Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

Hey, Welfare Ray, tell us again how not racist you are.

Between you and SuperBadBreath you remind me of an old George Carling Joke: If you and another guy are in an elevator and one of you farts, you both know who did it.

The biggest problem with the black race is you refuse to address your own problems. Instead, try to skew statistics to make it look like nothing is wrong with the way you and your people conduct yourselves. We both know that per group, blacks nearly double or over double the amount of violent crime of whites in every category; in fact lead every other racial group in the country. Every graph and every statistic points that out. But instead of coming to terms with that, you just

Yeah... they need to steal money honestly like you do! With a fake disability claim.

Property values are calculated based on what houses of similar build sell for in an area. Race plays no part in evaluation. My property value didn't sink because a white guy two streets down embezzled a quarter million dollars from his company, my property values plummeted because of all the robberies that closed down our stores, all the noise particularly that jungle music blaring, garbage all over the street, and the gunfire that happens nearly every night. The more blacks move in, the more often it happens, so there goes your flawed theory that if there were more blacks, those problems would reverse themselves.

Your property values dropped because the city you live in lost all its industry. But instead of blaming the rich people who stripped your city of jobs, you blame other poor people.

Point being, you had all the advantages of privilege, and you STILL managed to fuck it up.
Television and the internet were wonderful steps forward for humanity.

But their impact has not been 100% positive. One bad thing that they
have done is to bring up new generations with short attention spans, people
who are used to getting their information from seeing moving images,
and for whom the printed word is mainly familiar in the form of two or
three sentences of advertising copy. It's not their fault.

For these people, it's almost physically impossible to read something that
might take two minutes to read.

I would love to be able to communicate to these people using only
memes and short 30-second videos, full of sound and color, with cartoon
characters, avoiding big words and complex ideas, something that could
hold their attention briefly.

Enterpreneurs!!!! Here's an idea for you!!!
You’re even verbose in that topic.
The method for doing that would be spectacularly simple: Hold your own accountable for their words and actions. Not doing so is only enabling more, and perhaps the biggest part of the problem.

THEN you can challenge the LEFT to do the SAME THING on THEIR end. They play a full role in this mess, too.

So the question is, which end is going to be the first to be the adult in the room?
Abstractly, you're right. But the problem is, human politics doesn't work that way. It's implemented through political parties, and through individual leaders.

The conservative base has become increasingly aware, over the last three decades, that things are going terribly wrong in America, including for many of them, personally.

But both parties seemed to be okay with that. When they voted Mr Bush in, his main accomplishment was sending their children off to Iraq and Afghanistan, to bring them American-style democracy, complete with Gay Pride days and Lesbian Outreach Centers.

Traditionally it was the Democrats who spoke to the economic problems of the bottom half. But now the Democrats are also a party of the billionaires. So ... where to turn?

And then along came Mr Trump. He couldn't be bought, because he was a buyer. He had been a Democrat, so wasn't part of the Republican Donor Class.

He had personal flaws -- and the main difference between him and mainstream politicians are that his are out in the open, not kneeling under a desk -- and his base is perfectly aware of them. But they love him anyway.

Harry Truman once supposedly said that "In politics, sincerity is everything. Once you can fake that, you've got it made!" Mr Trump is above all else sincere. Sincere in what, is another matter. But he's definitely not business-as-usual. So his base will stick with him.

It's just a cruel accident of history that, as America begins to swirl increasingly rapidly around the vortex, history has given us him, instead of a Lincoln or a Churchill. So we'll just have to go war with the general we've got.
You’re even verbose in that topic.
Indeed. Now, I'm all for diversity and inclusion, so I'm going to start a thread that
you can take part in!

Its title will be, "Leftists are all mean old Poopy-heads!" and posts to it will be required to
be three sentences or less, with no sentence longer than ten words, and no word longer than
three syllables!

