NYC Democrats have the immigrant crisis solution!!! Remove Christopher Columbus, George Washington statues.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
You have to admit they are consistent. No matter what the day, their priorities are clear. Tear down the country, pander to their Black base and ignore American citizens. With the massive problems NYC has, they shouldn't be spending a New York minute on this Social Justice bullshit.

Once again Trump was right....I wouldn't be surprised if the Demafacsit attempt to change the names of Washington, District of Columbia, as well as Washington State in the near future.
And that is why America has so damn many illegals flooding in. A long with a lot of our other problems.

Because we're trying to take away what makes America America. When we get rid of our history, take away pride, ditch our countries morals, values and standards were left with a country that just festers and rots.

Were erasing everything that got us where we are and made us great.
None of this goes far enough.

They also need to have nightly bonfires in which each end every book in a New York Public Library that contains any word or idea that anyone might find offensive or hurtful is burned.

Once all the hurtful books - and all the mean statues - are gone, the DemocraTaliban can rest.

(Not that I'm letting Republicans of the hook for their ridiculous book-banning bullshit.)
None of this goes far enough.

They also need to have nightly bonfires in which each end every book in a New York Public Library that contains any word or idea that anyone might find offensive or hurtful is burned.

Once all the hurtful books - and all the mean statues - are gone, the DemocraTaliban can rest.

(Not that I'm letting Republicans of the hook for their ridiculous book-banning bullshit.)
What's wrong with choosing not to venerate slavers and rapists? That isn't the same thing as book burning. If anything it gives an opportunity to dispel senseless propaganda.
What's wrong with choosing not to venerate slavers and rapists? That isn't the same thing as book burning. If anything it gives an opportunity to dispel senseless propaganda.
Until there was a purposeful agenda started on men from the past, this was nothing. Not one of us know what we would be like living in different periods of history. We live in a culture where the statues represent a whole race of people who survived on the backs of others. When the truth is, the elites lived on the backs of others. And the elites are in every race and culture in this world. Then and now.
Until there was a purposeful agenda started on men from the past, this was nothing. Not one of us know what we would be like living in different periods of history. We live in a culture where the statues represent a whole race of people who survived on the backs of others. When the truth is, the elites lived on the backs of others. And the elites are in every race and culture in this world. Then and now.
Cool story bro
What's wrong with choosing not to venerate slavers and rapists?
Going forward, no problem at all, and I support mindfulness.

I do NOT support the destruction/removal of irreplaceable pieces of public art, some of which are masterpieces, even when I despise the subject.

The placard placement seems like a fine compromise.
That isn't the same thing as book burning.
Often the same Talibanic stink as currently practiced.

And I oppose that stink whether the subject is a monster like Jefferson or Sherman, or a genius like MLKJ.

Placards are fine.
If anything it gives an opportunity to dispel senseless propaganda.
Concur; placards are a fine idea.
Going forward, no problem at all, and I support mindfulness.

I do NOT support the destruction/removal of irreplaceable pieces of public art, some of which are masterpieces, even when I despise the subject.
Isn't art subjective? I don't find them to be masterpieces or irreplaceable. Even if they were I still wouldn't care if Michaelangelo himself created a stunning sculpture of Hitler, I'd still be disappointed in my country for displaying it.
The placard placement seems like a fine compromise.
Some things I have no desire for comprise on.
Often the same Talibanic stink as currently practiced.
I wish that you had as much disdain for Washington's destruction of people's lives, their families and their hope as you appear to do for the Talibans destruction of art. Such is the power of propaganda.
And I oppose that stink whether the subject is a monster like Jefferson or Sherman, or a genius like MLKJ.
I'm not suggesting we erase history. I'm suggesting our country stop venerating deplorable men.
Placards are fine.

Concur; placards are a fine idea.
They aren't. They won't do much to dispel the myth that Washington was any better than Hitler.
Isn't art subjective?
The mastery shown in these works of public art is beyond exceptional; these works are priceless, and their subjects secondary.

The point of the Mona Lisa isn't the chick.
I don't find them to be masterpieces or irreplaceable.
I hope you'll learn more then.
Even if they were I still wouldn't care if Michaelangelo himself created a stunning sculpture of Hitler, I'd still be disappointed in my country for displaying it.
I like the way you conceptualize, though I'm disappointed by your conclusion.
Some things I have no desire for comprise on.
Same here; defending works of creative expression is where I draw my line.
I wish that you had as much disdain for Washington's destruction of people's lives, their families and their hope as you appear to do for the Talibans destruction of art.
Your assumption that I don't is just that - mere assumption.

