Obama adviser John Podesta's biggest regret: Keeping America in dark about UFOs

We are one big colony of ants being studied. We collar deer, buffalo, birds, fish, and track their movements. THEY collar some of US.

The more I look at it with an open mind, the more I come up with the answer being WE are the experiment for THEM to watch. One type of implant removed from a patient by Dr. Roger Greer...there are several different types.

Too weird, if you care to actually read about these, the signals they transmit, and what they are made of.


That's a VeriChip RFID implant.
We are being visited/studied. And I think the government is in on it big time.

In my cop days in Atlanta I got sent to Tennessee, to eextradite a wanted prisoner kKnoxville pd had found.

On the drive back in dark through mountains I saw something "lift off" from atop a mountain in the blue ridge parkway. It was maybe 2-3 miles away but easy to see in that area. Couldnt make out its shape. But took off like the old harrier jets. And BOOM!!! GONE through clouds. To this day I have no idea what it was. Probably military. ..but in Tennessee?????

I'd guess that, if we are indeed being observed and studied, such an advanced civilization has long since concluded that we're not yet evolved enough to attempt any type of communication or relationship. We will remain in the interstellar petri dish until we're a little closer to getting our shit together.

Does anyone really thing we are alone?? I, for one, do not.

I don't think we are alone... but I don't think that the vast distances you would need to travel to get from one star system to another can be that easily breached.

But even if someone did figure out a way to break the light barrier and get to Earth, you think they'd find something more creative to do that give anal probes to rednecks.

I'd guess that, if we are indeed being observed and studied, such an advanced civilization has long since concluded that we're not yet evolved enough to attempt any type of communication or relationship. We will remain in the interstellar petri dish until we're a little closer to getting our shit together.

Dont be such a nihilist.

We are advanced enough to "recognize" our shits not together in the very least- the Governments of the world arent quite an accurate representation.
Also, I find it odd that Aliens look EXACTLY like what Hollywood tells us they should look like.

In the 1950's, people saw human-looking aliens because, gosh darn, that's what we saw in movies like "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (The good on from 1951, not the crappy one with Keneau Reeves.)

Then Steven Speilberg told us aliens had big fucking heads, ran around naked and were into anal probes, and guess what, that's what we started seeing.
Also, I find it odd that Aliens look EXACTLY like what Hollywood tells us they should look like.

In the 1950's, people saw human-looking aliens because, gosh darn, that's what we saw in movies like "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (The good on from 1951, not the crappy one with Keneau Reeves.)

Then Steven Speilberg told us aliens had big fucking heads, ran around naked and were into anal probes, and guess what, that's what we started seeing.
Im not a "weve been visited" believer, but this logic is flawed in that you cant really document which came first - the descriptions of the encounters, or the movie scripts.
Im not a "weve been visited" believer, but this logic is flawed in that you cant really document which came first - the descriptions of the encounters, or the movie scripts.

No, actually, you really can. Pretty easily. You can track the transition from the human like "Nordics" being the most commonly reported type to the short Grays and match them pretty perfectly to Hollywood.

The first UFO "flap" was in 1947, but at the time, it was assumed they were Soviet aircraft. aliens didn't become a working theory until Ray Palmer started publishing Sci-Fi stories about them in Fate in 1948.

The Day the Earth Stood Still came out in 1951. In 1952, you had George Adamski and the other "Contactee" scammers claiming to meet people from Venus who were similar Nordic types evangelizing peace and how nuclear bombs were going to kill us all. Just like Klaatu did in the movie. but by the 1957 Flap, the Nordics were just losing their popularity.

Now, some have claimed that Betty and Barney Hill saw Gray Aliens and were the beginning of the "Abductee" phenomenon in 1961. A few problems with that. First, while the crude drawing they did really did look like Grays, their descriptions of the aliens claimed they had "Jimmy Durante Noses" and wispy black hair.

But when they made the TV Movie "The UFO Incident" in 1975, the producers created the classic "Gray" look, which oddly all "abductees" have kind of stuck to. A few weeks later, you had the Travis Walton abduction, and the first description of a gray. (Walton also said he saw hippy like Nordics on the same spaceship, but never mind.)

Another key point. while all the abductees are pretty consistent on what the head of a Gray looks like, they get pretty varied on other details, like what the Grays wear (Uniforms, Shiny Space Suits, Robes with hoods, buck naked) or what their hands are like (Four fingers, six, feathers, suckers)
I'm holding off until we get some hard evidence, something recent that's obviously non-terrestrial. Until then, I believe they're out there but no one's come to visit yet.
I think most UFO believers are crackpots and kooks.

However, I've had 2 really good friends who were, in my opinion, extremely skeptical tell me of an experience they had that I can't just brush off.

Then there are things like this:

Phoenix Lights - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I'm not a believer. But sometimes something happens or is witnessed that defies explanation or understanding. And who doesn't enjoy a good mystery?
Yahoo ^

Outgoing senior Obama adviser John Podesta reflected on his latest White House stint Friday, listing his favorite moments and biggest regrets from the past year. Chief among them: depriving the American people of the truth about UFOs.....

as someone more than slightly curious about the UFO question, what's there to disclose?