I look forward to your full participation!
Indeed. Now, I'm all for diversity and inclusion, so I'm going to start a thread that
you can take part in!

Its title will be, "Leftists are all mean old Poopy-heads!" and posts to it will be required to
be three sentences or less, with no sentence longer than ten words, and no word longer than
three syllables!

I look forward to your full participation!
Brevity is the soul of wit.

You’re witless.
It's just a cruel accident of history that, as America begins to swirl increasingly rapidly around the vortex, history has given us him, instead of a Lincoln or a Churchill. So we'll just have to go war with the general we've got.
Well, I don't think we're actually in a war. And I think there are a lot of people who don't understand when the word is used as simple hyperbole or metaphor.

I'd rather see both ends of the spectrum get over themselves and stop being a big part of the problem. The status quo is bringing this country down. And that's not hyperbole.
Yep individual racist who gather with other racist, to make racist laws and that makes you happy.
What racist laws have been made? The only racism being pushed in the last 50 years is when racist liberals gather with other racist liberals to figure out how to get away with accepting blacks with 3.2 GPAs and non-impressive scores while rejecting whites with 3.8 GPAs and top scores.

Thankfully, the SCOTUS is about to stop the anti-white racism, in this one aspect at least.

As far as having a U.S. president announce that prestigious roles will not even consider whites, well….we have to defeat him.
Well, I don't think we're actually in a war. And I think there are a lot of people who don't understand when the word is used as simple hyperbole or metaphor.

I'd rather see both ends of the spectrum get over themselves and stop being a big part of the problem. The status quo is bringing this country down. And that's not hyperbole.
Do you realize you come across as considering yourself smarter than other posters?
That's funny, since most ideologues here (on both ends) often tell others they're stupid. I don't do that. I don't think ideology is a function of intelligence.
You don’t have to say it. It reeks from your pores onto the screen.
What racist laws have been made? The only racism being pushed in the last 50 years is when racist liberals gather with other racist liberals to figure out how to get away with accepting blacks with 3.2 GPAs and non-impressive scores while rejecting whites with 3.8 GPAs and top scores.
Just more of the same babble, how many whites with 3.2 GPAs and non-impressive scores were taken while rejecting black, brown, yellow and white students. How do you know that white student wasn't rejected for another white student.
Thankfully, the SCOTUS is about to stop the anti-white racism, in this one aspect at least.
You mean you can't wait until they bring back Jim Crow.
As far as having a U.S. president announce that prestigious roles will not even consider whites, well….we have to defeat him.
How many prestigious folks of color did Trump have again?

Trump's cabinet

Biden's cabinet
You don’t have to say it. It reeks from your pores onto the screen.
I'm sure I'd fit in just fine if all my posts were spiked with transparently one-sided partisan talking points, comical hyperbole, silly conspiracy theories and the most vicious schoolground personal attacks I could conjure, but that's just not the way I am.

And besides, don't you think this place has enough of that already?
The Palestinians are not electing Islamic terrorists intent on driving Israel into the sea out of pride or nationalism - it‘s out of hatred for Jews. Also, please don’t call me Liz - I hate that nickname (now more than ever, thanks to Liz Chaney.)

So how to blacks instill the discipline necessary to achieve a school like Michaela? Certainly you’re not implying that whites have to do that for them?

No, there‘s nothing more that whites should be expected to do to change the behavior and outlook of young blacks. I believe in personal responsibility. It is up to blacks to convey how great America is, and the opportunities it affords, rather than do the OPPOSITE - which is what they and liberals are doing with their racist nonsense.

Nope, no way am I going to encourage strengthening Black Muslim groups. Farrakhan‘s 500,000 adherents is more than enough, tyvm.
Whoa, sorry Lisa!

When conservatives control government, at local, state, or national level, is there anything they can do to fight the terrible problems of the Black community?

