NYT Downplays Joe Biden's Decline: 'American Government Can Function Without A Healthy President'

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Just goes to show how the liberal media will protect Biden and not question his dementia addled mind.

various presidents in history had all sorts of health problems.

Reagan was in poorer health, urinary infections and joint problems. In his last term, reagan had two operations.
various presidents in history had all sorts of health problems.

Not SENILITY. Being in a wheelchair is one thing, thinking your wheelchair is the desert cart is quite another.

What the NYT really admitted is that Joe is OK because he never was in charge of making any decisions, anyway.

1.5 years out to the next election and America is jerking off about it while multiple current crisis goes basically unaddressed.

And our 1st Qtr. GDP comes in at at whopping 1.1 %!!

Ya' gotta be F'in kidding me!!!

slo mo....watch kamala's face...and just who does Joe think she is? She has no respect for him.....she doesn't even like him. She is contemptuous of him and it shows...but she must be careful.
Just goes to show how the liberal media will protect Biden and not question his dementia addled mind.

The real article is worse than you think.
I use tools that block paywalls so here is the article if you can't read it:
The biggest reason that many Democratic officials are nervous about President Biden’s age is not his ability to do the job in a second term.
Strange as it may sound, the American government can function without a healthy president. The U.S. marched toward victory in World War II while Franklin Roosevelt was ailing in 1944 and 1945. Four decades later, the government managed its relationship with a teetering Soviet Union while Ronald Reagan’s mental capacities slipped. In each case, White House aides, Cabinet secretaries and military leaders performed well despite the lack of a fully engaged leader.
The issue that makes many Democrats even more anxious than Biden’s second-term capabilities is whether his age will prevent him from winning a second term. If enough voters are turned off by the idea of a president who would turn 86 in office, Republicans might win full control of the federal government in 2024 — and Donald Trump might return to the White House.
I know that it may seem crass for Democrats to worry more about partisan politics than the mental acuity of the country’s most powerful person. But it’s not entirely irrational. Today, I will look at the biggest question about Biden’s re-election campaign — which he formally announced yesterday — and how he might address that question.

A gaffe machine​

At 80, Biden can be an unsteady public performer. He occasionally uses the wrong word or fails to summon a name. Some of these habits are not new, to be sure. Biden has a stutter, which can make it seem as if he can’t remember words when in fact he is struggling to enunciate them. He has also long been known for saying things that he probably shouldn’t.
“Biden living up to his gaffe-prone reputation,” read a Times headline in 2008, when he was only 65. That same year, Slate magazine wrote, “He misspeaks so often, it’s hardly news — and hardly damaging.”
But aging does seem to have exacerbated these issues. In the upcoming campaign, you can imagine that a verbal misstep could cause some swing voters to wonder whether Biden is up for a second term.
These concerns help explain why polls show that roughly three-quarters of Democratic voters approve of Biden’s performance but slightly less than half want him to run for a second term.
Of course, there would be a simple way for Biden to address the concerns: He could spend more time speaking in public now and demonstrate his vigor. Instead, he and his aides have chosen the opposite approach.

The quiet strategy​

Biden has held fewer news conferences per year than any president since Reagan. Biden gave fewer interviews during his first two years in office than any president in even longer.
Yes - it is a piece directly attempting to get you to believe a weak President is okay.
Jesus Christ.
And his reference to FDR is absurd.
FDR had a physical impairment, not a mental one. FDR was sharp as a tack mentally.
Biden's issue is his brain is turning to jelly.
Yes - it is a piece directly attempting to get you to believe a weak President is okay.
Jesus Christ.
And his reference to FDR is absurd.
FDR had a physical impairment, not a mental one. FDR was sharp as a tack mentally.
Biden's issue is his brain is turning to jelly.
An old and fading man is better than a needy, mentally ill megalomaniac.

It's a lousy choice, but it's still better. It's just a shame that was the choice.
Things are better now than they were?
Removing the enormous Covid effect on unemployment.. we have barely reached pre-covid employment from 3 years ago.
Inflation is killing everyone, the home market is in the trash.
Virtually every major city is a dumpster fire in crime... we are in the middle of woke madness... and more.
Not a stance I would try to take
Things are better now than they were?
Removing the enormous Covid effect on unemployment.. we have barely reached pre-covid employment from 3 years ago.
Inflation is killing everyone, the home market is in the trash.
Virtually every major city is a dumpster fire in crime... we are in the middle of woke madness... and more.
Not a stance I would try to take
I surely wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.

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