do not favor same sex marriage may grumble, but this is not enough to shake them from the hold the DNC has had on them for so long. It will take a hell of a lot more than this to shake them from the erroneous belief that Democrats care about the people and Republicans only care about rich people.

The fact remains that Obama will do what is correct even if it pisses off his base. Bishop Romney won't even stand up to an audience wingnut who says that Obama should be tried for treason. Because he's a coward, who needs every single vote he can get.
They are a most essential part of his base. Without ENERGIZED black support, he loses.

.. and yes, we are seriously homophobic. Stupid as a doorknob on this issue.
Which means, again, that this was a courageous move.

No it doesn't.

He knows that he has the black vote in his pocket no matter what he does.

I doubt if he spent more than 5 minutes factoring that into his calulation. He knows that he'll even get black churches .. a hot bed of homophobic thought.

Clearly, his 'convictions' are politically calculated.

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