NYC mayoral demonRAT candidate Andrew Yang sparks #YangSupportsGenocide on Twitter after backing Israel!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Hard to believe a demonRAT has the balls to back the state of Israel over the terrorist Muslim undeclared genocide of all Jews in Israel!....I expect an assassination attempt on him IF he does win the demonRAT PRIMARY for mayor!


New York City mayoral hopeful Andrew Yang expressed support for Israel amid its clashes with Palestinians in a tweet that drew cheers from top Republicans and jeers from the left – as he sparked the hashtag #YangSupportsGenocide.

“I’m standing with the people of Israel who are coming under bombardment attacks, and condemn the Hamas terrorists,” Yang tweeted Monday night .

“The people of NYC will always stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel who face down terrorism and persevere,” he added.

US Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) cheered Yang’s message of support for the Jewish state, tweeting: “Bravo to Yang for opposing the rabidly pro-Hamas & anti-Israel attacks from fellow Dems Omar & Tlaib.”

Progressive “Squad” member Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have all expressed their support for the Palestinians.

Omar said in a tweet that “Israeli air strikes killing civilians in Gaza is an act of terrorism.”

“Israel attacks it during Ramadan. Where’s the outrage @POTUS?” Tlaib said in a tweet.

Ocasio-Cortez went directly after the mayoral candidate.

“Utterly shameful for Yang to send out a chest-thumping statement of support for a strike killing 9 children, especially after his silence as Al-Aqsa was attacked,” AOC wrote on Twitter.

“The View” co-host Meghan McCain posted the hashtag “#YANGGANG!”

Former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, who served seven years of a 35-year prison sentence before President Barack Obama commuted her sentence, reacted to Yang’s tweet with a “Yikes.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Andrew Yang apologizes for pro-Israel tweet after criticism from the left | New York Post

In less than 24 hours another lying demonRAT changes position 180 degrees!.... Yeah, NO INTEGRITY!

A person would have to be awfully stupid to think it is Israel rather than Hamas that seeks genocide.

Hamas even lists "the killing of Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees" right in their charter.
A person would have to be awfully stupid to think it is Israel rather than Hamas that seeks genocide.

Hamas even lists "the killing of Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees" right in their charter.

That is just a lie.
Moslems NEVER have attacked or tried to harm Jews, ever.
The quote from the Quran about seeking out Jews hiding behind rocks and trees is a like.
The TRUTH is that in the war between Mohammad and the Meccans, one of the twelve Hebrew tribes allied with Mohammad, turned traitor.
So it was ONLY the Banu Qurayza who betrayed Mohammad and other Hebrew tribes, that Mohammad had to attack.
And in fact, it was the other Hebrew tribes that actually destroyed the Banu Qurayza, not Mohammad.

Anyone who says Moslems harm Jews is a liar.

The Hamas charter says Israel is to be wiped off the map, not that Jews should be harmed.
A person would have to be awfully stupid to think it is Israel rather than Hamas that seeks genocide.

Hamas even lists "the killing of Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees" right in their charter.

Someone would have to be beyond stupid to think that Moslems would want to harm Jews.
Jews lived under Moslem rulers for over 1500 years.
If Moslem mistreated Jews, then they Jews would have left or been exterminated long ago.

Go look up history of the Crusades.
How murdered Jews and who defended Jews?
I will give you a hint, it was Christians who murdered Jews whenever they found them.
The Moslems not only did not harm them, but hired them for the highest positions, like Vizier.
Too bad Yang buckled and caved in. Once again the left shoves their people back in line despite
the tiresome claims of leftist clowns that republicans are in lock step as one when nothing could
be further from the truth. Once again the left engages in utter hypocrisy.
A person would have to be awfully stupid to think it is Israel rather than Hamas that seeks genocide.

Hamas even lists "the killing of Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees" right in their charter.

The Hamas charter never said to harm Jews at all.
What it used to say originally was that violence was justified in the removal of Israel because it is an illegal country.
But they even backed off that, and now accept Israel and repudiated violence.

What you are quoting is not from the Hamas charter, but the Quran, and it ONLY talks about how the trees and rocks will call out for vengeance against Jews who turned traitor to their combined cause in the war with the Meccans, twice.
There were 12 Hebrew tribes allied with Mohammad in Medina, and 1 of those 12 tribes turned traitor and tried to assassinate him.
The Hamas charter never said to harm Jews at all.
What it used to say originally was that violence was justified in the removal of Israel because it is an illegal country.
But they even backed off that, and now accept Israel and repudiated violence.

What you are quoting is not from the Hamas charter, but the Quran, and it ONLY talks about how the trees and rocks will call out for vengeance against Jews who turned traitor to their combined cause in the war with the Meccans, twice.
There were 12 Hebrew tribes allied with Mohammad in Medina, and 1 of those 12 tribes turned traitor and tried to assassinate him.
^^^^ bullshit-----jews refused to kiss the stinking ass of the rapist pig, Muhummad
^^^^ bullshit-----jews refused to kiss the stinking ass of the rapist pig, Muhummad

Mohammad got chased out of Mecca, so went to Medina, where the Jews were, and they allied with him, to defeat the Meccans.
Jews then consider Mohammad as just a reformed Jew.
A person would have to be awfully stupid to think it is Israel rather than Hamas that seeks genocide.

Hamas even lists "the killing of Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees" right in their charter.


First of all, Jews are the invaders as illegal European immigrants, and do not even belong in the Mideast.
Second is that the Hamas charter never said anything remotely like genocide.
The Hamas charter used to call for an end of the country of Israel, but took that out over a decade ago.
And NEVER have Moslems ever called for violence against Jews, as that is forbidden by the Quran.
The Quran quote:
"The Jews will fight with you, and you will be given victory over them so that a stone will say, 'O Muslim! There is a Jew behind me; kill him!' "

Refers to ONE of the TWELVE Hebrew tribes that turned traitor against Mohammad for the 2nd time.
Those were the only Jews Mohammad ever fought.
Most of Mohammad's allies and his armies were Jews.
Mohammad got chased out of Mecca, so went to Medina, where the Jews were, and they allied with him, to defeat the Meccans.
Jews then consider Mohammad as just a reformed Jew.
bullshit ^^^^ muhummad was what he was-----a rapist murdering pig

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