Obama approves of same sex marriage

The hell you say?....Little Lord Obammyroy throwing a bone to a favored political pressure group in an election year??

I am shocked, shocked, I tell you!


You honestly, with all the rigid fundies posting right here at this very board, can't see what it is likely to cost him?
The hell you say?....Little Lord Obammyroy throwing a bone to a favored political pressure group in an election year??

I am shocked, shocked, I tell you!


the opposite bone he threw last election? How come, I'd ask you - honest answer pls.
I have nothing but respect for the man. Talk about being true to your convictions. He made this announcement in an election year, six months before we vote. Knowing what it could cost him. NOTHING but admiration and respect, Mr. President. Thank you.
What convictions?

He was against gay marriage only three years ago.
I’ve stated my opposition to this. I think [Prop 8 is] unnecessary. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.

Full story here: Obama: Prop 8 “Unnecessary,” But Doesn’t Believe In Gay Marriage / Queerty
Someone should tell Obama that Robin is indeed a woman...he doesn't have to say stupid things to impress he/she.

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The hell you say?....Little Lord Obammyroy throwing a bone to a favored political pressure group in an election year??

I am shocked, shocked, I tell you!


You honestly, with all the rigid fundies posting right here at this very board, can't see what it is likely to cost him?
I'm not a fundie, you fool...I'm against the state being involved in marriage in any case.

Your Boiking has done a 180° from three years ago, and you can't even pick your shamelessly biased tongue up off the ground long enough to be appalled at the blatant pander job being put over on your gullible ass.

Too late. Obama has already made his deal with Big Pharma .. your next weed guy. He's eliminating their competition.


How Big Pharma Profits From Obama's Reefer Madness

Defending the Feds' crack-down on legal medical marijuana dealers, the DEA has pronounced that pot is an "ineffective" treatment for pain. But over at the FDA, a prescription painkiller made from cannabis is sailing toward approval.

It's hard to deny claims by critics that the president has largely given the shaft to advocates of medical marijuana. Hitting the re-election trail this week, Obama had to duck a question about his record on pot-for-pain at a Minnesota town hall meeting, leaving unresolved—after more than two and a half years—his campaign promise to respect the right of patients to make decisions about their own care. Instead his administration has pursued a confused two-pronged policy: allowing Big Pharma unimpeded license to pursue the profitable medical marijuana market, while threatening thousands of patients using state-licensed cannabis with federal intervention and even arrest.

Critics liken Obama's cannabis conundrum to the way he dealt with the financial crisis—bailing out Wall Street while leaving millions of homes on Main Street to fall into foreclosure. If this sounds like too harsh a condemnation of a president that rabid Republicans have done nothing but hate on, try making sense of recent developments in federal medical-marijuana policy.

Back in March, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) exercised its emergency authority to outlaw the use of five “fake” marijuana products like Spice and K2. “These products consist of plant materials that have been coated with research chemicals that claim to mimic THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, and are sold at a variety of retail outlets, in head shops and over the Internet,” the DEA said in a prepared statement.

Then in July, DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart rejected a longstanding request to downgrade pot's Schedule I drug status, insisting that marijuana should remain in the same category as heroin because of its high abuse potential—while arguing, despite an overwhelming scientific consensus to the contrary, that marijuana "has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States," and "lacks an acceptable level of safety for use even under medical supervision." Yet even the National Cancer Institute begs to differ. The organization lists medical marijuana in its list of possible treatments for cancer-related pain and nausea.

But in between these two high-profile DEA actions, Britain’s giant GW Pharmaceuticals received U.S. patent approval for the use of Sativex, its nasal spray for treatment of advanced cancer pain composed of—yes, that’s right—a combination of the two primary chemicals found in cannabis. Since then, Sativex has made it all the way to Phase III clinical testing in a bid for FDA approval. At the moment, the company’s chances of producing a cannabis based pill are looking very good.

more at link
How Big Pharma Profits From Obama's Reefer Madness | The Fix

Obama is a corporatist.

