Obama a marxist.

That's funny. According to you:

That's exactly the economic policy implemented by the Nazis. They heavily regulated production to protect the public and nationalized some necessities.
You just admitted you're a Nazi!

Except that's not what they did.

But it sounds good.

You get points for that.

Exactly, The Government exerted control to regulate production to serve Government Rank and File. Fuck the Rest, you know, sort of like many Government and Union Workers here. :D

The Nazis got rid of any unions that weren't Nazi..which means all of them.

They had initially thought it would be a good idea to take over major manufacturing..but had a better idea. They supplied them with cheap and/or free labor. They allowed them to make outrageous profits..and they let the Captains of industry set government policy.

Now who the heck does that sound like?

Oh and your argument falls completely flat too. Many of the corporations around back then..are still around today. If the government had taken them over..they wouldn't be.
Hmm..alot I suppose.

What's your point? Christians are always fighting with each other.

My point is the Catholic Church Fought the Nazi's. Sorry to go so far over your head on that. ;)

They did?

Was it like this song?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dryBNYaj1sA]praise the lord and pass the ammunition - YouTube[/ame]

Did Pius suit up with his tommygun and light up some Nazis?


Yep. You caught Bush and Cheney red handed too. It was Bush's fault, just as sure as He personally sunk the Lusitania getting us into WWI. I have to hand it to you.

We did have a Statist Progressive in charge in 1941 didn't we. Can't trust them for shit, huh. Nobody makes Kool-Aid like Progressive Statists. Nobody will throw you under the bus for stepping out of line quicker either.
The Reichskonkordat was Nazi propaganda they didn't honor, just like having socialist in their name. Funny how idiot Beckbots fall for Nazi propaganda, even now. Pretty obvious how RWers earn their fascist reputation. Make some more stupid insults LOL. Scary (racist?) idiocy.

That's funny. According to you:

Socialism (called social democracy so US RWers' heads don't explode) is always democratic, REGULATES production to protect the public, may socialize [nationalize] some necessities.

That's exactly the economic policy implemented by the Nazis. They heavily regulated production to protect the public and nationalized some necessities.
You just admitted you're a Nazi!

Except that's not what they did.

But it sounds good.

You get points for that.

That's exactly what they did. What do you think they did? I'd love to see you post your understanding of the Nazi economy. I'm sure I'll be rolling all over the floor when I read it.
That's funny. According to you:

That's exactly the economic policy implemented by the Nazis. They heavily regulated production to protect the public and nationalized some necessities.
You just admitted you're a Nazi!

Except that's not what they did.

But it sounds good.

You get points for that.

That's exactly what they did. What do you think they did? I'd love to see you post your understanding of the Nazi economy. I'm sure I'll be rolling all over the floor when I read it.

Of course you would.... I'll tell you what... why don't you show us YOUR post of the Nazi Economy with facts and links.... I'll wait.
My point is the Catholic Church Fought the Nazi's. Sorry to go so far over your head on that. ;)

They did?

Was it like this song?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dryBNYaj1sA]praise the lord and pass the ammunition - YouTube[/ame]

Did Pius suit up with his tommygun and light up some Nazis?


Yep. You caught Bush and Cheney red handed too. It was Bush's fault, just as sure as He personally sunk the Lusitania getting us into WWI. I have to hand it to you.

We did have a Statist Progressive in charge in 1941 didn't we. Can't trust them for shit, huh. Nobody makes Kool-Aid like Progressive Statists. Nobody will throw you under the bus for stepping out of line quicker either.

Funny you mention Bush..

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian

You guys can sure pick 'em! :D
That's funny. According to you:

That's exactly the economic policy implemented by the Nazis. They heavily regulated production to protect the public and nationalized some necessities.
You just admitted you're a Nazi!

Except that's not what they did.

But it sounds good.

You get points for that.

That's exactly what they did. What do you think they did? I'd love to see you post your understanding of the Nazi economy. I'm sure I'll be rolling all over the floor when I read it.

Ever hear of Siemens? BMW? Volkswagen?

Yes? No?

Privately owned back then. Privately owned now.
Except that's not what they did.

But it sounds good.

You get points for that.

Exactly, The Government exerted control to regulate production to serve Government Rank and File. Fuck the Rest, you know, sort of like many Government and Union Workers here. :D

The Nazis got rid of any unions that weren't Nazi..which means all of them.

