Obama and the u.s. Chamber of commerce


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
February 08, 2011

If Obama really cared about the business community making an effort to hire "American workers" he would do more in enforcing our illegal immigration laws. So businesses could not hire them in the first place. But, he is not! That’s because when it comes to illegal immigration enforcement for both Obama and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce both benefit from continuing failures of illegal immigration enforcement.


Beer Can Politics A blog from the center trying to save the middle class from being totally screwed by the elites from both parties.
How is the U.S. Chanber of Commerce funded?

More than 90 years later, the Chamber claims a direct membership of 300,000 businesses, and 3 million through its various affiliates such as state and local chambers.[5] Some of the Chamber’s members and donors are Goldman Sachs, Chevron, Texaco, and Aegon.[6]

The US Chamber is different from local and state chambers of commerce located in many cities, towns and states nationwide. The US Chamber focuses on national issues on the federal government level. Local and state chambers of commerce are independently started and operated organizations. Local chambers focus on local issues, and state chambers on state issues.[7]

United States Chamber of Commerce building at 1615 H Street, NW in Washington, D.C. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.The Washington, DC headquarters of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce occupies land that was formerly the home of Daniel Webster.[8]

United States Chamber of Commerce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why does Chamber of Commerce support immigration?

Chamber Of Commerce Supports Immigration Reform
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfWDtDe7xOM]Chamber Of Commerce Supports Immigration Reform - YouTube[/ame]

Chamber of Commerce Says It Supports Path 'To Legitimacy' for 12 Million Illegal Aliens
Chamber of Commerce Says It Supports Path 'To Legitimacy' for 12 Million Illegal Aliens | CNSnews.com

We are no longer into nation building but nation survival. Lady liberty has served her purpose and now time for here to retire. When we were building this nation, we had plenty of natural resources but now because of our raping the land we no longer have a supply of natural resources to met the needs of a population explosion by umlimited immigration.
We are running out of water, oil and land that is capable of gowing our supply of food. We are in big shit and don't know it or don't want to know it.
Much or our natural and man made resources are being depleted and rationed.

Natural Resources Being Depleted At Record Rates
United States Leads World in Over-Consumption: Vital Signs Report

Natural Resources Being Depleted At Record Rates - The Daily Green
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