O la la! Could It Be? Will Fox Fire Glenn Beck?

Nah...He's been too accurate for, and with, two years worth of predictions. Many other anchors report on news-breaking events after Glenn, "my man", Beck has already aired them on his show. If they had watched his show, they would have known..lol. I thought Beck was going to go with a religious theme this year, but he is staying with current ( and future? ) events, so I am hanging with him. He always makes a point many times during his how to check it out for yourselves. His books are best-sellers with pages of footnotes for references. He is very informative. If one doesn't watch, they either don't want to know, or don't care to learn, the truth about current events.

Peeps here, like the OP are not willing to even watch a few of his shows (too busy posting 30 times a day) to see if anything he says is even close to the truth; meanwhile he merely tells his audience what people have said in their own words, the monster.

Sheep indeed!

Yet, Media Matters shows what people have said in their own words and righties dismiss them.
*shrugs*...beck may be getter board. and/or its gone to his head. I think the column is pretty even handed frankly.....

Oh and while I am here, when dopes PD & Corn do an article on sell out Arianna faux journalist huffiington who it appears took the big media corp cash cash and ran and a column on say ed Schulz?
The Egypt uprising has raised the stakes for Beck -- and Fox. In the past two weeks, Beck has viewed events in Egypt through his own rather warped filter. He claims that the rebellion is not about the people, not about democracy. Instead, he says, it's a move by radical Islamists to take over Egypt, as part of a larger plan to install a caliphate that stretches from the Middle East through Europe and toward the United States. And he contends that "uber-leftists" and Islamic extremists are "plotting together" toward this end. Last week on his radio show, he declared, "Groups from the hard-core socialist and communist left and extreme Islam will work together because they are both a common enemy of Israel and the Jew. . . . Islam wants a caliphate. Communists want a communist new world order. They'll work together, and they'll destabilize. Because they both want chaos."

As Beck becomes increasingly unhinged and lost in conspiracy-land, he may well become a litmus test for the right -- and a measure of whether the leaders of Fox News care about any claim to respectability. Should Fox throw him out of the coop, Beck will still have a cult-like following that he can service via his syndicated radio show, website, and books -- and still make tens of millions of dollars a year. He won't crawl off to an undisclosed location. But he will no longer have the imprimatur of the right's main media outfit. And what better confirmation that the conspiracy is vast, oh so vast.

Glenn Beck: Should Fox Toss Him Out of the Coop?

What do you think? Will Fox finally dump Glenn Beck and his John Bircher craziness?

Ummm Beck actually has provided a great viewpoint of the crisis in egypt...its a shame people are too wrapped up in hate to glean from him the good stuff.

he has presented video evidence of the people leading the revolt in egypt, using their own words, to back up what he has been saying. One of the leaders of the muslim brotherhood has stated the group's goal is the elimination of israel and the death of all jews.

Becks own position is we are hypocritical for supporting mubarak and it would be a disaster if a group, similar to the one that took over iran in the late 70's, takes over in egypt...and it would be even worse if we as a country support that group.

Put down the haterade ;)
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Nah...He's been too accurate for, and with, two years worth of predictions. Many other anchors report on news-breaking events after Glenn, "my man", Beck has already aired them on his show. If they had watched his show, they would have known..lol. I thought Beck was going to go with a religious theme this year, but he is staying with current ( and future? ) events, so I am hanging with him. He always makes a point many times during his how to check it out for yourselves. His books are best-sellers with pages of footnotes for references. He is very informative. If one doesn't watch, they either don't want to know, or don't care to learn, the truth about current events.

Peeps here, like the OP are not willing to even watch a few of his shows (too busy posting 30 times a day) to see if anything he says is even close to the truth; meanwhile he merely tells his audience what people have said in their own words, the monster.

Sheep indeed!