The communists also got rid of unions once they gained power.

They had initially thought it would be a good idea to take over major manufacturing..but had a better idea. They supplied them with cheap and/or free labor. They allowed them to make outrageous profits..and they let the Captains of industry set government policy.

Now who the heck does that sound like?

That sounds just like Barack Obama!

However, your explantion is total fiction. Whenever Libturds post anything about the Nazis, they only end up displaying their total ignorance. The Nazi government heavily regulated private industry, just like so-called "social democrats." They nationalized industries like utilities, just like so-called "social democrats." I'm not sure what you mean by "supplying them with cheap labor." Nazi policies were designed to increase the wages of the working man. However, during the war they did resort to slave labor. The government determined the profits corporations were allowed to make, which is exactly what "social democrats" want to do. All you're saying is that the Nazis set them higher than you would like to see. It's a matter purely of degree, not basic principle. Every economic policy of the Nazis is exactly the same as the ones "social democrats" endorse.

Oh and your argument falls completely flat too. Many of the corporations around back then..are still around today. If the government had taken them over..they wouldn't be.

I never said the Nazi government nationalized them except for a select few. The Nazis controlled private corporations through regulation, just like "social democrats" want to do. Social democrats are indistinguishable from members of the American Democrat party, BTW.
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Except that's not what they did.

But it sounds good.

You get points for that.

That's exactly what they did. What do you think they did? I'd love to see you post your understanding of the Nazi economy. I'm sure I'll be rolling all over the floor when I read it.

Ever hear of Siemens? BMW? Volkswagen?

Yes? No?

Privately owned back then. Privately owned now.

Volkswagen was created and owned by the Nazi government. However, I never claimed the Nazis nationalized all private corporations. That's purely a fetish of your imagination.

You still haven't posted your understanding of how the Nazi economy worked and how it differs from the economy under "social democracy"
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Obama is a "Marxist Fascist Radical Liberal man-child socialist communist". Everyone knows it. It means he's all things to all right wingers.
That's exactly what they did. What do you think they did? I'd love to see you post your understanding of the Nazi economy. I'm sure I'll be rolling all over the floor when I read it.

Ever hear of Siemens? BMW? Volkswagen?

Yes? No?

Privately owned back then. Privately owned now.

Volkswagen was created and owned by the Nazi government. However, I never claimed the Nazis nationalized all private corporations. That's purely a fetish of your imagination.

You still haven't posted our understanding of how the Nazi economy worked and how it differs from the economy under "social democracy"

:badgrin: Back peddling?

Like I said, Fascism..is Socialism for the rich. And widely practiced by Conservatives.
Exactly, The Government exerted control to regulate production to serve Government Rank and File. Fuck the Rest, you know, sort of like many Government and Union Workers here. :D

The Nazis got rid of any unions that weren't Nazi..which means all of them.

The communists also got rid of unions once they gained power.

They had initially thought it would be a good idea to take over major manufacturing..but had a better idea. They supplied them with cheap and/or free labor. They allowed them to make outrageous profits..and they let the Captains of industry set government policy.

Now who the heck does that sound like?

That sounds just like Barack Obama!

However, your explantion is total fiction. Whenever Libturds post anything about the Nazis, they only end up displaying their total ignorance. The Nazi government heavily regulated private industry, just like so-called "social democrats." They nationalized industries like utilities, just like so-called "social democrats." I'm not sure what you mean by "supplying them with cheap labor." Nazi policies were designed to increase the wages of the working man. However, during the war they did resort to slave labor. The government determined the profits corporations were allowed to make, which is exactly what "social democrats" want to do. All you're saying is that the Nazis set them higher than you would like to see. It's a matter purely of degree, not basic principle. Every economic policy of the Nazis is exactly the same as the ones "social democrats" endorse.

Oh and your argument falls completely flat too. Many of the corporations around back then..are still around today. If the government had taken them over..they wouldn't be.

I never said the Nazi government nationalized them except for a select few. The Nazis controlled private corporations through regulation, just like "social democrats" want to do. Social democrats are indistinguishable from members of the American Democrat party, BTW.
Naziism and communism are two sides of the same coin.
Ever hear of Siemens? BMW? Volkswagen?

