Obama absolutely determined to drive up the cost of energy. Freezes new coal leases on federal land


Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.
What' a barrel of oil now?
It's a round thing that when empty is hollow. But when it's not empty, it's filled with something thick and black and sticky and smells real bad.

Republicans protect companies that store the stuff inside the barrels in the Kalamazoo river or the Gulf of Mexico.
I wonder how many mountains of the Appalachian Mountains have been destroyed by mountain top coal mining?
"And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth." Revelations 11:18
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Well he freaking promised he would do that and the idiots in this country went an voted for the thug anyway. that's what's so damn scary about these people voting in this day and age.

when has another President set out to INTENIONALLY hurt us before?

I'm not feeling any better they won't go put in the crook Hillary or the old fogie Socialist Bernie in office this time.

Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.
What' a barrel of oil now?
This thread is about coal & regulations not the fact that a war between frackers & opec have driven down the cost of oil despite Obama's best efforts.
I wonder how many mountains of the Appalachian Mountains have been destroyed by mountain top coal mining?
"And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth." Revelations 11:18

they can be put back and look like no ones ever been there. they said this same thing with the Alaska pipeline. Yet don't see anyone griping over them dumping Your alls GARBAGE all over mountain tops and smashed into the ground. You pick and chose what to berate.

we have to LIVE and make a living whether you people like it or not

Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.
What' a barrel of oil now?
This thread is about coal & regulations not the fact that a war between frackers & opec have driven down the cost of oil despite Obama's best efforts.

You don't know what you're talking about. US coal production is at a 30 year low. They have no use for new federal mining rights.
Well he freaking promised he would do that and the idiots in this country went an voted for the thug anyway. that's what's so damn scary about these people voting in this day and age.

when has another President set out to INTENIONALLY hurt us before?

I'm not feeling any better they won't go put in the crook Hillary or the old fogie Socialist Bernie in office this time.
This President hasn't hurt us..."INTENIONALLY" [sic] or otherwise.
The obastard has put this freeze in place for three years. That's so the next president can be blamed for the failure. That is part of what has to be undone.
The obastard has put this freeze in place for three years. That's so the next president can be blamed for the failure. That is part of what has to be undone.

that is the SNAKES of that Democrat party I don't know WHEN the people are finally going to wake to them intentionally playing games with our lives.

Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.
What' a barrel of oil now?
This thread is about coal & regulations not the fact that a war between frackers & opec have driven down the cost of oil despite Obama's best efforts.
You said "the cost of energy"...and now you want to ignore oil costs. Last I looked, Oil was in the energy equation.
The obastard has put this freeze in place for three years. That's so the next president can be blamed for the failure. That is part of what has to be undone.

that is the SNAKES of that Democrat party I don't know WHEN the people are finally going to wake to them intentionally playing games with our lives.
Poor Staphanie.....if only all American patriots like her got together and marched on Washington...Real Americans.....maybe in the Spring.

Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.
What' a barrel of oil now?
This thread is about coal & regulations not the fact that a war between frackers & opec have driven down the cost of oil despite Obama's best efforts.
You said "the cost of energy"...and now you want to ignore oil costs. Last I looked, Oil was in the energy equation.
Oil is PART of it and as I said it is low DESPITE Obama.

Can you EVER post on topic? Reread the op & try again.

Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.
What' a barrel of oil now?
This thread is about coal & regulations not the fact that a war between frackers & opec have driven down the cost of oil despite Obama's best efforts.
You said "the cost of energy"...and now you want to ignore oil costs. Last I looked, Oil was in the energy equation.
Oil is PART of it and as I said it is low DESPITE Obama.

Can you EVER post on topic? Reread the op & try again.

trolls will be trolling dear. :wink_2:
Damn. I thought that the fracking would cause the US to have cheap energy.
Blame those frackers. But you won;t because you are on their teet.

It is about time that this country looks and starts aggressively using renewable energy sources.
Coal and oil have had a strangle hold on this country for to long.

Feel free to look all you want. Install whatever you want.

My combo Gas & Electric up 22% (last year over year). Granted Gasoline cost cut in half. Overall I am positive. Thank you Frackers.
But you would rather continue to give oil industry full reign over your existence.
That is sad.

It is about time that this country looks and starts aggressively using renewable energy sources.
Coal and oil have had a strangle hold on this country for to long.

Renewable energy is not reliable, cost effective, available or reasonable for the vast majority of the US. Obama's mistakes are going to seriously effect the economy for over a decade.
Have you ever been to an environmentally unstable area , because of coal or oil.
Go look for yourself.
They leave a catastrophe and leave without responsibility or little responsibility.

It is about time that this country looks and starts aggressively using renewable energy sources.
Coal and oil have had a strangle hold on this country for to long.


This is about MONEY in the end. Coal from federal lands currently owe the government about 13 cents on the dollar for royalties. They want to increase that dramatically but need a reason. Can you think of a reason? I can.......GOOBER WARMING

Raising the fees won't stop GOOBER WARMING but it will fatten the government's bank account.

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