NYT: Daughter of doctor who helped Trump avoid the draft speaks up

Trump's lack of services is compounded by the fact Hillary was a combat veteran in the killing fields of Bosnia where you braved sniper fire in the service of her country, yet returned to an ungrateful nation where she was kicked out public housing while she was "flat broke"!

Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!
Visit the Wall! The real one. In Washington, D.C. The one that counts only the dead, not the maimed.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Add this thread to the following number ONE reason Donald Trump should be LOUDLY criticized, as well as impeached...

Kendrick Lamar, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, IMPEACH.jpg

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Add this thread to the following number ONE reason Donald Trump should be LOUDLY criticized, as well as impeached...


Fucking stupid, what the hell did obama do except encourage cop assassin's?


Hello, Bear. Factual American history shows President Obama encouraged and promoted violence when befriending emotionally troubled fellow citizens like these men...

Nasir 'Nas' bin Olu Dara Jones.jpg


Trump's lack of services is compounded by the fact Hillary was a combat veteran in the killing fields of Bosnia where you braved sniper fire in the service of her country, yet returned to an ungrateful nation where she was kicked out public housing while she was "flat broke"!

Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!
Visit the Wall! The real one. In Washington, D.C. The one that counts only the dead, not the maimed.

Washington DC is pretty freaking dangerous. Liberal Senator John C. Stennis got shot outside his home there, what chances does an ordinary guy have who doesn't have political connections in the town.

It would be cool if Sheldon Adelson would build a Washington themed hotel in Vegas, then the rest of us might be able to see it in person.
Always amazes me that when it comes to Trump, everyone is lying except for him
Always amazes me that when it comes to Trump, everyone is lying except for him

President Trump has no reason to lie here. Further, the whole story is preposterous. That an affluent podiatrist would risk his livelihood and profession and commit a federal crime just so his landlord will answer his service calls on a rented premises?

And the fact that in life he never uttered a syllable about it, its ridiculous.
Bone Spur isn't a soldier. He just plays one on TV.

Just like he plays an apprentice President on TV.


Some people are too fucking stupid to comprehend the the reason that the military rejected potential recruits who were diagnosed with heel spurs.

Are you one of those idiots?
Wait--I've been told heel spurs aren't the same thing as bone spurs of the heels.
I thought a heel spur was a bone spur of the heel? :laugh:
Technically, no. A bone spur is a build up of calcium BETWEEN two bones, in a joint. A heel spur is a build up of calcium on the bottom of the heel.
Either way, if ol' Donald had them, they would have hurt--if he knew he had them. Bone spurs often have no symptoms for many years, and are usually caused by arthritis, which I doubt he had at 22. But hey.
I'm no podiatrist.
No it doesnt have to be in a joint to be a bone spur. One of my good friends had one while we were trying out for a team in Italy.

Treating Heel Spur and Bone Spurs in Feet | Osteophyte | Dr. Weil

"A bone spur (or osteophyte) is a small bony growth or collection of bony growths on or near the joints. When a bone spur occurs on heel, it is called a heel spur. They may or may not cause pain, and patients often confuse heel spurs with a related condition known as plantar fasciitis – inflammation of the band of tissue that stretches from the ball of the foot to the heel, forming the arch. Many people have a bone spur without ever knowing it, and about 70 percent of patients with plantar fasciitis who do have discomfort will also be found to have a heel spur when observed via X-ray. It is likely that a bone spur forms as the body tries to repair itself from repeated injury by laying down extra bone at the site of trauma. Plantar fasciitis is typically another result of such trauma. Heel spurs are most often seen in middle-aged men and women, but can be found in all age groups."
Trump's lack of services is compounded by the fact Hillary was a combat veteran in the killing fields of Bosnia where you braved sniper fire in the service of her country, yet returned to an ungrateful nation where she was kicked out public housing while she was "flat broke"!

Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!
Visit the Wall! The real one. In Washington, D.C. The one that counts only the dead, not the maimed.

Washington DC is pretty freaking dangerous. Liberal Senator John C. Stennis got shot outside his home there, what chances does an ordinary guy have who doesn't have political connections in the town.

It would be cool if Sheldon Adelson would build a Washington themed hotel in Vegas, then the rest of us might be able to see it in person.

I've been living here since the 1970's, living in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. This region is no more dangerous than anywhere else in the United States. Actually, it's a great place to live, enjoyable, diverse, a lot going on culturally, so many languages spoken. So many cultures represented. Great museums and monuments, great food, great theater, great mix! My only disappointment is that we have only the Potomac, but no beach, and the Potomac rises above its banks, occasionally. But it does have huge catfish that steal the bread that you toss to the ducks, and the ducks are demanding!
Quoted below is the daughter of Larry Braunstein, the foot doctor who diagnosed Donald Trump with bone spurs during the Vietnam War:
Elysa Braunstein said the implication from her father was that Mr. Trump did not have a disqualifying foot ailment. “But did he examine him? I don’t know,” she said.

The article goes on to note that the foot doctor was a tenant of Fred Trump, (Donald’s father). Fred Trump agreed not to increase the foot doctors rent in subsequent years, suggesting the diagnosis was a favor:

Dr. Alec Hochstein, who worked with Dr. Braunstein in the late 1990s, said the podiatrist had recalled over dinner with their wives how the Trumps had treated him well, including backing off from rent increases.

More here: Did a Queens Podiatrist Help Donald Trump Avoid Vietnam?

Always amazes me that when it comes to Trump, everyone is lying except for him

President Trump has no reason to lie here. Further, the whole story is preposterous. That an affluent podiatrist would risk his livelihood and profession and commit a federal crime just so his landlord will answer his service calls on a rented premises?

And the fact that in life he never uttered a syllable about it, its ridiculous.

Fred Trump had a lot of influence
Always amazes me that when it comes to Trump, everyone is lying except for him

President Trump has no reason to lie here. Further, the whole story is preposterous. That an affluent podiatrist would risk his livelihood and profession and commit a federal crime just so his landlord will answer his service calls on a rented premises?

And the fact that in life he never uttered a syllable about it, its ridiculous.

Interesting. A double post that poses a question and then answers itself.
Trump's lack of services is compounded by the fact Hillary was a combat veteran in the killing fields of Bosnia where you braved sniper fire in the service of her country, yet returned to an ungrateful nation where she was kicked out public housing while she was "flat broke"!

Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!
Visit the Wall! The real one. In Washington, D.C. The one that counts only the dead, not the maimed.

Washington DC is pretty freaking dangerous. Liberal Senator John C. Stennis got shot outside his home there, what chances does an ordinary guy have who doesn't have political connections in the town.

It would be cool if Sheldon Adelson would build a Washington themed hotel in Vegas, then the rest of us might be able to see it in person.

I've been to DC many a time and while I wouldn't call it "dangerous" there was one encounter with an obviously dangerous person. John Bolton walked by me. He had a mad, hyperfocused look in his eye as he walked to K Street.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Add this thread to the following number ONE reason Donald Trump should be LOUDLY criticized, as well as impeached...


Fucking stupid, what the hell did obama do except encourage cop assassin's?


Hello, Bear. Factual American history shows President Obama encouraged and promoted violence when befriending emotionally troubled fellow citizens like these men...



Peace, indeed.