Yet, Media Matters shows what people have said in their own words and righties dismiss them.
Context, context, context!
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Nah...He's been too accurate for, and with, two years worth of predictions. Many other anchors report on news-breaking events after Glenn, "my man", Beck has already aired them on his show. If they had watched his show, they would have known..lol. I thought Beck was going to go with a religious theme this year, but he is staying with current ( and future? ) events, so I am hanging with him. He always makes a point many times during his how to check it out for yourselves. His books are best-sellers with pages of footnotes for references. He is very informative. If one doesn't watch, they either don't want to know, or don't care to learn, the truth about current events.

Peeps here, like the OP are not willing to even watch a few of his shows (too busy posting 30 times a day) to see if anything he says is even close to the truth; meanwhile he merely tells his audience what people have said in their own words, the monster.

Sheep indeed!

Yet, Media Matters shows what people have said in their own words and righties dismiss them.

Beck has taken effort to provide the context for the words of the leaders which he presents to his audience and gives them links to go view the raw footage for ourselves.

Media matters takes an effort to not provide the context or easy to follow links to the raw fottage/transcripts of things they have taken out of context.

That being said I've seen beck and media matters be wrong about stuff they say but the difference is when beck is wrong he actually says so and makes corrections.
The Egypt uprising has raised the stakes for Beck -- and Fox. In the past two weeks, Beck has viewed events in Egypt through his own rather warped filter. He claims that the rebellion is not about the people, not about democracy. Instead, he says, it's a move by radical Islamists to take over Egypt, as part of a larger plan to install a caliphate that stretches from the Middle East through Europe and toward the United States. And he contends that "uber-leftists" and Islamic extremists are "plotting together" toward this end. Last week on his radio show, he declared, "Groups from the hard-core socialist and communist left and extreme Islam will work together because they are both a common enemy of Israel and the Jew. . . . Islam wants a caliphate. Communists want a communist new world order. They'll work together, and they'll destabilize. Because they both want chaos."

As Beck becomes increasingly unhinged and lost in conspiracy-land, he may well become a litmus test for the right -- and a measure of whether the leaders of Fox News care about any claim to respectability. Should Fox throw him out of the coop, Beck will still have a cult-like following that he can service via his syndicated radio show, website, and books -- and still make tens of millions of dollars a year. He won't crawl off to an undisclosed location. But he will no longer have the imprimatur of the right's main media outfit. And what better confirmation that the conspiracy is vast, oh so vast.

Glenn Beck: Should Fox Toss Him Out of the Coop?

What do you think? Will Fox finally dump Glenn Beck and his John Bircher craziness?

Ummm Beck actually has provided a great viewpoint of the crisis in egypt...its a shame people are too wrapped up in hate to glean from him the good stuff.

he has presented video evidence of the people leading the revolt in egypt, using their own words, to back up what he has been saying. One of the leaders of the muslim brotherhood has stated the group's goal is the elimination of israel and the death of all jews.

Becks own position is we are hypocritical for supporting mubarak and it would be a disaster if a group, similar to the one that took over iran in the late 70's, takes over in egypt...and it would be even worse if we as a country support that group.

Put down the haterade ;)

Please explain how it is that the linked article in the Op failed to place Beck's comments on Egypt in "context". I'm having difficulty understanding how Beck could have been so badly misunderstood, or how you and the article's author could have interpreted him in such vastly different ways.

While you are at it, please explain when you feel the people of Egypt lost the right to agitate for a government of Egypt elected by them?
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Maybe Keith Olbermann will hire him

Ah, Olbermann has no job himself for committing the lefty version of fearmongering. IMO, those two are like Evil Twins.

Are you kidding?

Keith gets half of his material from Beck and the other half from Limbaugh

As he takes over his own network, Current TV he should save a spot for Beck to show that he is being "Fair and Balanced"
The Egypt uprising has raised the stakes for Beck -- and Fox. In the past two weeks, Beck has viewed events in Egypt through his own rather warped filter. He claims that the rebellion is not about the people, not about democracy. Instead, he says, it's a move by radical Islamists to take over Egypt, as part of a larger plan to install a caliphate that stretches from the Middle East through Europe and toward the United States. And he contends that "uber-leftists" and Islamic extremists are "plotting together" toward this end. Last week on his radio show, he declared, "Groups from the hard-core socialist and communist left and extreme Islam will work together because they are both a common enemy of Israel and the Jew. . . . Islam wants a caliphate. Communists want a communist new world order. They'll work together, and they'll destabilize. Because they both want chaos."

