CDZ Now that the stories of all 3 women are falling apart, do you still believe Ford?

Do you still believe Ford, even as her story falls apart, or the others?

  • yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no

    Votes: 22 100.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The stories of all 3 women are falling is simply hard to tell which story is falling apart faster...Ford's was falling apart as soon as we found out none of the 4 people she named said the party ever happened.....and now Swetnik is "walking back" the claims she is amazing what happens with the threat of lying to the FBI.....remember Martha Stewart?

Do you still believe ford?

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes.

Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."
Every single one of the accusations are falling apart... I am sitting here laughing my ass off that NBC and ABC were duped by Swetnick... And she is one that has been referred to the DOJ for lying to the Committee.. You would think she would not want to put her lies on tape... Avanattie is a real idiot.. His client just admitted she lied to the committee on TV.... Talk about making prosecution easy for the DOJ..
Last edited:
Weaker Than "He Said, She Said": Prosecutor Sends Memo to Judiciary Committee

"The reasons include Ford’s “inconsistent account of when the alleged assault happened,” her struggle to “identify Judge Kavanaugh as the assailant by name,” the lack of memory of the night the alleged assault took place, and other key factors.

Mitchell's report will undoubtedly incense Ford’s supporters, but it does not dispute the claim that an assault took place. Like Kavanaugh, Mitchell does not dismiss that the assault took place. Instead, Mitchell’s assessment is simply that there is not enough evidence to suggest it took place as Ford described."

One of the last points Mitchell makes is that the actions of congressional Democrats and Ford’s attorney likely “affected Dr. Ford’s account.” The implication here seems to be that she could have been coached into believing it was Kavanaugh, rather than remembering herself that it was him."

Now we have an accusation that democrats and Ford's Attorney's manufactured the so called evidence and that there is evidence of it in Ford's behavior. Now even Ford's testimony is falling apart and suspect. Potentially liabless and manufactured defamation... Which is a crime..

Note: The letter was forwarded to the DOJ and FBI investigators.
The stories of all 3 women are falling is simply hard to tell which story is falling apart faster...Ford's was falling apart as soon as we found out none of the 4 people she named said the party ever happened.....and now Swetnik is "walking back" the claims she is amazing what happens with the threat of lying to the FBI.....remember Martha Stewart?

Do you still believe ford?

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes.

Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."
I'm not a fan of Lindsey Graham, but on Tucker Carlson tonight, he hit the nail square with regard to this woman's statements and how easy she can be dismissed.

He said [paraphrased]..."She was so concerned about these gang rape parties that she went back 9 times until it finally happened to her. And she never told anyone!"
And now her door story is falling apart......this is why feinstein kept her letter hidden till the end....the lightest scrutiny of her claims and they fall apart.....

(As is true of just about everything else in this story, the reasoning behind the second door remains a mystery. Evidently, its purpose was to allow Blasey Ford a means of escape if Kavanaugh landed his Harrier in front of her home and attempted to once again lay hands on her. The fact that a back or side door would serve this purpose much better has never, to my knowledge, entered the discussion.)

Well, Christine got her door. But she didn’t get in 2012, and no marriage counselor was involved. It happens that the permit for remodeling her home – including adding the door -- was obtained in 2008.

If Palo Alto is like other municipalities, the permit would be good for six months, with an option for a six-month extension. So the door must have been added at that time. And in fact, photographic evidence exists showing the new door in place in 2011, a year before Blasey Ford claims that it nearly destroyed her marriage.

Furthermore, there is evidence suggesting that the house in question was rented out by Blasey Ford to “Google interns” and that no one in her family lived there. In addition, somebody was running a business there (a “couples therapy” clinic, ironically enough – the “Couples Research Center.” There’s that word “research” again.), and that the door was added as an entrance to the business, rather than as a Kavanaugh-evasion device.

While these claims might appear minor in isolation, together they form a pattern recognizable and undeniable. There will no doubt be others coming, but three is all we need, according to the wisdom of Auric Goldfinger: “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.”
And now her door story is falling apart......this is why feinstein kept her letter hidden till the end....the lightest scrutiny of her claims and they fall apart.....

(As is true of just about everything else in this story, the reasoning behind the second door remains a mystery. Evidently, its purpose was to allow Blasey Ford a means of escape if Kavanaugh landed his Harrier in front of her home and attempted to once again lay hands on her. The fact that a back or side door would serve this purpose much better has never, to my knowledge, entered the discussion.)

