NYT Code of Ethics

Hagbard Celine

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I'm writing a paper comparing and contrasting the NYT code of reporting and editing ethics with the NYT code of business ethics to try and see if I can find weaknesses or contradictions in either that could be or have been exploited by reporters or editors. It dawned on me that you guys would be perfect for helping me find those loopholes or in revealing things you have noticed in the past or in giving me insight I previously wouldn't have had because most of you despise the NYT already. What are your opinions?

Reporting ethics NYT
Business Ethics NYT
Hagbard Celine said:
I'm writing a paper comparing and contrasting the NYT code of reporting and editing ethics with the NYT code of business ethics to try and see if I can find weaknesses or contradictions in either that could be or have been exploited by reporters or editors. It dawned on me that you guys would be perfect for helping me find those loopholes or in revealing things you have noticed in the past or in giving me insight I previously wouldn't have had because most of you despise the NYT already. What are your opinions?

Reporting ethics NYT
Business Ethics NYT

I'm not sure what you are looking for, but perhaps these will help?



Hagbard Celine said:
I'm writing a paper comparing and contrasting the NYT code of reporting and editing ethics with the NYT code of business ethics to try and see if I can find weaknesses or contradictions in either that could be or have been exploited by reporters or editors. It dawned on me that you guys would be perfect for helping me find those loopholes or in revealing things you have noticed in the past or in giving me insight I previously wouldn't have had because most of you despise the NYT already. What are your opinions?

Reporting ethics NYT
Business Ethics NYT

Ho. Ho. Ho. Do your own homework, Sprout.
Hagbard Celine said:
I'm writing a paper comparing and contrasting the NYT code of reporting and editing ethics with the NYT code of business ethics to try and see if I can find weaknesses or contradictions in either that could be or have been exploited by reporters or editors. It dawned on me that you guys would be perfect for helping me find those loopholes or in revealing things you have noticed in the past or in giving me insight I previously wouldn't have had because most of you despise the NYT already. What are your opinions?

Reporting ethics NYT
Business Ethics NYT

Are you looking for specific information regarding the NYT's false reporting scandals??
Bonnie said:
Are you looking for specific information regarding the NYT's false reporting scandals??
Yes. What issues involving the NYT have you noticed that are unethical in your opinion? I'm mostly just comparing and contrasting the two different ethics codes for the business and reporting departments of the NYT. But I was thinking that this subject would fit right in with the subject matter of this forum and I thought a little discussion of business ethics at the NYT might help me see some things I might not have before.
Hagbard Celine said:
Yes. What issues involving the NYT have you noticed that are unethical in your opinion? I'm mostly just comparing and contrasting the two different ethics codes for the business and reporting departments of the NYT. But I was thinking that this subject would fit right in with the subject matter of this forum and I thought a little discussion of business ethics at the NYT might help me see some things I might not have before.

You got to read the editorials, there is a world of difference between the 'owners' and the 'paper.' After reading the editorials, go to the front page and see how the slant/bias enters into their reporting. Look at how the 'paper' has handled Miller problem. They see her as a traitor in their midst.
Hagbard Celine said:
Yes. What issues involving the NYT have you noticed that are unethical in your opinion? I'm mostly just comparing and contrasting the two different ethics codes for the business and reporting departments of the NYT. But I was thinking that this subject would fit right in with the subject matter of this forum and I thought a little discussion of business ethics at the NYT might help me see some things I might not have before.

You must have heard about this??

The Jayson Blair Project
How did he bamboozle the New York Times?
By Jack Shafer
Posted Thursday, May 8, 2003, at 2:45 PM PT

Jayson Blair: faking it

What can you say about a trusted professional who makes stuff up and publishes it as fact?

Last week, New York Times reporter Jayson Blair joined Janet Cooke, formerly of the Washington Post, the New Republic's Stephen Glass, the Boston Globe's Patricia Smith, and Jay Forman in Slate as journalists who got caught embellishing, exaggerating, and outright lying in print. The will to fabricate cuts across disciplines, with academics and scientists inventing data, too. Last year, Emory University history professor Michael A. Bellesiles resigned following an investigation of charges that he concocted evidence to support his book Arming America, and Bell Labs fired researcher Jan Hendrik Schon when it discovered he made up scientific data and published it.

The unmasking of a counterfeiter tends to inspire busy discussions of his motive. In the case of Blair, who is black, observers such as Mickey Kaus speculate that affirmative action may have pushed Blair to a position of responsibility before he was ready for it. The busted fabricator almost always cites personal or emotional problems, and sure enough, Blair struck that note last week, telling the Associated Press, "I have been struggling with recurring personal issues, which have caused me great pain. I am now seeking appropriate counseling. ..."

Those seeking to "understand" the liars' behavior tend to blame the liars' employers, making the liar the victim. The bosses pushed him too hard, or they took a young, promising journalist and threw him into the deep end—beyond his known abilities and experience—way before he was ready. Folks rush to swaddle the liar and his motives in psychobabble instead of placing the onus where it belongs.


Here are some good sites for media watchdog groups that covers news ethics from the Times and others


My own opinion is the NYT, and LA Times are not paragons of unbiased reporting, they have been caught doctoring picutres, and printing untruth's some of which they print retractions for and other not.
Bonnie said:
You must have heard about this??

The Jayson Blair Project
How did he bamboozle the New York Times?
By Jack Shafer
Posted Thursday, May 8, 2003, at 2:45 PM PT


Here are some good sites for media watchdog groups that covers news ethics from the Times and others


My own opinion is the NYT, and LA Times are not paragons of unbiased reporting, they have been caught doctoring picutres, and printing untruth's some of which they print retractions for and other not.

Ah, but it was for this and other 'problems' that the public editor position was created. They've gone through one, working on two...

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