But I can protect the art; the people are gone.
Such is the power of propaganda.
Another name for art, yes.

Sometimes great art.

The Central Park statue of the monster Sherman - an American Hitler to be sure - is a masterpiece.

That he was a genocidal psychopath whom I - and all decent people - despise is irrelevant in comparison to the astonishing brilliance of this work.
I'm not suggesting we erase history.

Placards work. :)
I'm suggesting our country stop venerating deplorable men.
Including those who would destroy great works of art?

Agreed if so.
They aren't.
They are.
They won't do much to dispel the myth that Washington was any better than Hitler.
So time to tear down Sherman, Grant, Jefferson, Lincoln and all the rest then?

Anyone, or any art by anyone, who has done despicable things, spoken the wrong words, thought the wrong thoughts?

A world of white after the ashes blow away?

If you do not now see why I originally referenced the burning of books above...
The mastery shown in these works of public art is beyond exceptional; these works are priceless, and their subjects secondary.
That's still a subjective distinction. What constitutes good art is entirely subjective.

But for the record if there was a masterful work of Hitler you'd want it displayed?
The point of the Mona Lisa isn't the chick.

I hope you'll learn more then.
Learn what? All I've learned so far is your subjective opinion about slaver art.
I like the way you conceptualize, though I'm disappointed by your conclusion.

Same here; defending works of creative expression is where I draw my line.

Your assumption that I don't is just that - mere assumption.

But I can protect the art; the people are gone.

Another name for art, yes.

Sometimes great art.

The Central Park statue of the monster Sherman - an American Hitler to be sure - is a masterpiece.
Again that's your subjective opinion. Do you see how Jews and Blacks might be put off because of the subject? Would you really liken a Jewish person to the Taliban because they wanted a Hitler statue removed? Really?
That he was a genocidal psychopath whom I - and all decent people - despise is irrelevant in comparison to the astonishing brilliance of this work.
It's irrelevant to you. It's relevant to me and relevant to many jews that Hitler and Slavers aren't venerated.

Placards work. :)

Including those who would destroy great works of art?

Agreed if so.

They are.

So time to tear down Sherman, Grant, Jefferson, Lincoln and all the rest then?

Anyone, or any art by anyone, who has done despicable things, spoken the wrong words, thought the wrong thoughts?

A world of white after the ashes blow away?

If you do not now see why I originally referenced the burning of books above...
If your atrocity was the slaughter of millions of Jews or Slaves I think that's slightly different than someone who said something uncomfortable once. I'm capable of nuance. Are you?
That's still a subjective distinction. What constitutes good art is entirely subjective.

But for the record if there was a masterful work of Hitler you'd want it displayed?

Learn what? All I've learned so far is your subjective opinion about slaver art.

Again that's your subjective opinion. Do you see how Jews and Blacks might be put off because of the subject? Would you really liken a Jewish person to the Taliban because they wanted a Hitler statue removed? Really?

It's irrelevant to you. It's relevant to me and relevant to many jews that Hitler and Slavers aren't venerated.

If your atrocity was the slaughter of millions of Jews or Slaves I think that's slightly different than someone who said something uncomfortable once. I'm capable of nuance. Are you?
Double think...triple think... quadruple think...Nothing is changed from those eras. Only excuses from them. and we cannot make excuses today depending on who is in control.
Double think...triple think... quadruple think...Nothing is changed from those eras. Only excuses from them. and we cannot make excuses today depending on who is in control.
I. Don't. Know. What. Point. You're. Trying. To. Make......😄
That's still a subjective distinction. What constitutes good art is entirely subjective.
Great art in this case; masterful and irreplaceable.
But for the record if there was a masterful work of Hitler you'd want it displayed?
For the record, let's stay on topic.

Are you okay with genocidal psychopath Sherman being honored at the entrance to Central Park??
Learn what?
All I've learned so far is your subjective opinion about slaver art.
See above.
Again that's your subjective opinion. Do you see how Jews and Blacks might be put off because of the subject? Would you really liken a Jewish person to the Taliban because they wanted a Hitler statue removed? Really?
Do you want the magnificent statue of genocidal psychopath Sherman removed?
It's irrelevant to you.
Do you want the statue removed?
It's relevant to me and relevant to many jews that Hitler and Slavers aren't venerated.
Sherman statue?
If your atrocity was the slaughter of millions of Jews or Slaves I think that's slightly different than someone who said something uncomfortable once. I'm capable of nuance. Are you?
Are you in support of removing the Sherman statue?

