NY ditches teacher literacy test because ti's deemed to promote racisim

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Who cares about education folks! Who cares that the United States has plummeted in the global rankings of education standards! At least that seems to be the attitude of one of the country’s largest states that are set to ditch a test designed to measure the reading and writing skills of potential teachers in the future! According to reports, An outsized percentage of black and Hispanic candidates were failing the test, members of the New York state Board of Regents plans to adopt a task force’s recommendation to eliminate the literacy exam,

NY Ditches Teacher Literacy Test Because It's Deemed to promote "Racism"!

Oh the mental illness running rampant in NY they are a sorry bunch living there. Not everyone of course some area wake and realize the games going on but this one doesn't even take the cake really. Just shows one more time how this next generation is going to be incredibly weak minded, they will be weak beyond reality. They can't and won't handle reality . If we think people knock themselves off now imagine when these mental cases grow up
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