NPR fired Juan Williams because they are racist


Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
Obviously, NPR hates black people. That is the only reason he was fired.

They are racists.:tongue:
Granny says, "Serve's `em right, buncha hypocrites...
NPR President Says Juan Williams Firing Handled 'Badly'
March 07, 2011 | NPR President Vivian Schiller said Monday that her organization's dismissal of analyst Juan Williams last October over remarks he made about Muslims was handled "badly."
But she described the fallout as a "learning experience" and, without going into detail, said the "process issues" surrounding that incident have been fixed. Schiller, recapping a turbulent year in which NPR's audience grew but it also faced mounting criticism, offered a robust defense of the broadcaster and vowed to improve its internal standards while reaching out to a broader audience. She rejected charges of bias and, as Republican lawmakers target Schiller's organization for funding cuts, stressed the importance of taxpayer funding for the public radio network.

"The American people believe in federal funding for public broadcasting," Schiller declared. The NPR executive devoted her address at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to providing an overview of the breadth of NPR's reporting and the ways in which the organization is expanding. But as soon as the question-and-answer session began, she had to field several questions on the firing of Williams last fall, a controversy that evidently has not gone away.

She said that, upon reflection, "We handled the situation badly." Williams was fired after he made remarks on Fox News about his anxiety over seeing people dressed in Muslim clothing on airplanes. After leaving NPR, Williams took on an expanded role as a contributor for Fox News. "We acted too hastily, and we made some mistakes. I made some mistakes," Schiller said Monday.

Read more: NPR President Says Juan Williams Firing Handled 'Badly' -

See also:

Stung: NPR Execs Caught in Candid Chat With Would-be Muslim Donors
A video made surreptitiously by a conservative sting artist shows phony, would-be Muslim donors meeting with two NPR fundraisers who are caught on the tape making candid, awkward comments about the Republican Party -- and also talking bluntly about the ouster of commentator Juan Williams.
Slate's David Weigel posted the video and a report on the incident. The sting operation, produced by conservative activist James O'Keefe, shows NPR fundraisers Ron Schiller (who has since left NPR) and Betsy Liley at lunch with two men masquerading as wealthy Muslim donors. That the NPR people appear to tell the supposed contributors what they want to hear is not an unusual approach for fundraisers.

But against the backdrop of a possible cut off of NPR funding proposed by the GOP-controlled U.S. House, Schiller can be heard saying that "very little of our funding comes from the government." That is correct. Then, talking about the GOP, he adds: "The current Republican Party, particularly the tea party, is fanatically involved in people's personal lives and very fundamental Christian -- and I wouldn't even call it Christian." In answer to a leading question about the tea party movement, he adds, "Basically, they believe in white, middle America, gun toting -- it's pretty scary. They're seriously racist..."

Schiller, who has left his job as NPR Foundation's senior vice president for development, goes on to say that he is proud that NPR let Juan Williams go last year after Williams said on Fox News he would be concerned if he boarded a plane with fellow passengers in Muslim garb. "He lost all credibility and that breaks your ethics as a journalist." Schiller says. NPR, in a statement, said: "The fraudulent organization represented in the video repeatedly pressed us to accept a $5 million check, with no strings attached, which we repeatedly refused to accept. We are appalled by the comments made by Ron Schiller in the video, which are contrary to what NPR stands for. Mr. Schiller announced last week he is leaving NPR for another job."

O'Keefe's Project Veritas gained notoriety in 2009 in another covertly made video that showed individuals posing as a pimp and prostitute seeming to get advice on gaming the tax system from a representative of ACORN, a liberal community activist organization. O'Keefe want too far last year when he and three others were charged with attempting to tamper with the phone lines in Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu's New Orleans office. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor, received three years' probation, a $1,500 fine and 100 hours of community service.

Obviously, NPR hates black people. That is the only reason he was fired.

They are racists.:tongue:

If Williams worked for a conservative company and was fired, Sharpton, Jackson and the rest of the race card masters would have been marching in front of the business. The double standard is obvious.
He was not fired for being black, he was fired for telling the truth. I will agree what he said was silly, but he was honest about he emotions and that was what he was supposedly there for.

Government media in all places and at all time has an aversion for truth, no matter who says it.
NPR has as much credibility as the Weekly World News.

Actually, more.

The Weekly World News tells you it's for "entertainment purposes only."

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