All Sherman statues?

Renaming all streets and places which carry his name?

Or will a placard do?

No nuance needed to answer - a simple yes or no will do.
Great art in this case; masterful and irreplaceable.
It's only your opinion that they're masterful and irreplaceable. That's not an objective fact. People have differing opinions.
For the record, let's stay on topic.

Are you okay with genocidal psychopath Sherman being honored at the entrance to Central Park??
No. I would like this country to stop venerating all slavers and perpetrators of atrocities.

See above.

Do you want the magnificent statue of genocidal psychopath Sherman removed?
You calling it magnificent doesn't mean anything to me. I don't see it as magnificent at all. All I see is a monument to a deplorable human being.
Do you want the statue removed?
Yes. I haven't been unclear about that.
Sherman statue?
Are you in support of removing the Sherman statue?
All Sherman statues?
Yes. Why would I be only in favor of selectively removing Sherman statues? 😄
Renaming all streets and places which carry his name?
Or will a placard do?
Nope. Germany doesn't name their streets after Hitler why should we name any after our monsters?
No nuance needed to answer - a simple yes or no will do.
I would figure my answer to those would be obvious.

Let me also say this. What makes art special are thw feelings it invokes in the person viewing it. Can you understand how images of Hitler or Washington might mar whatever aesthetic beauty might exist in a piece of art when viewed by Jews or Black people?
It's only your opinion that they're masterful and irreplaceable. That's not an objective fact. People have differing opinions.
Clearly, and as I said, it all must come down.

Rubble & ashes.

No. I would like this country to stop venerating all slavers and perpetrators of atrocities.
Okay - you're consistent.
You calling it magnificent doesn't mean anything to me.

Tear it down. :)
I don't see it as magnificent at all. All I see is a monument to a deplorable human being.
It's all gotta go.

Or here's a thought...

Placards, and new statues to people who are less imperfect.

Of course no one's perfect, so really, just tear it/burn it down.

Much simpler.
Yes. I haven't been unclear about that.



Yes. Why would I be only in favor of selectively removing Sherman statues? 😄

Consistency is not a problem for you. :)
Nope. Germany doesn't name their streets after Hitler why should we name any after our monsters?
There is a LOT of work to do then!

Much to be torn down and renamed.

SO many imperfect people.

I assume all Picassos must be removed from exhibition if not destroyed, yes?

Or we could create instead of destroy.

But you don't want that do you?
I would figure my answer to those would be obvious.
Sadly so, yes.
Let me also say this. What makes art special are thw feelings it invokes in the person viewing it.
But this varies, no?

You only want art which invokes the "proper" feelings in the "proper" people however.

I find this quite Taliban-like.
Can you understand how images of Hitler or Washington might mar whatever aesthetic beauty might exist in a piece of art when viewed by Jews or Black people?
Or women looking at Picasso.

The examples are endless.

People are horrendously imperfect.

It's all got to be torn down.


We could focus on creating rather than destroying.

Instead of following the Taliban's lead, we could attempt to do better.
Clearly, and as I said, it all must come down.

Rubble & ashes.


Okay - you're consistent.


Tear it down. :)

It's all gotta go.

Or here's a thought...

Placards, and new statues to people who are less imperfect.

Of course no one's perfect, so really, just tear it/burn it down.

Much simpler.

Consistency is not a problem for you. :)

There is a LOT of work to do then!

Much to be torn down and renamed.

SO many imperfect people.

I assume all Picassos must be removed from exhibition if not destroyed, yes?

Or we could create instead of destroy.

But you don't want that do you?

Sadly so, yes.

But this varies, no?

You only want art which invokes the "proper" feelings in the "proper" people however.

I find this quite Taliban-like.

Or women looking at Picasso.

The examples are endless.

People are horrendously imperfect.

It's all got to be torn down.


We could focus on creating rather than destroying.

Instead of following the Taliban's lead, we could attempt to do better.
Is your one trick to call me the Taliban? That's incredibly lazy. Also I'm not suggesting we tear anything down. I'm suggesting communities should get to democratically decide what iconography represents them and that shouldn't include rapists and slavers, as far as my opinion is concerned. Very Taliban esq. to call for Democratic representation I guess.....
Whenever a ludicrous lib loon operating platform is exposed as ludicrous they Always switch to an anti American stance to “correct” it. The effort is nothing but deflection, virtue pandering.
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