Obama and Fox: A 'Presidency' or a 'Dictatorship'?

""How many of the other media outlets on the planet have the audience that Fox has, and are rated as trustworthy as Fox?

How many?""

Not many in the US!!!!!!
How many gullible brainwashed rednecks are there in the US?????
Maybe there's a correlation????
Good business plan Fox has - target the dumb gullible masses, brainwash them more, increase the target audience, repeat every day....!!!!
when did I say he had killed anyone? What I said is that the kind of government you are asking for can be found in north korea.

NYLiar often defaults to that pretend/obfuscation.

The idiot compared NKorea's dictator to Obama because the NK dictator kills people who disagree with him.

I asked whom Obama has killed.
Redfish is about emotion not reasoned discussion. His far right drone bot responses are monotonous. Obama is not a dictatorship, and Fox News is a propaganda mill as is MSNBC.

All media outlets engage in propaganda. Fox is guilty of it as well, but on a lesser degree. The attempted destruction of Trump in the debate was certainly not right wing bias.

Issuing EOs in order to bypass congress is an act of a would-be dictator. Ignoring and refusing to enforce laws are acts of a would-be dictator.

I did not say that obama IS a dictator, I said that he would like to be one and is trying to act like one and you fools are supporting him.
He would like to be one? Hilarious! Backup your assertion.

his actions back it up. its obvious to anyone who has an open mind.
when did I say he had killed anyone? What I said is that the kind of government you are asking for can be found in north korea.

NYLiar often defaults to that pretend/obfuscation.

The idiot compared NKorea's dictator to Obama because the NK dictator kills people who disagree with him.

I asked whom Obama has killed.
Redfish is about emotion not reasoned discussion. His far right drone bot responses are monotonous. Obama is not a dictatorship, and Fox News is a propaganda mill as is MSNBC.

All media outlets engage in propaganda. Fox is guilty of it as well, but on a lesser degree. The attempted destruction of Trump in the debate was certainly not right wing bias.

Issuing EOs in order to bypass congress is an act of a would-be dictator. Ignoring and refusing to enforce laws are acts of a would-be dictator.

I did not say that obama IS a dictator, I said that he would like to be one and is trying to act like one and you fools are supporting him.

Is Obama the first president to issue an executive order, or are you willing to state for the record that you also believe Ronald Reagan was a would-be dictator?

they all use them. its the scope and topic that make obama's constitutionally illegal.
Redfish, your 'feeling' is not fact.Give us fact not your opinion.
has obama enforced our immigration laws? yes or no.
It is not only your place to ask but to be instructed. Tell us how many immigrants have been returned to Mexico. Tell us how many have been returned at the border. Compare that to Bush and Clinton's presidencies. Note that law suits were properly filed when other authorized government institutions felt that the EOs were too broad. So show us where is the dictatorship? In fact, the president is operating within the law.
Redfish, your 'feeling' is not fact.Give us fact not your opinion.
has obama enforced our immigration laws? yes or no.
It is not only your place to ask but to be instructed. Tell us how many immigrants have been returned to Mexico. Tell us how many have been returned at the border. Compare that to Bush and Clinton's presidencies. Note that law suits were properly filed when other authorized government institutions felt that the EOs were too broad. So show us where is the dictatorship? In fact, the president is operating within the law.

so, ordering the border patrol to not enforce the border is following the law? Ordering them to be no closer than 500 yards is enforcing immigration laws? Telling the american public that he has a phone and a pen and will do what he wants in spite of congress is abiding by the constitution?

your hero is a fraud and a failure. Its really a shame because as the first black president he could have done great things for race relations, the economy, foreign relations. But no, his far left wing ideology took precedent and he will go down as a terrible president who made everything worse.
Redfish, your 'feeling' is not fact.Give us fact not your opinion.
has obama enforced our immigration laws? yes or no.
It is not only your place to ask but to be instructed. Tell us how many immigrants have been returned to Mexico. Tell us how many have been returned at the border. Compare that to Bush and Clinton's presidencies. Note that law suits were properly filed when other authorized government institutions felt that the EOs were too broad. So show us where is the dictatorship? In fact, the president is operating within the law.
so, ordering the border patrol to not enforce the border is following the law? Ordering them to be no closer than 500 yards is enforcing immigration laws? Telling the american public that he has a phone and a pen and will do what he wants in spite of congress is abiding by the constitution?

your hero is a fraud and a failure. Its really a shame because as the first black president he could have done great things for race relations, the economy, foreign relations. But no, his far left wing ideology took precedent and he will go down as a terrible president who made everything worse.
You are making statements without any proof. Yes, the president has every right to instruct his administrators to operate in a prudent and safe manner. Telling the people he thinks the Congress is wrong and is willing to do what the believes is the best legal way to resolve the problem is fine (Congress won't pass a reform law). BHO has done far better than you are willing to admit, but there you go, letting your 'feelings' get in the way.
""How many of the other media outlets on the planet have the audience that Fox has, and are rated as trustworthy as Fox?

