Nuclear meltdown in Japan reactor?

The AP headline on Yahoo today is worded to make it appear that there was an explosion at the nuclear plant before the earthquake. The subtle intent is to cast doubt on nuclear power which ties into the Obama/green revolutionary movement.
The AP headline on Yahoo today is worded to make it appear that there was an explosion at the nuclear plant before the earthquake. The subtle intent is to cast doubt on nuclear power which ties into the Obama/green revolutionary movement.

Watching the news yesterday made it apparent to me that the newscasters were dying to portray the problems at the nuclear plant as catastophic as they possibly could. They even ignored the "experts" that came on and minimized the dangers of a meltdown. A ratings ploy or an attempt to demonize nuclear power--or both.
The AP headline on Yahoo today is worded to make it appear that there was an explosion at the nuclear plant before the earthquake. The subtle intent is to cast doubt on nuclear power which ties into the Obama/green revolutionary movement.

Watching the news yesterday made it apparent to me that the newscasters were dying to portray the problems at the nuclear plant as catastophic as they possibly could. They even ignored the "experts" that came on and minimized the dangers of a meltdown. A ratings ploy or an attempt to demonize nuclear power--or both.

I usually like to go by the saying "never attribute to malice, that which can be explained by stupidity." We are talking about journalists. They may be intelligent people, but they are not (mostly) scientists or engineers. They also feel the need to sensationalize ANYTHING, and to do it as quickly as possible.

This error is compounded by the simple fact that people who have a problem with "item X" are usually far more vocal, and by this accessable than those who support "Item X". this leads to, during a cruch, the producers reaching out to an expert in the field in question often getting through to a person who could be against the technology in question. In this case getting nuclear "experts" who are in fact, against the use of nuclear power.
The AP headline on Yahoo today is worded to make it appear that there was an explosion at the nuclear plant before the earthquake. The subtle intent is to cast doubt on nuclear power which ties into the Obama/green revolutionary movement.

Watching the news yesterday made it apparent to me that the newscasters were dying to portray the problems at the nuclear plant as catastophic as they possibly could. They even ignored the "experts" that came on and minimized the dangers of a meltdown. A ratings ploy or an attempt to demonize nuclear power--or both.

I usually like to go by the saying "never attribute to malice, that which can be explained by stupidity." We are talking about journalists. They may be intelligent people, but they are not (mostly) scientists or engineers. They also feel the need to sensationalize ANYTHING, and to do it as quickly as possible.

This error is compounded by the simple fact that people who have a problem with "item X" are usually far more vocal, and by this accessable than those who support "Item X". this leads to, during a cruch, the producers reaching out to an expert in the field in question often getting through to a person who could be against the technology in question. In this case getting nuclear "experts" who are in fact, against the use of nuclear power.

In this case every expert they had on refused to portray the situation as dire and refused to compare it to Chernoble or TMI. It didn't slow them down a bit.
The freezniks are going to come out of their mommie's closet that they've been in since the 1980's claiming that nuclear power (once the salvation of mankind) will kill us all... again.

A freak disaster and suddenly, it's Malthusian Time! Break out the Pinwheels, Mirrors and Moonshine! It's time to wear hemp and live in grass huts while hunting and gathering again.

Its' not a "freak" disaster, sport.

It was an earthquake in a place where earthquakes are a well known, well understood and completely NORMAL event.

Obviously the safegards put into place to deal with this earthquake and Tsuami just weren't good enough.

The solution isn't

Break out the Pinwheels, Mirrors and Moonshine! It's time to wear hemp and live in grass huts while hunting and gathering againMake those safeguards better.

it is to make even better safeguards.

It might behoove mankind NOT to put nuclear plants in active eathquake zones, too, don't you think?

I actually agree that building nuclear reactors in earthquake zones is not such a great idea. However, how bad an idea is likely to be known soon. So far Japanese authorities seem confident that the containment building will be the big problem, not a Chernobyl type problem. Given the catastrophe they are operating under, if they are correct, I expect nuclear power will become more prevalent not less, outside of earthquake zones.

