Now This Is Funny... Laura Criticizes Myanmar's Response to Crisis?

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I guess TVs are a real significant survival tool in a place with no electricity. I also like that lady cop...she's lyin right through her teeth. I could understand taking survival gear that the police need...but I did notice little pink and colored clothing in the basket. THese people were having a ball until the levee broke....then it was "OH shit main!"
As has been posted already, the fed can't just come into a state in a sweeping military force to usurp the authority of a state governor. Sure, Brownie sucked balls and Bush takes a hit for failure produced by installing his cronies at fema but you can't just blame the fed every time STATE elected leaders are completely worthless. Did Bush have a magic "hurricane B gone" wand? Could he have FORCED NO to evacuate?

Bush has plenty of failures to account for but katrina wasn't the cherry on top of his sundae by any stretch. That fuckup is firmly on the shoulders of LA dems.


Do you even read threads? I'm simply pointing out that Bush is responsible for not living up to his end of the bargain.

"Traffic volumes did not ease for nearly 48 hours as more than three million residents evacuated the area in advance of the storm.[citation needed] This was the largest evacuation in United States history.[citation needed]"

"The reported death toll by Rita was 120. Only seven were direct deaths."

I can't find a 100% evac. stat. but above are some statistics and descriptions of the evacuation along with a WIKI link.

Citation needed. Either way, it wasn't 100%. And considering they all had Katrina in mind, you'd have thought it would be. Believe me, it's never 100%. I'm still looking for the link on NO for you, but on wiki it says 90% evacuated and they also claimed it was the largest evacuation of a city in history.

I wonder how Floyd compares in evacuation statistics for the east coast from roughly key west to charleston.
Well it's TRUE. They didn't have anything, and they're getting brand new houses, financial grants, food, etc. It's a whole new start for them.

Really. Please show me where this is documented, Ali. And for you information, many of those underprivileged folks who had nothing owned their own homes.

Living in FEMA trailers poisoned with formaldehyde is really pretty short of a new start.

Response: National Guard troops are down about 8,000 members because they are in Iraq with much of the necessary rescue equipment needed. Bush was on vacation, riding his bike for two hours the day before the hurricane lands. On the day Katrina landed, Bush attended a birthday party for Arizona Sen. John McCain. The levees began to crack. While emergency 1.5-ton sandbags were ready to be placed to steady the levee and absorb water, there were insufficient numbers of helicopters and pilots to set them before the levees break. Nagin, the mayor of New Orleans, pleaded for federal-level assistance and got none. Bush went to San Diego to play guitar with a country singer and end his vacation early -- but not until the next day, because he had tickets to a San Diego Padres game.

If he had any leadership qualities or even good advisors, he would have had HMX-1 fly him into New Orleans. He could have had a tent HQs setup. Just being there would have been a political coup for him and a moral lift for the residents.

He isn't a leader who cares a shit about his people. It amazes me how many people still support him when it is against their own best interests.

Right, Retired, all us lefties are morons.
Well, funny in an ironic way, anyhow, since I don't recall her being concerned for the people of NOLA. :eusa_doh:

On a side note, does anyone know why USA Today is refusing to call it Myanmar and is calling it Burma? Just curious.

I don't see your point, nor what's supposed to be funny. She criticized Burma for not issuing a timely warning. So?

The National Weather Service issued a timely warning in the case of Katrina. It was up to the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana to act upon it.

Last I checked, storm warning are the responsibilities of state and local governments in this country, not the Federal government. One of the few things the Fed hasn't stolen.
I don't see your point, nor what's supposed to be funny. She criticized Burma for not issuing a timely warning. So?

The National Weather Service issued a timely warning in the case of Katrina. It was up to the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana to act upon it.

Last I checked, storm warning are the responsibilities of state and local governments in this country, not the Federal government. One of the few things the Fed hasn't stolen.

No one's talking about storm warnings... we're talking about response... Funny how the irony's really apparent to those who don't refuse to see it. :rolleyes:
No one's talking about storm warnings... we're talking about response... Funny how the irony's really apparent to those who don't refuse to see it. :rolleyes:

What you mean is the irony's apparent to the left. I guess if you twist something the right way you might make it suit your agenda.

Since Your article clearly state's that Laura Bush's criticism was about timely warning and not response.

Either way, same old argument and you're wrong every time. IIRC, this is the one where you yanked out a Snopes article that supported MY argument. Did I ever thank you for that, btw?:badgrin:

Face it ... Nagin and Blanco screwed the pooch. If the Fed got anything it was sloppy seconds.
What you mean is the irony's apparent to the left. I guess if you twist something the right way you might make it suit your agenda.

Since Your article clearly state's that Laura Bush's criticism was about timely warning and not response.

Either way, same old argument and you're wrong every time. IIRC, this is the one where you yanked out a Snopes article that supported MY argument. Did I ever thank you for that, btw?:badgrin:

Face it ... Nagin and Blanco screwed the pooch. If the Fed got anything it was sloppy seconds.

The snopes article didn't support your position. It showed that Blanco requested federal aid earlier than you stated (which was the point of posting the article). ;o)

And I don't think Nagin and Blanco did so well either... but it was FEMA whose job it was...and Brownie really DIDN'T do "a hell of a job".
Nope. The mayor oversaw the biggest and most successful evacuation of a city in the history of the country. 97&#37; evacuated.