Yes. For starters, School Choice. I won't go into detail about it here, but ... we need to be pro-active, and creative. How about, if we get control of the national government next time, funding a national conference on Black education, foregrounding school choice, and bringing Katherine Birbalsingh over to speak about how she started Michaela School and how she runs it to get such marvellous results? And get the Black Muslims to participate.

We have to address crime. Blacks living in the ghettoes are its major victims ... but people are intimidated by the gangs. I'm no lawyer, and so I'm not sure about what we can actually do, especially given liberal judges ... but I would get as close as I could to a really draconian crackdown on the gangs. Mass public hangings, if possible. My model would be the guy who runs El Salvador. He's been rounding up gang members, who are easy to identify because they're tatooed all over their bodies. The murder rate has dropped dramatically . (American liberals are very upset because due process, etc.)

And here's what happens to them. Makes my heart bleed. [Note to mods: not morbid. In fact, it should make any normal person smile, if not laugh out loud.]

[ ]

You can read some discussion of this issue here, by a very intelligent guy whose newsletter ought to be read by every patriot:
[ The Midwit Meme and the Denial of Tradeoffs ]
[ The Invisible Graveyard of Crime ]

Then we should see if we can deal with Mexico. If there are enough patriotic officers in the Mexican army, who don't like to see their country becoming a cartel sewer, we need to encourage a temporary military takeover of the place, followed by an attempt to arrest all the drug gangs, aided by all the assets of the CIA. I say an 'attempt', because, if it's done right, these gentlemen of the cartels will fight to the death. Every one of them will be killed honorably in combat, fulfilling Mexican macho requirements. Not a single one will surrender. (Perhaps some will be taken for interrogation. And if they survive that, they'll attempt to escape and be killed then.) Their organs can be sold on the world market.

Yes, it's not the way we'd like to see the world, but it's what's necessary in order to move towards a world we'd like to see.

As for Palestinian anti-Semitism. Of course it exists. On the other hand, had the Zionists been Christian Frenchmen, do you think the Palestinians would cheerfully have handed their land over to them and just faded away?
Brevity is the soul of wit.

You’re witless.
I understand that to amuse you, we need very short jokes, ideally memes, people slipping on
banana skins and the like.

Okay, it's not your fault. You're a product of a crappy educational system. I get that.
But if my long posts and big words make you unhappy, why not just put me on 'Ignore'?
I understand that to amuse you, we need very short jokes, ideally memes, people slipping on
banana skins and the like.

Okay, it's not your fault. You're a product of a crappy educational system. I get that.
But if my long posts and big words make you unhappy, why not just put me on 'Ignore'?
Slight improvement on that whole brevity thing. But your “humor” still lacks wit.
Well, I don't think we're actually in a war. And I think there are a lot of people who don't understand when the word is used as simple hyperbole or metaphor.

I'd rather see both ends of the spectrum get over themselves and stop being a big part of the problem. The status quo is bringing this country down. And that's not hyperbole.
Look, it's not that, for some mysterious reason, our leaders, Left and Right, suddenly started to behave badly, and if only they would mind their manners, all would be okay.

There are deep social reasons for the ongoing disintegration of the United States -- and in fact it's happening in other Western countries as well, at a slower tempo. I doubt that we can do more than delay it a bit, which will give patriots time to prepare for the actual collapse, however it happens.

We have an entitled, soft, self-centred generation of young people. Our ruling elite has gone globalist -- it no longer even cares about its own military.

At the same time, the US is rapidly losing its place as unchallenged world supreme power, although our foreign policy establishment doesn't understand that.

Our industry has been hollowed out -- automated, shipped abroad. The white working class is following the Black into irresponsible behavior. We're not having enough babies. Our educational standards are being destroyed in order to accommodate people who can't or won't meet them. We can't or won't control our own borders.

It won't go on indefinitely. There will be consequences. But they'll be mediated through unpredicatable historic events, like a humiliating military defeat in the S. China sea, or a war with Iran, or something else that will come out of the blue.

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