Yes? No?

Privately owned back then. Privately owned now.

Volkswagen was created and owned by the Nazi government. However, I never claimed the Nazis nationalized all private corporations. That's purely a fetish of your imagination.

You still haven't posted our understanding of how the Nazi economy worked and how it differs from the economy under "social democracy"

:badgrin: Back peddling?

Like I said, Fascism..is Socialism for the rich. And widely practiced by Conservatives.


If you believe I claimed the Nazi government nationalized all industry, please quote the post where I did so. Of course, everyone following this thread knows that's pure horseshit.

You can dance and obfuscate all you want. What you can't do is post any evidence that supports your claims.
Volkswagen was created and owned by the Nazi government. However, I never claimed the Nazis nationalized all private corporations. That's purely a fetish of your imagination.

You still haven't posted our understanding of how the Nazi economy worked and how it differs from the economy under "social democracy"

:badgrin: Back peddling?

Like I said, Fascism..is Socialism for the rich. And widely practiced by Conservatives.


If you believe I claimed the Nazi government nationalized all industry, please quote the post where I did so. Of course, everyone following this thread knows that's pure horseshit.

You can dance and obfuscate all you want. What you can't do is post any evidence that supports your claims.

It's not Horse Shit. It's Dog Shit. Rational People know that the Nazi's took what they wanted either by violence or threat of violence, wherever and whenever they were compelled and unopposed. Progressive Statism, Fascism, Communism, Oligarchy-ism, all share that trait. Control, and need for more control.
Bullshit.... that's where the story came from... re-read your own article.

Look, the fucking moron, Obama, declared that the United States economy doesn't work and has never worked. The the fucking moron, Obama, IS in fact a Marxist, This is just fact.
Repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie. Obama said "TRICKLE DOWN" does not work and never has worked.
If you're going to be marked for life because of things you might have said or done in college, there's a lot more lesbians around than statistics say!!! :eek:

I'm more concerned that the fucking moron, Obama, openly supported Marxism in Kansas, last week.

{Now, it's a simple theory. And we have to admit, it's one that speaks to our rugged individualism and our healthy skepticism of too much government. That's in America's DNA. And that theory fits well on a bumper sticker. (Laughter.) But here's the problem: It doesn't work. It has never worked. } Full text of President Obama's economic speech in Kansas - Page 3 - Los Angeles Times

Obama advocates the dismantling of the American capitalist market. Now I understand why the astroturf of the Shitter movement was put out, to garner support for Obama's call to adopt a socialist economy. While I'm sure this will cut the lines of division in this nation deeper than any time since the first civil war, it may well backfire on Obama, he has made his intent clear. Despite what the Shitters claim, 99% of Americans do NOT support a socialist or Marxist agenda.
So it's the simple theory that doesn't work and never has worked. Now what theory is that? Well Obama says what the theory is TWICE, once each in the two sentences that you left out which came immediately before the dishonest start of your quote.

“The market will take care of everything,” they tell us. If we just cut more regulations and cut more taxes -- especially for the wealthy -- our economy will grow stronger. Sure, they say, there will be winners and losers. But if the winners do really well, then jobs and prosperity will eventually trickle down to everybody else. And, they argue, even if prosperity doesn’t trickle down, well, that’s the price of liberty.
How do you know he/she is a parasite... or as most people call them... the unemployed?

90% of all libs are sucking on the government tit. That's why they are libs.

He is not a pure Marxist, or Socialist, or Pure Anything. He is a Hybrid, he thinks he knows how to re-package old Marxist, Socialist, and Capitalist Ideas into some Hybrid Utopia. He thinks it can be done with out Descending into an Authoritarian State like every other time these ideas have been tried.

He cannot succeed without authority and control over every meaningful aspect of our lives.
The concept of Limited Government with control by the consent of the governed cannot exist where that control violates it's boundaries and sanction. One ignored aspect about limited control is the freedom it grants us, and our differences, to live, survive, and flourish. It's okay that we don't agree on everything. This battle for who can control and dictate for everyone, like it or not, serve Justice in Truth or not, is in ways, an offense to Liberty. You have a grievance, state it, show cause. We need no remedy past it's time, nor for imaginary ailments. Cut the shit. Knock it off already. Lets start with a new Streamlined Tax Code.

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