The federal response was slow, just like it was after Hurricane Andrew. It took days before Bush got off his ass and noticed there was a problem. And you seem to be forgetting that he signed on to be responsible for the federal response.

Regardless, it is quite ironic that Laura Bush is crying over the treatment of non-Americans when our government couldn't be bothered with our own fellow citizens.

Where is your link to that 97% were evacuated? Kind of hard for the Mayor to do shit when he fled for Texas.

This report says that NOT EVEN 97% were evacuated by the Mayor..
Where is your link to that 97% were evacuated? Kind of hard for the Mayor to do shit when he fled for Texas.

This report says that NOT EVEN 97% were evacuated by the Mayor..

Here you go. Unless my math is wrong that's pretty close to 97%.
By the time Hurricane Katrina came ashore early the next morning, approximately one million people had fled the city and its surrounding suburbs by the evening of August 28, while about 20,000 to 25,000 people remained in the city, taking shelter at the Louisiana Superdome, along with 550 National Guard troops.
Boy, this topic is about as convoluted as it gets. I worked with FEMA on the Northridge Earthquake, Hurricane Andrew and the Georgia Floods and they are "NOT" first responders. Absolutely not! I also worked with Louisiana DOT on a 4 year project and learned a lot about how they operate. The State is responsible for first response and the State and City was not even close to prepared.
They both had plans, because a company I used to work for prepared one of them, but they just got it done to appease the Feds to keep the money rolling in and then it set on the shelf.
Louisiana has always been a laggard in matters like this. Not just emergency response but public operations of all kinds. Their local politics is horrific, you can't get three politicians to agree on the sky being blue.
The responsibility for the lack of immediate response falls on the State and the City and it was absolutely unforgivable that they were the first to start complaining, trying to deflect blame away from themselves. But, unfortunately, typical of them.
That being said, the next problem was that a big part of the plan is how FEMA, Coast Guard, etc. moves in to assist. Moving that much equipment, people, etc into a disaster area requires a plan. Well, again there was no plan. It had to be made up on the fly. Unfortunately, only someone very experienced could have gone in and done something coherent and FEMA's director was not that person, but then, again, anyone would have expected a plan of some kind to be present, as New Orleans has been a disaster in the making for decades.
Another aspect to this problem that is not talked of at all but was a big factor was the standing water. That is the worst urban disaster senario you can have besides uncontrolled fire. Notice how so many were being airlifted out instead of by boat? There is a safety reason for that. There are sources of electrical power, even with the grid shut down completely, (and there is little guarantee of that) that are very dangerous. Automatic backup generators feeding hospitals, data centers, banks, etc. even the UPS on your computer can knock you out and drown you and you would never even know where it came from. The capacitor in your car can kill you. Nowdays there are batteries everywhere.
It took a long time for them to get the grid shut down and then move into the flooded areas because you approach areas like that very carefully and slowly. We never heard how many were killed by electrocution but in flood conditions like that it is generally high.
I was giving him credit for the greater New Orleans area when technically he doesn't deserve it since he's only the mayor of the city itself.
Oh ok, that makes more sense. I did look it up earlier and found a source that claimed that 75% had been evacuated.....I'm not sure of their math, but it did say 75%.
Boy, this topic is about as convoluted as it gets. I worked with FEMA on the Northridge Earthquake, Hurricane Andrew and the Georgia Floods and they are "NOT" first responders. Absolutely not! I also worked with Louisiana DOT on a 4 year project and learned a lot about how they operate. The State is responsible for first response and the State and City was not even close to prepared.
They both had plans, because a company I used to work for prepared one of them, but they just got it done to appease the Feds to keep the money rolling in and then it set on the shelf.
Louisiana has always been a laggard in matters like this. Not just emergency response but public operations of all kinds. Their local politics is horrific, you can't get three politicians to agree on the sky being blue.
The responsibility for the lack of immediate response falls on the State and the City and it was absolutely unforgivable that they were the first to start complaining, trying to deflect blame away from themselves. But, unfortunately, typical of them.
That being said, the next problem was that a big part of the plan is how FEMA, Coast Guard, etc. moves in to assist. Moving that much equipment, people, etc into a disaster area requires a plan. Well, again there was no plan. It had to be made up on the fly. Unfortunately, only someone very experienced could have gone in and done something coherent and FEMA's director was not that person, but then, again, anyone would have expected a plan of some kind to be present, as New Orleans has been a disaster in the making for decades.
Another aspect to this problem that is not talked of at all but was a big factor was the standing water. That is the worst urban disaster senario you can have besides uncontrolled fire. Notice how so many were being airlifted out instead of by boat? There is a safety reason for that. There are sources of electrical power, even with the grid shut down completely, (and there is little guarantee of that) that are very dangerous. Automatic backup generators feeding hospitals, data centers, banks, etc. even the UPS on your computer can knock you out and drown you and you would never even know where it came from. The capacitor in your car can kill you. Nowdays there are batteries everywhere.
It took a long time for them to get the grid shut down and then move into the flooded areas because you approach areas like that very carefully and slowly. We never heard how many were killed by electrocution but in flood conditions like that it is generally high.

Interesting and informative...but don't expect to sway anyone....

some of these people think that Brownie and Bush should have been carrying ice water to the victims personally....

both the NO Mayor and LA Governor did one hell of a job of shifting responsibility to the Federal Gov. and the "blame Bush" crowd played the media like a fine fiddle....

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