Nuclear meltdown in Japan reactor?

Japanese government saying 190 reported cases of radiation poisoning now.

They are "dumping seawater" on the core to try and cool it.
:confused: I thought they said there were no did anyone get radiation poisoning?

There are leaks. One confirmed, one suspected, 3 other reactors being examined, but damaged.

I suspect the one (Fukiyami?) is going to melt down. That is the one they are fighting to stay ahead of.
How far could the radiation drift and still be deadly?

I don't know, but the good news there is that the one they are most concerned with is the one on the coast, and the prevailing winds blow toward the water.
There is no failsafe precaution one can take to protect a house built on a river but one: not building on the river.

And don't build by trees---one could fall on your house.
Nature can be brutal. Where are you going to build your house to be "safe" ?

You build it at an elevation above the 100 year flood level, or build it like one guy did, with his 1st floor basically being a flow through chamber made of concrete, with all his furnishings 10 feet up.

If people want to live in a risk free environment, i suggest, um, wait, I cant suggest anything.
My old beach house.:cool:


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How far could the radiation drift and still be deadly?

I don't know, but the good news there is that the one they are most concerned with is the one on the coast, and the prevailing winds blow toward the water.

I dont think anyone really knows. The problem is that we keep getting bombarded with information, alot of it contradictory. i've read stories that range from the concrete contaiment building being the source of the exploision that happened recently, to the building AROUND the containment being the source, to some anciallary building near the containments being the source.

The RIGHT NOW news media is not being helpful with this. We dont even know the sources of 90% of the statements being made.

People have to understand that the only time we will know exactly what happened is after everything is over, and the engineers can go look back and do a failure analysis with hard data.

I'm actually starting to feel bad about commenting on this, because I dont have all the information, and as an engineer (liscensed) I should know better than making guesses on partial data.
How far could the radiation drift and still be deadly?

I don't know, but the good news there is that the one they are most concerned with is the one on the coast, and the prevailing winds blow toward the water.

I dont think anyone really knows. The problem is that we keep getting bombarded with information, alot of it contradictory. i've read stories that range from the concrete contaiment building being the source of the exploision that happened recently, to the building AROUND the containment being the source, to some anciallary building near the containments being the source.

The RIGHT NOW news media is not being helpful with this. We dont even know the sources of 90% of the statements being made.

People have to understand that the only time we will know exactly what happened is after everything is over, and the engineers can go look back and do a failure analysis with hard data.

I'm actually starting to feel bad about commenting on this, because I dont have all the information, and as an engineer (liscensed) I should know better than making guesses on partial data.
:eek: Maybe you should call for an end to freedom of the press.
I don't know, but the good news there is that the one they are most concerned with is the one on the coast, and the prevailing winds blow toward the water.

I dont think anyone really knows. The problem is that we keep getting bombarded with information, alot of it contradictory. i've read stories that range from the concrete contaiment building being the source of the exploision that happened recently, to the building AROUND the containment being the source, to some anciallary building near the containments being the source.

The RIGHT NOW news media is not being helpful with this. We dont even know the sources of 90% of the statements being made.

People have to understand that the only time we will know exactly what happened is after everything is over, and the engineers can go look back and do a failure analysis with hard data.

I'm actually starting to feel bad about commenting on this, because I dont have all the information, and as an engineer (liscensed) I should know better than making guesses on partial data.
:eek: Maybe you should call for an end to freedom of the press.

Or just ask the media to verify thier sources before releasing information.

Ah, argumentum ad absurdium, my favorite logical fallacy.
How far could the radiation drift and still be deadly?

If you built your house on the same planet as Japan you could be in trouble.




OMG, I am ROLLING here.

The Rep limitations should be lifted for this post alone, as I cannot rep you again!

It was mildly amusing. But it sure doesn't help make a case to build any more reactors.
I dont think anyone really knows. The problem is that we keep getting bombarded with information, alot of it contradictory. i've read stories that range from the concrete contaiment building being the source of the exploision that happened recently, to the building AROUND the containment being the source, to some anciallary building near the containments being the source.

The RIGHT NOW news media is not being helpful with this. We dont even know the sources of 90% of the statements being made.