"Yes, America and world, some UFOs are really aliens whizzing around in our atmosphere - don't panic though."

Result: Global Panic, Increased Religous Fervor and Insanity, Economic Collapse, Complete Abandoning of Law and Governmental Authority (we'll listen to the "superior" morality of the aliens, not you guys,) and basicly the end of the world as it is.


"No America and world, none of the UFOs are aliens. Where something real was present, it was just cutting edge aerospace technology from one or more major governments."

Result: Distrust of the government, accusations of cover-ups, and lots of capitalists making money selling "the truth about UFOs" bric a brac. But nothing apocalyptic.

I don't want disclosure or the truth. I like there being a gray area and some room for believing there are aliens. But I don't want confirmation or certainty because having thought it through understand that isn't desireable. :)
I think most UFO believers are crackpots and kooks.

However, I've had 2 really good friends who were, in my opinion, extremely skeptical tell me of an experience they had that I can't just brush off.

Then there are things like this:

Phoenix Lights - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I'm not a believer. But sometimes something happens or is witnessed that defies explanation or understanding. And who doesn't enjoy a good mystery?

The Phoenix Lights were explained. From your link.

The U.S. Air Force explained the second event as slow-falling, long-burning LUU-2B/B illumination flares dropped by a flight of fourA-10 Warthog aircraft on a training exercise at the Barry Goldwater Range at Luke Air Force Base. According to this explanation, the flares would have been visible in Phoenix and appeared to hover due to rising heat from the burning flares creating a "balloon" effect on their parachutes, which slowed the descent.[21] The lights then appeared to wink out as they fell behind the Sierra Estrella, a mountain range to the southwest of Phoenix.
We are one big colony of ants being studied. We collar deer, buffalo, birds, fish, and track their movements. THEY collar some of US.

The more I look at it with an open mind, the more I come up with the answer being WE are the experiment for THEM to watch. One type of implant removed from a patient by Dr. Roger Greer...there are several different types.

Too weird, if you care to actually read about these, the signals they transmit, and what they are made of.


That's a VeriChip RFID implant.

It is? Perhaps this is also a RFID implant....


Or this one?...


Or maybe this one?


I said they came in different sizes and look nothing alike!
I think most UFO believers are crackpots and kooks.

However, I've had 2 really good friends who were, in my opinion, extremely skeptical tell me of an experience they had that I can't just brush off.

Then there are things like this:

Phoenix Lights - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I'm not a believer. But sometimes something happens or is witnessed that defies explanation or understanding. And who doesn't enjoy a good mystery?

The Phoenix Lights were explained. From your link.

The U.S. Air Force explained the second event as slow-falling, long-burning LUU-2B/B illumination flares dropped by a flight of fourA-10 Warthog aircraft on a training exercise at the Barry Goldwater Range at Luke Air Force Base. According to this explanation, the flares would have been visible in Phoenix and appeared to hover due to rising heat from the burning flares creating a "balloon" effect on their parachutes, which slowed the descent.[21] The lights then appeared to wink out as they fell behind the Sierra Estrella, a mountain range to the southwest of Phoenix.

The 'second event' was in fact military flares. But this event is what made the rounds on tv. The actual UFO sighting wasn't captured on video, nor did it appear on the various tv shows about the incident. The Governor himself confirmed this after he was out of office.
Best evidence I've ever seen was the space shuttle footage during STS-48 showing 'something' in low orbit doing a 90 degree right turn and accelerating away.

Can speculate endlessly about the true state of the art of military vehicles all we like, but NOTHING can do a high-velocity right turn like that unless...:)

My operating theory about it is warp drive isn't theoretical. But rather deployed technology. If you're in a warp bubble you could do high velocity maneuvers not being subject to inertia and g-forces because you're not actually moving. You're making the space around you move.
The 'second event' was in fact military flares. But this event is what made the rounds on tv. The actual UFO sighting wasn't captured on video, nor did it appear on the various tv shows about the incident. The Governor himself confirmed this after he was out of office.

There was one video of the "First event" but frankly, it looked like an airplane flying at night with its lights on.
Also, I find it odd that Aliens look EXACTLY like what Hollywood tells us they should look like.

In the 1950's, people saw human-looking aliens because, gosh darn, that's what we saw in movies like "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (The good on from 1951, not the crappy one with Keneau Reeves.)

Then Steven Speilberg told us aliens had big fucking heads, ran around naked and were into anal probes, and guess what, that's what we started seeing.
Im not a "weve been visited" believer, but this logic is flawed in that you cant really document which came first - the descriptions of the encounters, or the movie scripts.
Those ancient Egyptian movies are da bomb
The 'second event' was in fact military flares. But this event is what made the rounds on tv. The actual UFO sighting wasn't captured on video, nor did it appear on the various tv shows about the incident. The Governor himself confirmed this after he was out of office.

There was one video of the "First event" but frankly, it looked like an airplane flying at night with its lights on.

I've seen every US made UFO documentary ever made (more or less.) But I've yet tos ee a supposed alien aircraft/spacecraft that didn't make it seem like the aliens were retarded putting lights on their vehicles.

If you're and wish to keep that fact discreet and covert, why dya have lights on your crafts? :)

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