How many?""

Not many in the US!!!!!!
How many gullible brainwashed rednecks are there in the US?????
Maybe there's a correlation????
Good business plan Fox has - target the dumb gullible masses, brainwash them more, increase the target audience, repeat every day....!!!!

Let's see how easy it is to reveal you to be a brain-dead 'reliable Democrat voter."

30% of Fox's viewers are Democrats.

“At the time, there was a big unofficial boycott of Democrats going on Fox, and I never understood it,” Trippi explains, “because my reading of the numbers is that more Democrats and independents watch Fox than CNN and MSNBC. ... No, no, wait. Pew just did a study that showed that thirty percent of Fox’s audience are Democrats.”
How Joe Trippi Found Happiness At Fox News | The New Republic

Smashed that custard pie right in your kisser, huh?
""How many of the other media outlets on the planet have the audience that Fox has, and are rated as trustworthy as Fox?

How many?""

Not many in the US!!!!!!
How many gullible brainwashed rednecks are there in the US?????
Maybe there's a correlation????
Good business plan Fox has - target the dumb gullible masses, brainwash them more, increase the target audience, repeat every day....!!!!

Let's see how easy it is to reveal you to be a brain-dead 'reliable Democrat voter."

30% of Fox's viewers are Democrats.

“At the time, there was a big unofficial boycott of Democrats going on Fox, and I never understood it,” Trippi explains, “because my reading of the numbers is that more Democrats and independents watch Fox than CNN and MSNBC. ... No, no, wait. Pew just did a study that showed that thirty percent of Fox’s audience are Democrats.”
How Joe Trippi Found Happiness At Fox News | The New Republic

Smashed that custard pie right in your kisser, huh?
I don't see the relevance, and I'd like to see the sample size, twat.
And....as you probably don't even know who Joe Trippi is....

"...Trippi masterminded Howard Dean’s liberal fever dream of a campaign; two years ago, he maneuvered Jerry Brown’s old bones back into office in California. He has always been among the most passionate of Democratic strategists, the truest of true believers—"
Nope, I am mainstream, a little center right. You are a far left loon who is part of a very small minority of idiots who have no idea what this country is all about, you have no idea what freedom means, no idea what the constitution says. you are a brainwashed indoctrinated idiot. You worship obama, the worst president in our history.
You are certainly not center right but a far right reactionary instead. You substitute personal attacks for reasoned discussion. You believe that Cruz, Perry, etc., are mainstream. BHO is not a dictator.

I never said that obozo IS a dictator. I said that he would like to be one and you would like for him to be one. why is it that all of you libs have reading comprehension issues?
Good, you admitted that he is not a dictator. Can you now give one solid piece of evidence that he wants to be a dictator?
I'd also like to see this.

Issuing EOs in order to bypass congress is an act of a would-be dictator. Ignoring and refusing to enforce laws are acts of a would-be dictator

Here is the addy for the Executive Order Disposition Table so you don't have an excuse of not being able to locate it.
Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index

Now from the disposition Table, find and provide the reference numbers of those EO's that Obama issued, "...in order to bypass congress is an act of a would-be dictator..." as you claim! Put up or shut the fuck up!

I can tell you now that none exist. Your typical Pavlovian response to screaming out about non-Constitutional Executive Orders, comes directly from Faux News and other neoconservative sources constantly referring to Executive Actions as Executive Orders to make those Executive Actions appear more authoritarian to the extent of ORDERS! In other words, PROPAGANDA.
""How many of the other media outlets on the planet have the audience that Fox has, and are rated as trustworthy as Fox?

How many?""

Not many in the US!!!!!!
How many gullible brainwashed rednecks are there in the US?????
Maybe there's a correlation????
Good business plan Fox has - target the dumb gullible masses, brainwash them more, increase the target audience, repeat every day....!!!!

Let's see how easy it is to reveal you to be a brain-dead 'reliable Democrat voter."

30% of Fox's viewers are Democrats.