Well, Christine got her door. But she didn’t get in 2012, and no marriage counselor was involved. It happens that the permit for remodeling her home – including adding the door -- was obtained in 2008.

If Palo Alto is like other municipalities, the permit would be good for six months, with an option for a six-month extension. So the door must have been added at that time. And in fact, photographic evidence exists showing the new door in place in 2011, a year before Blasey Ford claims that it nearly destroyed her marriage.

Furthermore, there is evidence suggesting that the house in question was rented out by Blasey Ford to “Google interns” and that no one in her family lived there. In addition, somebody was running a business there (a “couples therapy” clinic, ironically enough – the “Couples Research Center.” There’s that word “research” again.), and that the door was added as an entrance to the business, rather than as a Kavanaugh-evasion device.

While these claims might appear minor in isolation, together they form a pattern recognizable and undeniable. There will no doubt be others coming, but three is all we need, according to the wisdom of Auric Goldfinger: “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.”

Oh yes the door. This, and the fact that

1. Went to couples counseling

2. Husband is a NO SHOW at the hearing

Leads me to believe the door was a second escape route for a battered wife.

Who doesn’t attend a Hearing, which will be watched by hundreds of millions of people, to support your wife UNLESS YOU DON’T BELIEVE HER OR YOU YOURSELF HAS SOMETHING TO HIDE?
The stories of all 3 women are falling is simply hard to tell which story is falling apart faster...Ford's was falling apart as soon as we found out none of the 4 people she named said the party ever happened.....and now Swetnik is "walking back" the claims she is amazing what happens with the threat of lying to the FBI.....remember Martha Stewart?

Do you still believe ford?

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes.

Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."

Huh, this Congressional inquiry is working then?

A partisan hack would suggest we put the vote off until December so we can fully discredit the accusations. Putting off a vote for a Supreme Court Justice isn't a bad thing is it?
The stories of all 3 women are falling is simply hard to tell which story is falling apart faster...Ford's was falling apart as soon as we found out none of the 4 people she named said the party ever happened.....and now Swetnik is "walking back" the claims she is amazing what happens with the threat of lying to the FBI.....remember Martha Stewart?

Do you still believe ford?

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes.

Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."

Huh, this Congressional inquiry is working then?

A partisan hack would suggest we put the vote off until December so we can fully discredit the accusations. Putting off a vote for a Supreme Court Justice isn't a bad thing is it? is, when the reason is simply to give the democrats a chance to win in November.....You guys lost....Trump gets to pick and place on the Court his nominee since he now controls the Senate....

The inquiry isn't "working" because these false allegations should have been handled 2 months ago when the democrats first heard about them......delaying the vote is on them, there is no legitimate reason to delay the vote now.
McConnell sets Kavanaugh vote for Friday afternoon...

We can only hope...... the democrats are like vampires...until you cut off the head, stuff garlic in it's mouth and pound a stake through it's heart, a vampire is still dangerous....
The stories of all 3 women are falling is simply hard to tell which story is falling apart faster...Ford's was falling apart as soon as we found out none of the 4 people she named said the party ever happened.....and now Swetnik is "walking back" the claims she is amazing what happens with the threat of lying to the FBI.....remember Martha Stewart?

Do you still believe ford?

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes.

Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."

Huh, this Congressional inquiry is working then?

A partisan hack would suggest we put the vote off until December so we can fully discredit the accusations. Putting off a vote for a Supreme Court Justice isn't a bad thing is it? is, when the reason is simply to give the democrats a chance to win in November.....You guys lost....Trump gets to pick and place on the Court his nominee since he now controls the Senate....

The inquiry isn't "working" because these false allegations should have been handled 2 months ago when the democrats first heard about them......delaying the vote is on them, there is no legitimate reason to delay the vote now.

So are you saying the last delay in voting for a nominee was wrong?

Are you saying a trial in which an innocent man went free didn't work?

There are just procedures in life. My car needs to pass the emissions test at the station even though I know it will.
The stories of all 3 women are falling is simply hard to tell which story is falling apart faster...Ford's was falling apart as soon as we found out none of the 4 people she named said the party ever happened.....and now Swetnik is "walking back" the claims she is amazing what happens with the threat of lying to the FBI.....remember Martha Stewart?

Do you still believe ford?

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes.

Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."

Huh, this Congressional inquiry is working then?

A partisan hack would suggest we put the vote off until December so we can fully discredit the accusations. Putting off a vote for a Supreme Court Justice isn't a bad thing is it? is, when the reason is simply to give the democrats a chance to win in November.....You guys lost....Trump gets to pick and place on the Court his nominee since he now controls the Senate....

The inquiry isn't "working" because these false allegations should have been handled 2 months ago when the democrats first heard about them......delaying the vote is on them, there is no legitimate reason to delay the vote now.

So are you saying the last delay in voting for a nominee was wrong?

Are you saying a trial in which an innocent man went free didn't work?

There are just procedures in life. My car needs to pass the emissions test at the station even though I know it will.

Nope.... that was legitimate.... the destruction of Kavanaugh is wrong. Holding back information to damage Kavanaugh was wrong. Using these women to smear kavanaugh and damage his family because the democrats don't have the votes to stop him is wrong.
The stories of all 3 women are falling is simply hard to tell which story is falling apart faster...Ford's was falling apart as soon as we found out none of the 4 people she named said the party ever happened.....and now Swetnik is "walking back" the claims she is amazing what happens with the threat of lying to the FBI.....remember Martha Stewart?

Do you still believe ford?

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes.

Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."

Huh, this Congressional inquiry is working then?

A partisan hack would suggest we put the vote off until December so we can fully discredit the accusations. Putting off a vote for a Supreme Court Justice isn't a bad thing is it? is, when the reason is simply to give the democrats a chance to win in November.....You guys lost....Trump gets to pick and place on the Court his nominee since he now controls the Senate....

The inquiry isn't "working" because these false allegations should have been handled 2 months ago when the democrats first heard about them......delaying the vote is on them, there is no legitimate reason to delay the vote now.

So are you saying the last delay in voting for a nominee was wrong?

Are you saying a trial in which an innocent man went free didn't work?

There are just procedures in life. My car needs to pass the emissions test at the station even though I know it will.

Nope.... that was legitimate.... the destruction of Kavanaugh is wrong. Holding back information to damage Kavanaugh was wrong. Using these women to smear kavanaugh and damage his family because the democrats don't have the votes to stop him is wrong.

Prosecuting attorneys make mistakes and take innocent ppl to trial. They also take guilty ppl to trial who they fail to convict.

Are they wrong to have a different opinion than the jury?

What if it took Congress awhile to get their ducks in a row or if this thing just gained momentum?

Why not be thorough rather than life time appointment sorry. Afterall we are just talking a delay here. If you think there is a conspiracy thats fair I suppose.
The stories of all 3 women are falling is simply hard to tell which story is falling apart faster...Ford's was falling apart as soon as we found out none of the 4 people she named said the party ever happened.....and now Swetnik is "walking back" the claims she is amazing what happens with the threat of lying to the FBI.....remember Martha Stewart?

Do you still believe ford?

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes.

Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."
I have never expressly believed any of them. As soon as I heard the accusations, I immediately thought, "Well, this is big, if it happened. I'll wait until I know more to decide if I believe them." As of the writing of this post, I still do not know enough to establish, for myself, if any of the claims are accurate. Not from lack of trying. I would truly like to know. They are all serious allegations, should be taken seriously, and if found to be credible, and substantiated, should have serious consequences. Unfortunately, none have been substantiated (to the best of my knowledge), let alone proven to even the most basic of levels.

I have no doubt that there is some thread of truth in at least some of them. Even if that thread is that someone did something like this to someone, at some point. I don't see any way that a sane person would call that enough to do anything on, besides attempt to find more information.

It would seem that this is no more than another attack on reason by those who buy into the "Post-Modernism" dogma. I could be wrong. If you think I am, tell me, what evidence do you have?
The stories of all 3 women are falling is simply hard to tell which story is falling apart faster...Ford's was falling apart as soon as we found out none of the 4 people she named said the party ever happened.....and now Swetnik is "walking back" the claims she is amazing what happens with the threat of lying to the FBI.....remember Martha Stewart?

Do you still believe ford?