As Beck becomes increasingly unhinged and lost in conspiracy-land, he may well become a litmus test for the right -- and a measure of whether the leaders of Fox News care about any claim to respectability. Should Fox throw him out of the coop, Beck will still have a cult-like following that he can service via his syndicated radio show, website, and books -- and still make tens of millions of dollars a year. He won't crawl off to an undisclosed location. But he will no longer have the imprimatur of the right's main media outfit. And what better confirmation that the conspiracy is vast, oh so vast.

Glenn Beck: Should Fox Toss Him Out of the Coop?

What do you think? Will Fox finally dump Glenn Beck and his John Bircher craziness?

Ummm Beck actually has provided a great viewpoint of the crisis in egypt...its a shame people are too wrapped up in hate to glean from him the good stuff.

he has presented video evidence of the people leading the revolt in egypt, using their own words, to back up what he has been saying. One of the leaders of the muslim brotherhood has stated the group's goal is the elimination of israel and the death of all jews.

Becks own position is we are hypocritical for supporting mubarak and it would be a disaster if a group, similar to the one that took over iran in the late 70's, takes over in egypt...and it would be even worse if we as a country support that group.

Put down the haterade ;)

Here you go from a GB video, only 149 seconds in length, on his web page; an example of just that:
00:00 – 00:35 (seconds)
Beck: I’m not saying they’re taking over America this week. I have said the Muslim Brotherhood is significant in its presence here. They have influence all over the world; I’ve showed you, last night or the night before fifty chapters of the American...of the “Muslim American Society...” that is the “Muslim Brotherhood” here in America. My concern? Once the dominoes start to fall...how far do they go? Is anyone informed enough to stop and hold onto the dominoes? THEY need instability and revolution to gain power, but listen to the people who are feeding you information every day; listen:

Beck plays a segment of David Gregory re his Sunday Morning show:
00:35 – 00:55 (seconds)
Gregory: (garbled...) The Muslim Brotherhood, they would play a role, uh...it is pointed out by, uh... one of the experts on the panel that they will also be, uh... aware of their position internationally so they don’t want to overstep that, they don’t want to turn it (Egypt) into an Islamist state, they have matured politically in that sense and are rather sophisticated...(end)

00:55 – 00:149 (secs)
Beck: Really? I mean it would be nice to believe that... but where are the facts? Besides what they say... I’ll (phrase..[?]) them again: This is a group that birthed Hamas and Al Qaida.
Al Qaida’s inspirational and strategic commander, Mohammad Atta, 9-11 terrorist was a member.
Khalid Sheik Mohammed, mastermind of 9-11, the man who personally murdered DANIEL PEARL, DO YOU REMEMBER THAT(?) REMEMBER!

Are they a threat to the US? uh... Yeah... But you’re going to have to decide that... You can go with David Gregory who I know can ask questions in French... he’s fabulous...

But you decide: They’re stated goal in the US, may I... [he shows a copy of an original IQUAN document on screen and reads from its text]
The “IQUAN” which means the “Brotherhood” in Arabic...[he reads] “The Iquan must understand that their work in America is kind of a grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western Civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house, by their hands and the hands of believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions” (
Beck) I don’t know... I.. I’d love to go with David Gregory but I think, I think after we saw the towers first come down, we might... want... to... have... a... few... more... facts... Maybe that’s just me...

Beck is unhinged? =>> scroll to First Video on This Web-page "Glen Beck Disputes David Gregory's Take on Muslim Brotherhood"
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Maybe Keith Olbermann will hire him

Ah, Olbermann has no job himself for committing the lefty version of fearmongering. IMO, those two are like Evil Twins.

Are you kidding?

Keith gets half of his material from Beck and the other half from Limbaugh

As he takes over his own network, Current TV he should save a spot for Beck to show that he is being "Fair and Balanced"

I only watched Olbermann once, rightwinger. His "Worst Person In The World" segment was revolting...at least that day.

