NYC Democrats have the immigrant crisis solution!!! Remove Christopher Columbus, George Washington statues.

Is your one trick to call me the Taliban? That's incredibly lazy. Also I'm not suggesting we tear anything down. I'm suggesting communities should get to democratically decide what iconography represents them and that shouldn't include rapists and slavers, as far as my opinion is concerned. Very Taliban esq. to call for Democratic representation I guess.....
Well, it was either Taliban or Jacobin, and I flipped a coin. :)

But perhaps I haven't given you enough credit...?

It concerns me that your position is essentially 50% +1 at any given time decides the fate of precious public art.

Rubble and ashes is where this leads.

Hence my referencing the Taliban.

How about this:

CREATE rather than DESTROY.

But let's move to another city - DC.

Just south of NYC.

Nation's capitol.

Is it your position that the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, and Lincoln Memorial - among others - should be eradicated?


What is to be done?

Leave it up to a 50% + 1 vote?

Do you GENUINELY not see where this leads, and how frivolous, capricious and dangerous it is?

And since I've extended the range of discussion, I'll answer an earlier question of yours.

It is HIGHLY unlikely I would call for the removal of ANY public art, no matter how odious I found the subject, treatment, or its creator/s.

This incudes those asshole sheets Christo hung in Central Park, though these monstrosities were never intended to be permanent.

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