Obama Admin Refuses to Tell Congress # of Americans Killed by Iran


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'According to a document provided to Congress and obtained by a FOIA Request by the media, the Obama administration is declining to inform Congress about the number of American citizens and troops killed by Iran and its terror proxies.

Prior to the Congressional stand-off on the Iran deal Congress repeatedly asked the administration to release figures describing how many Americans and Israelis have been killed by Iran's military and terror activities since the country's 1979 revolution. Secretary of State Kerry sidestepped this question three separate times and refused to divulge the information.'

It is OBVIOUS that this administration is willing to do ANYTHING to prevent Obama's 'legacy' deal from failing.
- Obama agreed with Iran's demand that Israel's right to exist NOT be part of the deal, as they do not agree with that assertion.

- Obama classified the details of the deal to prevent both the American people AND Congress from finding out what is in it

- Obama, with help from the GOP, succeeded in classifying the TREATY, which it is, as a 'deal' in order to by-pass the Constitution and it's requirement that 3/4ths of Congress is required to pass a treaty. Now it will go through with only 1/3rd of Congress's approval (and with 78% of Americans opposing it)

- Obama refused to ASK for the release of 4 American hostages as part of the deal for fear of 'offending' Iran and having it walk away from the negotiating table

- NOW Obama refuses to allow Congress (and the American people) know exactly how many deaths of American citizens and military members Iran is responsible for!

The questions come as the United States prepares to unfreeze more than $100 billion in Iranian assets as well as portions of the deal that will lift international sanctions on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), as well as Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's financial empire under the terms of the recently inked nuclear deal.
Roadside bombs manufactured by Iran took out an estimated 196 American troops in Iraq between November 2005 and December 2011. Out of 1,526 explosively formed penetrators (EFPs), nearly 200 Americans died and 861 suffered from injuries, Defense One reports.

So WHY is Obama, Kerry, and the Obama administration so HE!!-BENT on rewarding our nation's and our allies' enemy who are so responsible for the deaths of so many Americans, who refuse to release 4 American hostages (we THIN - not sure because Obama never ASKED for their release), and will potentially be responsible for SO MANY MORE deaths once they obtain a nuclear weapons?!

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