And VERY lefty.

Is he really taking over CURRNT?
Peeps here, like the OP are not willing to even watch a few of his shows (too busy posting 30 times a day) to see if anything he says is even close to the truth; meanwhile he merely tells his audience what people have said in their own words, the monster.

Sheep indeed!

Yet, Media Matters shows what people have said in their own words and righties dismiss them.

Beck has taken effort to provide the context for the words of the leaders which he presents to his audience and gives them links to go view the raw footage for ourselves.

Media matters takes an effort to not provide the context or easy to follow links to the raw fottage/transcripts of things they have taken out of context.

That being said I've seen beck and media matters be wrong about stuff they say but the difference is when beck is wrong he actually says so and makes corrections.

What I find interesting (and I happily confess I have not watched Beck's opinions on the Egyptian situation)... but, from what I understand, what he is saying is very similar to a lot of what the European media and politicians are saying.
Glenn Beck: Should Fox Toss Him Out of the Coop?

What do you think? Will Fox finally dump Glenn Beck and his John Bircher craziness?

Ummm Beck actually has provided a great viewpoint of the crisis in egypt...its a shame people are too wrapped up in hate to glean from him the good stuff.

he has presented video evidence of the people leading the revolt in egypt, using their own words, to back up what he has been saying. One of the leaders of the muslim brotherhood has stated the group's goal is the elimination of israel and the death of all jews.

Becks own position is we are hypocritical for supporting mubarak and it would be a disaster if a group, similar to the one that took over iran in the late 70's, takes over in egypt...and it would be even worse if we as a country support that group.

Put down the haterade ;)

Here you go from a GB video, only 149 seconds in length, on his web page; an example of just that:
00:00 – 00:35 (seconds)
Beck: I’m not saying they’re taking over America this week. I have said the Muslim Brotherhood is significant in its presence here. They have influence all over the world; I’ve showed you, last night or the night before fifty chapters of the American...of the “Muslim American Society...” that is the “Muslim Brotherhood” here in America. My concern? Once the dominoes start to fall...how far do they go? Is anyone informed enough to stop and hold onto the dominoes? THEY need instability and revolution to gain power, but listen to the people who are feeding you information every day; listen:

Beck plays a segment of David Gregory re his Sunday Morning show:
00:35 – 00:55 (seconds)
Gregory: (garbled...) The Muslim Brotherhood, they would play a role, uh...it is pointed out by, uh... one of the experts on the panel that they will also be, uh... aware of their position internationally so they don’t want to overstep that, they don’t want to turn it (Egypt) into an Islamist state, they have matured politically in that sense and are rather sophisticated...(end)

00:55 – 00:149 (secs)
Beck: Really? I mean it would be nice to believe that... but where are the facts? Besides what they say... I’ll (phrase..[?]) them again: This is a group that birthed Hamas and Al Qaida.
Al Qaida’s inspirational and strategic commander, Mohammad Atta, 9-11 terrorist was a member.
Khalid Sheik Mohammed, mastermind of 9-11, the man who personally murdered DANIEL PEARL, DO YOU REMEMBER THAT(?) REMEMBER!

Are they a threat to the US? uh... Yeah... But you’re going to have to decide that... You can go with David Gregory who I know can ask questions in French... he’s fabulous...

But you decide: They’re stated goal in the US, may I... [he shows a copy of an original IQUAN document on screen and reads from its text]
The “IQUAN” which means the “Brotherhood” in Arabic...[he reads] “The Iquan must understand that their work in America is kind of a grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western Civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house, by their hands and the hands of believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions” (
Beck) I don’t know... I.. I’d love to go with David Gregory but I think, I think after we saw the towers first come down, we might... want... to... have... a... few... more... facts... Maybe that’s just me...