I hope so. The only thing that really keeps the US dependent on anything foreign is "foreign oil". Some Democrats and all Republicans work to keep it that way.

The US is nearly pristine compared to the rest of the world. We can thank liberals and their "clean air" and "clean water" and all the other regulations and laws and campaigns that keep this country beautiful.

Stop this crazy outflow of money to oil countries and there is nothing this country can't do.

Building safe nuclear power plants in this country will take scientists and engineers, that means education and money spent on infrastructure. Republicans will make sure that won't happen. They are already waging a "war on eduction". For some reason, Republicans want to take us back to a more "primitive" time before technology. They want us dependent on foreigners who only want to squeeze this country for all it's worth. It's why they must be defeated.
Its' not a "freak" disaster, sport.

It was an earthquake in a place where earthquakes are a well known, well understood and completely NORMAL event.

Obviously the safegards put into place to deal with this earthquake and Tsuami just weren't good enough.

The solution isn't

Break out the Pinwheels, Mirrors and Moonshine! It's time to wear hemp and live in grass huts while hunting and gathering againMake those safeguards better.

it is to make even better safeguards.

It might behoove mankind NOT to put nuclear plants in active eathquake zones, too, don't you think?

I actually agree that building nuclear reactors in earthquake zones is not such a great idea. However, how bad an idea is likely to be known soon. So far Japanese authorities seem confident that the containment building will be the big problem, not a Chernobyl type problem. Given the catastrophe they are operating under, if they are correct, I expect nuclear power will become more prevalent not less, outside of earthquake zones.

I hope so. The only thing that really keeps the US dependent on anything foreign is "foreign oil". Some Democrats and all Republicans work to keep it that way.

The US is nearly pristine compared to the rest of the world. We can thank liberals and their "clean air" and "clean water" and all the other regulations and laws and campaigns that keep this country beautiful.

Stop this crazy outflow of money to oil countries and there is nothing this country can't do.

Building safe nuclear power plants in this country will take scientists and engineers, that means education and money spent on infrastructure. Republicans will make sure that won't happen. They are already waging a "war on eduction". For some reason, Republicans want to take us back to a more "primitive" time before technology. They want us dependent on foreigners who only want to squeeze this country for all it's worth. It's why they must be defeated.

Wasn't it Nixon who signed the EPA into existance? he want a liberal, he was a pragmatist.

The other advantage we have is realtively low population concentration.

I agree with alot of the environmental regulations out there, however, the liberals in the past have done thier job, the liberals of today are trying to bastardize the regulations that were set up, using them to eliminate industries they dont like, rather than regulate them in a way that minimizes thier impact.
Its' not a "freak" disaster, sport.

It was an earthquake in a place where earthquakes are a well known, well understood and completely NORMAL event.

Obviously the safegards put into place to deal with this earthquake and Tsuami just weren't good enough.

The solution isn't

Break out the Pinwheels, Mirrors and Moonshine! It's time to wear hemp and live in grass huts while hunting and gathering againMake those safeguards better.

it is to make even better safeguards.

It might behoove mankind NOT to put nuclear plants in active eathquake zones, too, don't you think?

I actually agree that building nuclear reactors in earthquake zones is not such a great idea. However, how bad an idea is likely to be known soon. So far Japanese authorities seem confident that the containment building will be the big problem, not a Chernobyl type problem. Given the catastrophe they are operating under, if they are correct, I expect nuclear power will become more prevalent not less, outside of earthquake zones.

I hope so. The only thing that really keeps the US dependent on anything foreign is "foreign oil". Some Democrats and all Republicans work to keep it that way.

The US is nearly pristine compared to the rest of the world. We can thank liberals and their "clean air" and "clean water" and all the other regulations and laws and campaigns that keep this country beautiful.

Stop this crazy outflow of money to oil countries and there is nothing this country can't do.

Building safe nuclear power plants in this country will take scientists and engineers, that means education and money spent on infrastructure. Republicans will make sure that won't happen. They are already waging a "war on eduction". For some reason, Republicans want to take us back to a more "primitive" time before technology. They want us dependent on foreigners who only want to squeeze this country for all it's worth. It's why they must be defeated.

