NYT: subsidize unemployed illegal alien day laborers to keep them in U.S. until econo


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
NYT: subsidize unemployed illegal alien day laborers to keep them in U.S. until economy improves

The New York Times offers the editorial "Immigration Riddle" (link), a plea to keep illegal alien day laborers in a Long Island community during the economic downturn rather than taking actions to cause them to return to their home countries. The town of Huntington Station (together with Hagedorn Foundation and the Long Island Community Foundation), has been paying for a day laborer center operated by the Family Service League since around 2001. See " Tempers Rise Over Immigrants" by Elissa Gootman from that year, where they admit that "most are also illegal aliens" (link).

Now, per the NYT, there isn't much work available. Rather than giving in to calls to shut the center down, the NYT wants the center to keep providing their usual fare including "food, warm clothing and English lessons."

In other words, rather than reducing the competition that U.S. citizens face for what little work is available by encouraging illegal aliens to leave, the NYT wants the city to underwrite a permanent labor pool of illegal workers. The sleazy support for illegal activity practically drips from the NYT's pages, putting them once again in the position of fully supporting illegal immigration.


#@$# $@^%& #*@% $#%^ !$#@?:

Aiding and abetting?

Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii

Aiding, abetting, harboring, encouraging illegals a felony
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Jose's relatives get taken care of just because they are Mexicans and in the country illegally?
Are you surprised that would come from New York? Have you ever been to New York? It's a mess.

Always has been a mess. Politically, psychologically, physically -- a nutbag mess.

New York is one of those places that thinks it represents the entire country. (cough, cough, sputter, sputter)

They don't.
well, if there ever was a time I can remember where American workers have to do a job what they supposedly wont' do because illegal aliens do them, this is it.

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