Beck is unhinged? =>> scroll to First Video on This Web-page "Glen Beck Disputes David Gregory's Take on Muslim Brotherhood"

Thanks for posting

That Beck sure is one twisted SOB

Liberal= Armegeddon
Economy= Armegeddon
Muslims= Armegeddon
Healthcare= Armegeddon
Energy Policy= Armegeddon
Gold= :bow3:
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The Egypt uprising has raised the stakes for Beck -- and Fox. In the past two weeks, Beck has viewed events in Egypt through his own rather warped filter. He claims that the rebellion is not about the people, not about democracy. Instead, he says, it's a move by radical Islamists to take over Egypt, as part of a larger plan to install a caliphate that stretches from the Middle East through Europe and toward the United States. And he contends that "uber-leftists" and Islamic extremists are "plotting together" toward this end. Last week on his radio show, he declared, "Groups from the hard-core socialist and communist left and extreme Islam will work together because they are both a common enemy of Israel and the Jew. . . . Islam wants a caliphate. Communists want a communist new world order. They'll work together, and they'll destabilize. Because they both want chaos."

As Beck becomes increasingly unhinged and lost in conspiracy-land, he may well become a litmus test for the right -- and a measure of whether the leaders of Fox News care about any claim to respectability. Should Fox throw him out of the coop, Beck will still have a cult-like following that he can service via his syndicated radio show, website, and books -- and still make tens of millions of dollars a year. He won't crawl off to an undisclosed location. But he will no longer have the imprimatur of the right's main media outfit. And what better confirmation that the conspiracy is vast, oh so vast.

Glenn Beck: Should Fox Toss Him Out of the Coop?

What do you think? Will Fox finally dump Glenn Beck and his John Bircher craziness?
And your proof that he's wrong is....?

Sorry Maddie, but watching the demands of the 'peaceful, freedomloving' Muslim Brotherhood (who wishes to take over the Suez canal, choke the west's oil and declare war on Israel) I can't help but think that it's all a sham for Islamofascists attempting to take over from an admittedly crappy, but western aligned dictator.

You can't negotiate with people who's starting point is 'first you die'.
I won't debate the accuracy of Beck's analysis with you, Aqua. I like you too much. But Corn points out that if Fox fires Beck, he will remain in the public eye through his syndicated radio show, appearances, books, etc. He won't disappear no matter what Murdoch does.

Then debate me on it.... he has been dead on, regarding a ton of things. I have been a listener for over 10 yrs, I know.
I can remember on sept 11th I told my wife it was Bin Ladin before I heard it on the news reports.... why? Because Glenn was talking about him on his show. He was behind the USS Cole attack and Beck was bitching, as I was, about why we let him go!

Yeah.... bring it!
Nah...He's been too accurate for, and with, two years worth of predictions. Many other anchors report on news-breaking events after Glenn, "my man", Beck has already aired them on his show. If they had watched his show, they would have known..lol. I thought Beck was going to go with a religious theme this year, but he is staying with current ( and future? ) events, so I am hanging with him. He always makes a point many times during his how to check it out for yourselves. His books are best-sellers with pages of footnotes for references. He is very informative. If one doesn't watch, they either don't want to know, or don't care to learn, the truth about current events.

Peeps here, like the OP are not willing to even watch a few of his shows (too busy posting 30 times a day) to see if anything he says is even close to the truth; meanwhile he merely tells his audience what people have said in their own words, the monster.

Sheep indeed!

Yet, Media Matters shows what people have said in their own words and righties dismiss them.
Really? you think so?

Plus or minus the unfair editing, deliberate misconstruing of the context and general monkeyshines they know they can pull on their co-haters?
Thanks for posting

That Beck sure is one twisted SOB

Liberal= Armegeddon
Economy= Armegeddon
Muslims= Armegeddon
Healthcare= Armegeddon
Energy Policy= Armegeddon
Gold= :bow3:

Thank you for demonstrating that you have no clue what Glenn actually says. Because the above demonstrates that or demonstrates that you are a complete liar and I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt.

However, it is telling that rather than try to point out where Glenn is wrong, you have to misrepresent what he is saying.

Pretending acutal tape is not real because it is viewed on the MM site is really demented

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