NYC is considering removing statues of Washington and Columbus


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
As New York City cripples under monumental budget cuts due to a migrant crisis straining public resources, the city council is planning to consider a series of measures that would, among other things, remove statues of major historical figures like George Washington and create a reparations task force.

The items are included in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, 2023. The council’s Cultural Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing on a measure to remove works of art on city property that "depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity."

This criteria would include figures like America’s first president George Washington, Dutch governor and New York settler Peter Stuyvesant, as well as Christopher Columbus – all of whom have statues throughout the city.

This is just more Dumb Democrat hate and racism and it will not solve any problems.
The Democrats should put reparations on a ballot if they are serious.
As New York City cripples under monumental budget cuts due to a migrant crisis straining public resources, the city council is planning to consider a series of measures that would, among other things, remove statues of major historical figures like George Washington and create a reparations task force.

The items are included in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, 2023. The council’s Cultural Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing on a measure to remove works of art on city property that "depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity."

This criteria would include figures like America’s first president George Washington, Dutch governor and New York settler Peter Stuyvesant, as well as Christopher Columbus – all of whom have statues throughout the city.

This is just more Dumb Democrat hate and racism and it will not solve any problems.
The Democrats should put reparations on a ballot if they are serious.

Dumb on both sides. You don't want dumb, change the electoral system. Don't change the electoral system, get dumb. Your choice.
Another one of those situations where I don't understand what the net practical goal is supposed to be, and I wonder if they've taken even a moment to weigh whatever the positive is with the inevitable opposite viewpoint and response.

"I don't like this, so you can't have it either".

Does this kind of stuff really need to be done? I don't think so.
Who are they trying to please by removing statues of historic figures. It certainly won't feed or house the poor. It won't clean up the filthy streets. It won't fix the failing schools. It won't make people safe in their own houses or cars or just walking on the street. It won't make the media accurate. Removing statues is the solution of mental midgets.
As New York City cripples under monumental budget cuts due to a migrant crisis straining public resources, the city council is planning to consider a series of measures that would, among other things, remove statues of major historical figures like George Washington and create a reparations task for

Of course, reparations should be paid. Those folks deserve to be rewarded for their exemplary behavior.
As New York City cripples under monumental budget cuts due to a migrant crisis straining public resources, the city council is planning to consider a series of measures that would, among other things, remove statues of major historical figures like George Washington and create a reparations task force.

The items are included in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, 2023. The council’s Cultural Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing on a measure to remove works of art on city property that "depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity."

This criteria would include figures like America’s first president George Washington, Dutch governor and New York settler Peter Stuyvesant, as well as Christopher Columbus – all of whom have statues throughout the city.

This is just more Dumb Democrat hate and racism and it will not solve any problems.
The Democrats should put reparations on a ballot if they are serious.
What's racist or hateful about it? Other than hating slavers of course which no decent person would object to.
Another one of those situations where I don't understand what the net practical goal is supposed to be, and I wonder if they've taken even a moment to weigh whatever the positive is with the inevitable opposite viewpoint and response.

"I don't like this, so you can't have it either".

Does this kind of stuff really need to be done? I don't think so.
The positives are that maybe one day little black children won't grow up in a bigoted society that venerates people who used to own and treat their ancestors like property.
The positives are that maybe one day little black children won't grow up in a bigoted society that venerates people who used to own and treat their ancestors like property.
Bullshit. There are no positives. No one cares that Washington owned slaves. Everyone owned slaves back then. So what?
Washington defeated the best military in the world with a ragtag bunch of farmers and slave owners, about 3% of the US population.

Its your choice whether or not your kids grow up in a colorblind society or a bigoted society. Play that race card and see what happens.
Stop with that bullshit already. Have you seen the movie "The Sound of Freedom"? That's what should concern you today.
What bullshit? Can you point to anything I said that was erroneous? Washington was a slaver, it's not my problem if hearing that hurts your feelings.
Bullshit. There are no positives. No one cares that Washington owned slaves. Everyone owned slaves back then. So what?
Washington defeated the best military in the world with a ragtag bunch of farmers and slave owners, about 3% of the US population.

Its your choice whether or not your kids grow up in a colorblind society or a bigoted society. Play that race card and see what happens.
What's happening other than you becoming an emotional Bingo? 😄
Bullshit. There are no positives. No one cares that Washington owned slaves. Everyone owned slaves back then. So what?
Washington defeated the best military in the world with a ragtag bunch of farmers and slave owners, about 3% of the US population.

Goats here is some chickenshit 'refugee' who fled here from its own country instead of fighting to reform it for the better. It likes to shit here and play 'revolutionary progressive' where it's safe and it doesn't have to risk anything.
Goats here is some chickenshit 'refugee' who fled here from its own country instead of fighting to reform it for the better. It likes to shit here and play 'revolutionary progressive' where it's safe and it doesn't have to risk anything.
My family and I have dual citizenship and own property and businesses in both countries, but don't hurt yourself thinking about the obvious too hard. 😄
As New York City cripples under monumental budget cuts due to a migrant crisis straining public resources, the city council is planning to consider a series of measures that would, among other things, remove statues of major historical figures like George Washington and create a reparations task force.

The items are included in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, 2023. The council’s Cultural Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing on a measure to remove works of art on city property that "depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity."

This criteria would include figures like America’s first president George Washington, Dutch governor and New York settler Peter Stuyvesant, as well as Christopher Columbus – all of whom have statues throughout the city.

This is just more Dumb Democrat hate and racism and it will not solve any problems.
The Democrats should put reparations on a ballot if they are serious.
That policy will attract a lot of blacks hoping to get reparations. More financially secure whites and Hispanics will decide to leave New York City.

The illegal alien crowd and the blacks hoping for reparations will so costly that the city will find more and more services will have to be cut. Those cost cutting measures will cause more whites and Hispanics to move out of the city.

New York City will end up in a vicious circle. It will become a big city where nobody wants to live.
What bullshit? Can you point to anything I said that was erroneous? Washington was a slaver, it's not my problem if hearing that hurts your feelings.
Washington was the Father of the USA. Who cares that he owned slaves? Not me. Not most real Americans. I hope they don't remove any of his statues. If they do, it just shows that they are Low-IQ low-lifes.
That policy will attract a lot of blacks hoping to get reparations. More financially secure whites and Hispanics will decide to leave New York City.

The illegal alien crowd and the blacks hoping for reparations will so costly that the city will find more and more services will have to be cut. Those cost cutting measures will cause more whites and Hispanics to move out of the city.

New York City will end up in a vicious circle. It will become a big city where nobody wants to live.

We need to ship them a couple million more 'refugees', same with all the 'sanctuary cities'. They're all here to just work hard and stuff, so NYC should boom and get rich overnight, according to the media shills.

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