Nro: No Great Love For Mike Huckabee


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Take a look at the title:

Huck I m Better than the Others National Review Online

Huck: I’m Better than the Others

Former governor Mike Huckabee (R., Ark.) implicitly made the case against Senators Ted Cruz (R., Texas), Rand Paul (R., Ky.), or Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) serving as president during a meeting with reporters about the prospect of his own candidacy.

In a roundtable meeting this morning with journalists in Washington, D.C., Huckabee said that he would decide next year whether or not he will run for president, but he already knows he’s unlikely to support any of those freshman senators...

...Huckabee emphasized his executive experience when laying out the case for his candidacy, should he decide to enter the race.

“I believe one thing I’d bring, if I run, is I know how to govern,” he told the group. “I don’t mean to be audacious about it, but when you govern ten-and-a-half years in a state, when I inherited a legislature that was 89 out of 100 Democrats in the house and 31 out of 35 Democrats in the senate, the most lopsided legislature in America — more than any other state, including Massachusetts or Vermont — and you still get, in every session, 90 percent plus of your legislative package passed, I think you get some experience of how do you govern.”

Huckabee denied that he was drawing distinctions between himself and Cruz; asked about Paul’s potential candidacy, he said, “It’d be best not to evaluate people that have not made a decision to run.”

Yet the winner of the 2008 Iowa caucuses kept making comments that were implicit shots at his potential rivals.

I will be fact-checking his governing record in Arkansas....


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