“At the time, there was a big unofficial boycott of Democrats going on Fox, and I never understood it,” Trippi explains, “because my reading of the numbers is that more Democrats and independents watch Fox than CNN and MSNBC. ... No, no, wait. Pew just did a study that showed that thirty percent of Fox’s audience are Democrats.”
How Joe Trippi Found Happiness At Fox News | The New Republic

Smashed that custard pie right in your kisser, huh?
I don't see the relevance, and I'd like to see the sample size, twat.

Watch your language...you're not speaking to your family here.
Sorry, I can't handle your bullshit.
""How many of the other media outlets on the planet have the audience that Fox has, and are rated as trustworthy as Fox?

How many?""

Not many in the US!!!!!!
How many gullible brainwashed rednecks are there in the US?????
Maybe there's a correlation????
Good business plan Fox has - target the dumb gullible masses, brainwash them more, increase the target audience, repeat every day....!!!!

Let's see how easy it is to reveal you to be a brain-dead 'reliable Democrat voter."

30% of Fox's viewers are Democrats.

“At the time, there was a big unofficial boycott of Democrats going on Fox, and I never understood it,” Trippi explains, “because my reading of the numbers is that more Democrats and independents watch Fox than CNN and MSNBC. ... No, no, wait. Pew just did a study that showed that thirty percent of Fox’s audience are Democrats.”
How Joe Trippi Found Happiness At Fox News | The New Republic

Smashed that custard pie right in your kisser, huh?
I don't see the relevance, and I'd like to see the sample size, twat.

Watch your language...you're not speaking to your family here.
Sorry, I can't handle your bullshit.

There is a simple explanation, so simple that even one such as you, with your limited ....ability....may understand your propensity:

Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, that they have no adequate response to truth that destroys their worldview, their most closely held beliefs, their language falls to the vulgar.

It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That would be you.
A simple explanation? Please, don't copy and paste from Ann cunters new book. Limited ability? I don't copy and paste random quotes out of context to argue a ridiculous assumption. I have not been skewered, I'm simply tired of dealing with your ridiculous posts and supposed facts. I might as well start pulling quotes about the earth being flat and claiming you're a moron when you call me an idiot. I use vulgar language because it's the nature of this message board.
Let's see how easy it is to reveal you to be a brain-dead 'reliable Democrat voter."

30% of Fox's viewers are Democrats.

“At the time, there was a big unofficial boycott of Democrats going on Fox, and I never understood it,” Trippi explains, “because my reading of the numbers is that more Democrats and independents watch Fox than CNN and MSNBC. ... No, no, wait. Pew just did a study that showed that thirty percent of Fox’s audience are Democrats.”
How Joe Trippi Found Happiness At Fox News | The New Republic

Smashed that custard pie right in your kisser, huh?
I don't see the relevance, and I'd like to see the sample size, twat.

Watch your language...you're not speaking to your family here.
Sorry, I can't handle your bullshit.
Let's see how easy it is to reveal you to be a brain-dead 'reliable Democrat voter."

30% of Fox's viewers are Democrats.

“At the time, there was a big unofficial boycott of Democrats going on Fox, and I never understood it,” Trippi explains, “because my reading of the numbers is that more Democrats and independents watch Fox than CNN and MSNBC. ... No, no, wait. Pew just did a study that showed that thirty percent of Fox’s audience are Democrats.”
How Joe Trippi Found Happiness At Fox News | The New Republic

Smashed that custard pie right in your kisser, huh?
I don't see the relevance, and I'd like to see the sample size, twat.

Watch your language...you're not speaking to your family here.
Sorry, I can't handle your bullshit.

There is a simple explanation, so simple that even one such as you, with your limited ....ability....may understand your propensity:

Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, that they have no adequate response to truth that destroys their worldview, their most closely held beliefs, their language falls to the vulgar.

It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That would be you.
A simple explanation? Please, don't copy and paste from Ann cunters new book. Limited ability? I don't copy and paste random quotes out of context to argue a ridiculous assumption. I have not been skewered, I'm simply tired of dealing with your ridiculous posts and supposed facts. I might as well start pulling quotes about the earth being flat and claiming you're a moron when you call me an idiot. I use vulgar language because it's the nature of this message board.

" I'm simply tired of dealing with your ridiculous posts and supposed facts."

What a stupid attempt to excuse your ignorance.

Everything I past is linked, sourced and quoted....and all is true and accurate.

That's your...and every other Liberal's....gripe.