Ive heard of board members being dropped on their heads at birth but this knothead clearly has a plate in his head!!!:lol::lol: dont know shit about shit but I'll give you this. You're were born to propagandize!!!:thup:

and ps........your way of thinking has been kicked squarely in the balls in the past 18 months in this country!!!! Do I need to post the election map s0n??? It is people who think like me, West, Polar and Ian that are defeating!!!:fu::fu::fu::fu:

That you have no recognition of that indicates............PLATE
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The AP headline on Yahoo today is worded to make it appear that there was an explosion at the nuclear plant before the earthquake. The subtle intent is to cast doubt on nuclear power which ties into the Obama/green revolutionary movement.
What'd I tell you about the freezniks coming back out of the closet to try and destroy Nuclear power again? They want to divorce it from their green salvations of pinwheels mirrors and moonshine.
The Sakurajima volcano, in Southern Japan, erupted early Tuesday morning, spewing out lava and a thick plume of black smoke into the air. (March 10)

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Watching the news yesterday made it apparent to me that the newscasters were dying to portray the problems at the nuclear plant as catastophic as they possibly could. They even ignored the "experts" that came on and minimized the dangers of a meltdown. A ratings ploy or an attempt to demonize nuclear power--or both.

I usually like to go by the saying "never attribute to malice, that which can be explained by stupidity." We are talking about journalists. They may be intelligent people, but they are not (mostly) scientists or engineers. They also feel the need to sensationalize ANYTHING, and to do it as quickly as possible.

This error is compounded by the simple fact that people who have a problem with "item X" are usually far more vocal, and by this accessable than those who support "Item X". this leads to, during a cruch, the producers reaching out to an expert in the field in question often getting through to a person who could be against the technology in question. In this case getting nuclear "experts" who are in fact, against the use of nuclear power.

In this case every expert they had on refused to portray the situation as dire and refused to compare it to Chernoble or TMI. It didn't slow them down a bit.

I actually think this sounds very similar to TMI. You have a loss of coolant situation. however the big difference is that here the Japanese Engineers know they are having coolant issues, where, I think, at TMI the Engineers thought they had enough coolant when they actually didnt.

We will have to wait for the after accident report to determine the comparisons to TMI. The big difference is that, again, the Japanese operators knew right away they had a problem, the TMI engineers didnt until they had a partial core melt already on thier hands.
I actually agree that building nuclear reactors in earthquake zones is not such a great idea. However, how bad an idea is likely to be known soon. So far Japanese authorities seem confident that the containment building will be the big problem, not a Chernobyl type problem. Given the catastrophe they are operating under, if they are correct, I expect nuclear power will become more prevalent not less, outside of earthquake zones.

I hope so. The only thing that really keeps the US dependent on anything foreign is "foreign oil". Some Democrats and all Republicans work to keep it that way.

The US is nearly pristine compared to the rest of the world. We can thank liberals and their "clean air" and "clean water" and all the other regulations and laws and campaigns that keep this country beautiful.

Stop this crazy outflow of money to oil countries and there is nothing this country can't do.

Building safe nuclear power plants in this country will take scientists and engineers, that means education and money spent on infrastructure. Republicans will make sure that won't happen. They are already waging a "war on eduction". For some reason, Republicans want to take us back to a more "primitive" time before technology. They want us dependent on foreigners who only want to squeeze this country for all it's worth. It's why they must be defeated.

Wasn't it Nixon who signed the EPA into existance? he want a liberal, he was a pragmatist.

The other advantage we have is realtively low population concentration.

I agree with alot of the environmental regulations out there, however, the liberals in the past have done thier job, the liberals of today are trying to bastardize the regulations that were set up, using them to eliminate industries they dont like, rather than regulate them in a way that minimizes thier impact.

How can you make such a broad statement without a single example? Besides, there are no "regulations" that a conservative will agree with. Look at what they have done to OSHA and the EPA and Wall Street.
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Japanese government saying 190 reported cases of radiation poisoning now.