What else would you expect?
The hell you say?....Little Lord Obammyroy throwing a bone to a favored political pressure group in an election year??

I am shocked, shocked, I tell you!


the opposite bone he threw last election? How come, I'd ask you - honest answer pls.
Because...uhhh.... he doesn't...uhhh.... believe a word....uhhh... that comes out of....uhhhh... his own mouth.
Now all we have to do is see if his actions back his words.

And as we've seen with Obama, you never know if that's the case.
[I'm not a fundie, you fool...I'm against the state being involved in marriage in any case.

Your Boiking has done a 180° from three years ago, and you can't even pick your shamelessly biased tongue up off the ground long enough to be appalled at the blatant pander job being put over on your gullible ass.

Fine, I'll use the quote function.

I SAID with all the fundies. You not being one has jack shit to do with the conversation. He is the first and only American President to come out in support of same-sex marriage so no matter how you try to make it look bad? It's still a Very Big Deal.
I have nothing but respect for the man. Talk about being true to your convictions. He made this announcement in an election year, six months before we vote. Knowing what it could cost him. NOTHING but admiration and respect, Mr. President. Thank you.

In political terms this is called pandering to your base.
The hell you say?....Little Lord Obammyroy throwing a bone to a favored political pressure group in an election year??

I am shocked, shocked, I tell you!


the opposite bone he threw last election? How come, I'd ask you - honest answer pls.
Because...uhhh.... he doesn't...uhhh.... believe a word....uhhh... that comes out of....uhhhh... his own mouth.

Okay. But if you're claiming it's dishonest because it was a cave to pressure - then why did he have the exact opposite stance the last election if it was simply for votes? That is contrary to logic. I asked for an honest answer, all I heard was "derp derp derp."
Nothing is as it seems in the Hussein regime. He did before he didn't but maybe he did after all. He wouldn't have though if Biden didn't open his big mouth.
[I'm not a fundie, you fool...I'm against the state being involved in marriage in any case.

Your Boiking has done a 180° from three years ago, and you can't even pick your shamelessly biased tongue up off the ground long enough to be appalled at the blatant pander job being put over on your gullible ass.

Fine, I'll use the quote function.

I SAID with all the fundies. You not being one has jack shit to do with the conversation. He is the first and only American President to come out in support of same-sex marriage so no matter how you try to make it look bad? It's still a Very Big Deal.
Yeah...Only three years after he threw the same political pressure group under the bus.

I gotta bridge I wanna sell you....Cheap.
Now all we have to do is see if his actions back his words.

And as we've seen with Obama, you never know if that's the case.

I couldn't care less if he has outright hated Gays in the past:

He is the first standing US President to endorse Gay marriage.

This is progress, any movement in a positive direction is progression.
the opposite bone he threw last election? How come, I'd ask you - honest answer pls.
Because...uhhh.... he doesn't...uhhh.... believe a word....uhhh... that comes out of....uhhhh... his own mouth.

Okay. But if you're claiming it's dishonest because it was a cave to pressure - then why did he have the exact opposite stance the last election if it was simply for votes? That is contrary to logic. I asked for an honest answer, all I heard was "derp derp derp."
Because he's fucking dishonest little punk....It's no more complicated than that.
The hell you say?....Little Lord Obammyroy throwing a bone to a favored political pressure group in an election year??

I am shocked, shocked, I tell you!


You honestly, with all the rigid fundies posting right here at this very board, can't see what it is likely to cost him?
I'm not a fundie, you fool...I'm against the state being involved in marriage in any case.
On this I agree with you.

Your Boiking has done a 180° from three years ago, and you can't even pick your shamelessly biased tongue up off the ground long enough to be appalled at the blatant pander job being put over on your gullible ass.
This I don't really understand.

Why should anyone who supports Gay Marriage be upset that Obama has finally come around?
He was a bigot when he said "marriage is between a man and a woman." there's no way around that.

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