I never believed Ford, her story just makes no sense on the face of it. Her story was withheld until it was so close to the vote as to be deliberately impossible to explore it in the time left, which is why it never should have been considered at all much less further postponements to initiate yet a fresh investigation? The gutless, spineless Republicans forever dragged down by their own self-imposed RINO vermin, if they blow this, it just might be the final straw in my back. They've blown so many other opportunities Trump has given them, if we go from THREE supreme count candidates to only one (Gorsuch), I might never be able to vote for them again and I wouldn't blame Trump if he said Fuck it all himself. Let the Left take the country down the tubes and find out when its too late what they've created.

But if SO MANY people think Ford credible as witnessed here, why is the poll 14-0 against???
The stories of all 3 women are falling is simply hard to tell which story is falling apart faster...Ford's was falling apart as soon as we found out none of the 4 people she named said the party ever happened.....and now Swetnik is "walking back" the claims she is amazing what happens with the threat of lying to the FBI.....remember Martha Stewart?

Do you still believe ford?

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes.

Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."

Huh, this Congressional inquiry is working then?

A partisan hack would suggest we put the vote off until December so we can fully discredit the accusations. Putting off a vote for a Supreme Court Justice isn't a bad thing is it? is, when the reason is simply to give the democrats a chance to win in November.....You guys lost....Trump gets to pick and place on the Court his nominee since he now controls the Senate....

The inquiry isn't "working" because these false allegations should have been handled 2 months ago when the democrats first heard about them......delaying the vote is on them, there is no legitimate reason to delay the vote now.

So are you saying the last delay in voting for a nominee was wrong?

Are you saying a trial in which an innocent man went free didn't work?

There are just procedures in life. My car needs to pass the emissions test at the station even though I know it will.

Nope.... that was legitimate.... the destruction of Kavanaugh is wrong. Holding back information to damage Kavanaugh was wrong. Using these women to smear kavanaugh and damage his family because the democrats don't have the votes to stop him is wrong.

Prosecuting attorneys make mistakes and take innocent ppl to trial. They also take guilty ppl to trial who they fail to convict.

Are they wrong to have a different opinion than the jury?

What if it took Congress awhile to get their ducks in a row or if this thing just gained momentum?

Why not be thorough rather than life time appointment sorry. Afterall we are just talking a delay here. If you think there is a conspiracy thats fair I suppose.

They had this allegation from Ford for 2 months and hid it so that no one could check it out. Sorry, they don't get to do that crap and get a do over when it is all falling apart on them even with all of their schemes...
Huh, this Congressional inquiry is working then?

A partisan hack would suggest we put the vote off until December so we can fully discredit the accusations. Putting off a vote for a Supreme Court Justice isn't a bad thing is it? is, when the reason is simply to give the democrats a chance to win in November.....You guys lost....Trump gets to pick and place on the Court his nominee since he now controls the Senate....

The inquiry isn't "working" because these false allegations should have been handled 2 months ago when the democrats first heard about them......delaying the vote is on them, there is no legitimate reason to delay the vote now.

So are you saying the last delay in voting for a nominee was wrong?

Are you saying a trial in which an innocent man went free didn't work?

There are just procedures in life. My car needs to pass the emissions test at the station even though I know it will.

Nope.... that was legitimate.... the destruction of Kavanaugh is wrong. Holding back information to damage Kavanaugh was wrong. Using these women to smear kavanaugh and damage his family because the democrats don't have the votes to stop him is wrong.

Prosecuting attorneys make mistakes and take innocent ppl to trial. They also take guilty ppl to trial who they fail to convict.

Are they wrong to have a different opinion than the jury?

What if it took Congress awhile to get their ducks in a row or if this thing just gained momentum?

Why not be thorough rather than life time appointment sorry. Afterall we are just talking a delay here. If you think there is a conspiracy thats fair I suppose.

They had this allegation from Ford for 2 months and hid it so that no one could check it out. Sorry, they don't get to do that crap and get a do over when it is all falling apart on them even with all of their schemes...

FWIW, on the pragmatic end I agree the allegations are falling apart. They would never hold up in court and are revealing gal to be in over her head to say the least.

I also think Big K is about the best you can expect from Trump so in a way we may as well vote for him.

That said, assuming what I'm reading is true Big K has some problems admitting his binge drinking in college. Do I fault him for binge drinking in college? Not really. Do I fault him for not just saying, "yeah I did it, learn from me". Sort of, he has kids and its difficult to admit to some things. Do I think that should keep him from the nomination? Ideally yes, but like I said, we just aren't going to get much better from Trump.

But hey, I do like this tariff thing and North Korea isn't going badly at all.

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