They are "dumping seawater" on the core to try and cool it.
I hope so. The only thing that really keeps the US dependent on anything foreign is "foreign oil". Some Democrats and all Republicans work to keep it that way.

The US is nearly pristine compared to the rest of the world. We can thank liberals and their "clean air" and "clean water" and all the other regulations and laws and campaigns that keep this country beautiful.

Stop this crazy outflow of money to oil countries and there is nothing this country can't do.

Building safe nuclear power plants in this country will take scientists and engineers, that means education and money spent on infrastructure. Republicans will make sure that won't happen. They are already waging a "war on eduction". For some reason, Republicans want to take us back to a more "primitive" time before technology. They want us dependent on foreigners who only want to squeeze this country for all it's worth. It's why they must be defeated.

Wasn't it Nixon who signed the EPA into existance? he want a liberal, he was a pragmatist.

The other advantage we have is realtively low population concentration.

I agree with alot of the environmental regulations out there, however, the liberals in the past have done thier job, the liberals of today are trying to bastardize the regulations that were set up, using them to eliminate industries they dont like, rather than regulate them in a way that minimizes thier impact.

How can you make such a broad statement without a single example?
Looks like rdean has found his doppelganger. :lol:
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I hope so. The only thing that really keeps the US dependent on anything foreign is "foreign oil". Some Democrats and all Republicans work to keep it that way.

The US is nearly pristine compared to the rest of the world. We can thank liberals and their "clean air" and "clean water" and all the other regulations and laws and campaigns that keep this country beautiful.

Stop this crazy outflow of money to oil countries and there is nothing this country can't do.

Building safe nuclear power plants in this country will take scientists and engineers, that means education and money spent on infrastructure. Republicans will make sure that won't happen. They are already waging a "war on eduction". For some reason, Republicans want to take us back to a more "primitive" time before technology. They want us dependent on foreigners who only want to squeeze this country for all it's worth. It's why they must be defeated.

Wasn't it Nixon who signed the EPA into existance? he want a liberal, he was a pragmatist.

The other advantage we have is realtively low population concentration.

I agree with alot of the environmental regulations out there, however, the liberals in the past have done thier job, the liberals of today are trying to bastardize the regulations that were set up, using them to eliminate industries they dont like, rather than regulate them in a way that minimizes thier impact.

How can you make such a broad statement without a single example? Besides, there are no "regulations" that a conservative will agree with. Look at what they have done to OSHA and the EPA and Wall Street.

It just a broad as your original statement saying liberals were responsible for our pristine abe beautiful country. One shouldnt use more significant figures than provided by the original data. You didnt provide any examples either.

I consider myself conservative, and I agree with alot of OSHA and EPA regs. What I do not agree with is how the organziations have been perverted from thier original goals to basically lawsuit generating plants, with the rules no longer written by engineers and scientists to protect things, but instead by lawyers and burecrats to create lawsuits and endless regulations that do nothing but add paperwork.
Japanese government saying 190 reported cases of radiation poisoning now.

They are "dumping seawater" on the core to try and cool it.
As sad as that is, it's a darn sight better than what it COULD have been. I think the Japanese government should be commended for doing as well as it has under the circumstances. Culturally, they've a long history of doing well recovering from disasters, both manmade and natural. From the original Kamikaze to nuclear infernos.
Japanese government saying 190 reported cases of radiation poisoning now.

They are "dumping seawater" on the core to try and cool it.
As sad as that is, it's a darn sight better than what it COULD have been. I think the Japanese government should be commended for doing as well as it has under the circumstances. Culturally, they've a long history of doing well recovering from disasters, both manmade and natural. From the original Kamikaze to nuclear infernos.

Agreed, but I temper all that with the observation that it is VERY early on, so the 190 number (if confirmed) is scary as hell.

I've said it 3 or 4 times now, but it still sounds wierd:

We are VERY lucky this happened in Japan, and not elsewhere.

I have no doubt at all that Japan will recover very quickly.

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