People have to understand that the only time we will know exactly what happened is after everything is over, and the engineers can go look back and do a failure analysis with hard data.

I'm actually starting to feel bad about commenting on this, because I dont have all the information, and as an engineer (liscensed) I should know better than making guesses on partial data.
:eek: Maybe you should call for an end to freedom of the press.

Or just ask the media to verify thier sources before releasing information.

Ah, argumentum ad absurdium, my favorite logical fallacy.
What do you call your logical fallacy?

As far as I can tell the media is doing a decent job of reporting what is known or what Japanese officials are telling them.

You must be one of the dopes that blames the media for your own rush to judgment.
How far could the radiation drift and still be deadly?

at least as far as across the continent. In fact this actually happened and was documented in the US. Folks in a swath across the US were poisoned with radioactive milk following a release of radioactive gas in Hanford WA during WWII. The swath was at least 1500 miles long.
The entire country of Japan is a volcanic island so there really isn't any "safe and stable" place to build anything.
Especially a nuclear reactor.
Right, so therefore, nothing should be built until someone, somewhere, deems it 100% safe right?

Can't take any risks at all no matter what the reward right?
I didn't say have to weigh the risks before building things that affect innocent lives very carefully.

IMO, building a nuclear reactor on the pacific rim seems retarded.

Building a house on a river does as well...but the house doesn't have the potential to destroy the neighborhood.
If you built your house on the same planet as Japan you could be in trouble.




OMG, I am ROLLING here.

The Rep limitations should be lifted for this post alone, as I cannot rep you again!

It was mildly amusing. But it sure doesn't help make a case to build any more reactors.

And the first car accident should have shown us that we shouldn't build anymore cars ?
damn Ravi----can you possibly find a more extreme argument ?
It strikes me as odd that a mere 10 months after the BP "disaster" forced the world to reconsider the risks of deep crust oil extraction a nuclear emergency in Japan threatens to force a reconsideration of our nuclear power platform.

My heart goes out to the Japanese. Their emergency services are strained to the limit, the nuclear emergency could not have happened at a worse moment.

Hopefully the seawater/boric acid scheme will work, if not start learning to spell Chernobyl.



OMG, I am ROLLING here.

The Rep limitations should be lifted for this post alone, as I cannot rep you again!

It was mildly amusing. But it sure doesn't help make a case to build any more reactors.

And the first car accident should have shown us that we shouldn't build anymore cars ?
damn Ravi----can you possibly find a more extreme argument ?
dillo, no offense, but your hyperbole is retarded.
:eek: Maybe you should call for an end to freedom of the press.

Or just ask the media to verify thier sources before releasing information.

Ah, argumentum ad absurdium, my favorite logical fallacy.
What do you call your logical fallacy?

As far as I can tell the media is doing a decent job of reporting what is known or what Japanese officials are telling them.

You must be one of the dopes that blames the media for your own rush to judgment.

the logical fallacy you used, agrumentum ad absurdim, or the argument of the extremes means you took my criticism of the current press coverage as a desire to end freedom of the press. Or as an example:

Mike thinks that dogs should be banned from resturants, therefore Mike thinks dogs should be banned from all buildings.

You take my critique of the newsmedia's desire to get information out as quick as possible, and try to make it seem like I want to end freedom of press. that is the fallacy of the extremes, and is poor form in debate.

and you ad argumentum ad hominem, by calling me a dope.

To me, the media is not vetting the information enough prior to reporting it. There is no real need to RIGHT NOW information, unless you are in the exclusion zone.
As mentioned above the whole planet could be affected from this disaster, especially if the other nuclear plants go KA-BOOM.

If your old enough to remember in the 50's when the nuclear powers were testing their weapons in the open atmosphere, their fallout was descending on Canada and the USA plus a previous release of nuclear gas from a plant in Washington state . This contaminated the plains/farms/ranches with radioactive particles. The cows then fed up these grasses and their milk was full of strontium 90 among other radio active elements. Then our babies consumed this contaminated milk and were irradiated. What a scare that was.

Well, we may have a replay, the prevailing winds are from east to west.

We should be watchful, hopefully the national governments of the Pacific rim will do extensive testing and track the radiation and radioactive particulates.
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