You have no defense against the truth.
I don't see the relevance, and I'd like to see the sample size, twat.

Watch your language...you're not speaking to your family here.
Sorry, I can't handle your bullshit.
I don't see the relevance, and I'd like to see the sample size, twat.

Watch your language...you're not speaking to your family here.
Sorry, I can't handle your bullshit.

There is a simple explanation, so simple that even one such as you, with your limited ....ability....may understand your propensity:

Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, that they have no adequate response to truth that destroys their worldview, their most closely held beliefs, their language falls to the vulgar.

It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That would be you.
A simple explanation? Please, don't copy and paste from Ann cunters new book. Limited ability? I don't copy and paste random quotes out of context to argue a ridiculous assumption. I have not been skewered, I'm simply tired of dealing with your ridiculous posts and supposed facts. I might as well start pulling quotes about the earth being flat and claiming you're a moron when you call me an idiot. I use vulgar language because it's the nature of this message board.

" I'm simply tired of dealing with your ridiculous posts and supposed facts."

What a stupid attempt to excuse your ignorance.

Everything I past is linked, sourced and quoted....and all is true and accurate.

That's your...and every other Liberal's....gripe.

You have no defense against the truth.
If I quoted a book with "proof" that conservatives ate babies based on a poll of 50 people, you'd call it ridiculous. That is how your "evidence" is presented. LOL.
Watch your language...you're not speaking to your family here.
Sorry, I can't handle your bullshit.
Watch your language...you're not speaking to your family here.
Sorry, I can't handle your bullshit.

There is a simple explanation, so simple that even one such as you, with your limited ....ability....may understand your propensity:

Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, that they have no adequate response to truth that destroys their worldview, their most closely held beliefs, their language falls to the vulgar.

It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That would be you.
A simple explanation? Please, don't copy and paste from Ann cunters new book. Limited ability? I don't copy and paste random quotes out of context to argue a ridiculous assumption. I have not been skewered, I'm simply tired of dealing with your ridiculous posts and supposed facts. I might as well start pulling quotes about the earth being flat and claiming you're a moron when you call me an idiot. I use vulgar language because it's the nature of this message board.

" I don't copy and paste random quotes out of context..."

Nor do I.
Yes, you do. This has been shown throughout all of your threads by multiple posters. You're claiming moderates are communists, for fucks sake.
Obama is demanding nothing less than 100% submission of every news outlet.

LOL. Biggest lie of the OP.

He was merely pointing out that the GOP attack dog is rabid.

Not even close to demanding anything.
Obama is demanding nothing less than 100% submission of every news outlet.

LOL. Biggest lie of the OP.

He was merely pointing out that the GOP attack dog is rabid.

Not even close to demanding anything.

Gee...you sound just like another Obama lap-dog, willing to follow 'dear leader' sans evidence or proof.

Could be?
And....as you probably don't even know who Joe Trippi is....

"...Trippi masterminded Howard Dean’s liberal fever dream of a campaign; two years ago, he maneuvered Jerry Brown’s old bones back into office in California. He has always been among the most passionate of Democratic strategists, the truest of true believers—"

There you go again off on your plagiarist bender again! Where is the first source in your post to cite "Ibid" in the non-existent second case? IGNORANT PLAGIARIST! Because you cited a source sometime in the past in another writing is not grounds to cite it from that remove in that manner, kinder! And you HOMESCHOOL?
Last edited:
"Kirsten Powers doesn’t mince words when discussing what she calls the “illiberal silencing tactics” of the left, including those employed by the Obama administration.

“It goes without saying that if George Bush had done this, he would have been Hitler,” she said of the Obama administration’s attempt to “delegitimize” Fox News.

They can’t handle any dissent. It’s got to be completely 100 percent behind what they want—they don’t want to debate, they won’t send anybody on Fox News. … It goes without saying that if George Bush had done this, he would have been Hitler. If George Bush had come out and named a news organization … I can’t even imagine what would have happened.

....They can’t handle any dissent. It’s got to be completely 100 percent behind what they want—they don’t want to debate, they won’t send anybody on Fox News. … It goes without saying that if George Bush had done this, he would have been Hitler. If George Bush had come out and named a news organization … I can’t even imagine what would have happened.

.... Powers said she came to see conservatives as the most ardent defenders of free speech—welcoming debate rather than attempting to stifle it like many liberals in media and academia."
Kirsten Powers on Obama's Attempt to 'Delegitimize' Fox News

Atta' girl, Powers!!!

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