Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

Only a commie would say that pointing out the truth is racist. How did I attempt to profit from racism, by simply making real estate investments?

But if you're going to support racist ideology don't blame the market when your ideology blows up in your face.
It may be the case that, over the centuries to come, the human race melds back together, reversing the evolutionary steps that led to its present division into many separate tribes. I hope it does so. The logic of economics pushes in this direction. (And, advances in genetic engineering will probably allow us to choose the skin color, IQ, physical appearance, etc of our descendants anyway, by-passing the whole process).

But at the moment, the reality is, when you have two tribes sharing the same geography, interpentrated, and one of them is not confidently dominant ... you've got the potential for civil war. It's interesting that you don't comment on this at all, but it's also obvious why you don't, since the dozens of examples available show how laughable the ridiculous "Diversity is Strength" slogan is. (It's right up there with 'War is Peace' and 'Ignorance is Strength' from a famous novel you've probably never heard of.)

As for your theory of history .... dear God, I've heard a lot of laughable explanations for the rise and fall of empires, but this one takes the biscuit! Of course the Roman Empire was diverse! You conquer a lot of foreign tribes, and, if you're smart, you incorporate their ruling elites into your system. This works fine, so long as they and their warriors are a thousand miles away from your homeland. But when the Visigoths visited Rome in numbers in 410 A.D., I doubt the Romans were shouting, "Oh, wonderful! Diversity is Strength!"

(Wait ... I just did some reading about the sack of Rome, and ... apparently there was one fellow who ran out to greet the invaders, shouting "Welcome, welcome, how happy we are to see you, dear Visigoths, bringing lovely diversity to our city!" He seems to have met an unpleasant end. Your ancestor, perhaps?)
You make no point.
Present no facts

This country has no fewer than 8 major Christian denominations
5 distinct racial groups
Multiple political ideologies
9 diverse goegraphic divisions

And we have Whitey whose great fear is that Whitey will soon no longer be the majority and Protestant no longer the major religious grouping and you're terrified that Whitey's gonna be treated by the new majorities like Whitey has treated minorities for 400 years.

The Romans didn't practice racial purity and heir empire lasted 500 years.
The Nazis who loved racial purity lasted barely 10 years.
In both instances they fell to racially, ethnically, and religiously diverse powers.

History. Fail to learn and...
They don't need to, because when cops murder someone white they are brought to the Bar of Justice.

Just look at what is happening in Florida, DeSatan is pretty much removing black history from the schools. Is shouldn't even be called Black History it is American History.

Slavery was the LAW of the Land, it wasn't rogue folks, it was the American way.

Jim Crow was the LAW of the Land, it wasn't a few rogue folks, it was the American way.
Slavery is not now the law of the land, hasn’t been in any of our lifetimes. Jim Crow isn’t either. Nobody removed Black History in Florida. There is a proposal to deny Advanced African American studies, although they are being tested at other schools nationwide. As far as cops shooting whites, you don’t see the media even showing the story before any trials. Regardless of race, stay out of trouble and avoid it all, how many truly innocent people are killed by cops? While it doesn’t always
justify death, why not avoid confrontations altogether?
Slavery is not now the law of the land, hasn’t been in any of our lifetimes.
True and what restitution was paid to those who were slaves and those who had died as slaves?
Jim Crow isn’t either.
We are seeing Southern states who are trying to bring it back.
Nobody removed Black History in Florida. There is a proposal to deny Advanced African American studies, although they are being tested at other schools nationwide.
DeSatan is doing it everyday. It is not longer a proposal, it is Law.
As far as cops shooting whites, you don’t see the media even showing the story before any trials.
There is no need to, Justice is done for whites.
Regardless of race, stay out of trouble and avoid it all, how many truly innocent people are killed by cops? While it doesn’t always
justify death, why not avoid confrontations altogether?
How many have we seen in the last 10yrs? Too damn many.
Come on Molly, you are either naive or just playing dumb. How many black men have we seen in the last 10yrs they have spent countless years in prison for a crime they didn't commit. All it takes is a white woman to say, "He did it".

That applied to white people as well. That was then and this is now. With advanced technology, if you are convicted of a murder today, you committed the murder. We didn't have all these advanced investigative methods years ago.

But if you're going to support racist ideology don't blame the market when your ideology blows up in your face.

Redlining has nothing to do with the county (who sets property value) or the banks that provide housing loans. The less desirable an area is to live in the less the housing stock sells for.
Come on Molly, you are either naive or just playing dumb. How many black men have we seen in the last 10yrs they have spent countless years in prison for a crime they didn't commit. All it takes is a white woman to say, "He did it".
You still can’t name any racial laws today. I never said there weren’t innocent people in prison, but don’t all prisoners claim innocence? There have been innocent whites in prison too, but I do admit there have been more blacks. Many times people who are wrongfully convicted have rap sheets that tarnishes their innocence.
True and what restitution was paid to those who were slaves and those who had died as slaves?

We are seeing Southern states who are trying to bring it back.

DeSatan is doing it everyday. It is not longer a proposal, it is Law.

There is no need to, Justice is done for whites.

How many have we seen in the last 10yrs? Too damn many.
And again, slavery is not the law of the land, if restitution was due, it isn’t due now. No, Southern states are not trying to bring back Jim Crow. Man you are grasping at trying to demean whites today for sins of the past.
Depends no who it is.

Tamir Rice playing with a toy. Not justified.
Mike Brown with his hands up, not justified.
Laquan McDonald trying to break into a truck to keep warm. Not justified.

Ashli Batshit Babbitt storming the Capitol threatening to kill members of Congress... justified.
A toy that he had made look like a real gun by painting the orange barrel tip black. You are wrong about Brown, according to witnesses, he was actively trying to disarm the cop. Babbit was slowly trying to crawl through a broken window and could easily have been captured and cuffed. McDonald was a bad shooting but look at what the autopsy found:
"Toxicology reports later revealed that McDonald had PCP in his blood and urine at the time of the encounter with police.[16] Defense expert pharmacologist James Thomas O’Donnell testified that the amount found was enough to suggest he had taken the drug on the day of the shooting, and that it could cause "significant bizarre behavior".[17][18]"
You still can’t name any racial laws today. I never said there weren’t innocent people in prison, but don’t all prisoners claim innocence? There have been innocent whites in prison too, but I do admit there have been more blacks. Many times people who are wrongfully convicted have rap sheets that tarnishes their innocence.
That's false, that's the cop out to try and justify why innocent black men have been locked up for a crime they didn't commit.
And again, slavery is not the law of the land, if restitution was due, it isn’t due now. No, Southern states are not trying to bring back Jim Crow. Man you are grasping at trying to demean whites today for sins of the past.
I guess that is the strategy for Jim Crow as well, wait to everyone is dead and then claim no one is still alive that suffered under it. We see what just happened in Tennessee to 2 black lawmakers, we see what the state of Mississippi has done in Jackson.

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