NYT: No, Race Is Not Just Skin-Deep

In other words the DNA is different among different people. Old news, anyone with common sense knew that already. Besides I'm sure there must have been some good reason why the black fella next to me can eat at Macdonald's everyday and still have six pack abs while I gain weight with an energy bar.

Why don't they just say what a certain philosopher said a while back?
Did that philosopher say something like...

"Eating a bigmac and working out is better than eating a powerbar and surfing the internet."

Not enough to reach 500 Calories.

As for my dark skinned friend he's eating a big mac with fries and a soda regularly. Anyone with a bit of nutritional knowledge can see how suicidal(health wise) that is. Oh and you do know a salad from mickey's isn't that good for you either right? Some sport ten grams of saturated fat which if mixed with a high amount of insulin triggering carbohydrates is a bad thing. Before you ask no I'm not including the dressing.

What did the fast-food eater do with the rest of his day? Anyway, it sort of goes along with what I say. The difference is not so much in genetics but in education and values. Perhaps, even knowing that some things are better for you than other things, people will still choose the bad things. I study and work in the medical field. I’m surprised by how many of us I see that smoke.

Also, food nutrition is relative. Some food might be better than other food but not as good as another.


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