'All Women Must Be Believed'....'#Me Too'...'Not So Fast'....'I Hear & See You': The Fluid, Ever-Changing Dem/Lib Stance of Sexual Assault Claims


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
You know, I can not tell you how many nights I stay up, unable to sleep, trying to keep up with what the 'official' Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat stance is on Sexual Harassment / Sexual Assault Claims / allegations made by women - should they be believed or not, should the men accused and their families just be destroyed before the allegations have been proven or not, and what Alyssa Milano, the self-appointed #MeToo / Sexual Harassment/Assault Policy Ambassador for the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democratic party is thinking.

Thank goodness she has resurfaced to once again present a modified liberal policy stance on how Democrats and the media should deal with this growing scandal.

When it came to Justice Kavanaugh, the Democrats literally threw a woman claiming to have been sexually assaulted under the proverbial bus by dragging her out into a spotlight when she had made it clear that she did NOT want to come forward, used her in their political assassination attempt, then dropped her like a hot rock when it fell apart. Her treatment, however, equated to being treated with 'kid gloves' compared to the Judge and his family. They put him and his family through HELL and declared the law as it applied to him (and any other Conservative / Republican) was / is 'GUILTY until PROVEN innocent'.

It has been amazing to see the Democrats prove many times over since then that this law / rule in no way applies to them!

To avoid even acknowledging this growing scandal Democrats, the media, and snowflakes have bent backwards so far that they ended up shoving their heads up their own asses....which works great for them since at that point they really can't see anything. After the Larry King video and now 2 more people have come out as witnesses for Reade there is almost no way to ignore it any more.... And when Alyssa Milano comes out and acknowledges the scandal......you know their favorite accused Democrat is in DEEP shite!

“I’m aware of the new developments in Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden. I want Tara, like every other survivor, to have the space to be heard and seen without being used as fodder”
- Alyssa Milano

Wow, how far the Democrats have come...it's been quite a journey.

Hillary Clinton made it her job to threaten, intimidate, and silence all of her husband's many victims and willing partners for decades before declaring, 'Every woman should be believed.'

Milano nearly wanted Kavanaugh's home burned down with his family inside based on an unsubstantiated accusation......then staunchly defended Joe Biden against his latest claim. She argued that a career-long hair-sniffing, touchy-feely groper and pedophile could not possibly be guilty of sexual assault against a pretty intern....

Milano, it seems, has flip-flopped (based on partisanship) from 'All Men (Republicans / Conservatives) are GUILTY until PROVEN innocent' to ''Uncle Joe can't be guilty of this....but Tara Reade, I hear and see you'.

'All women must be BELIEVED' has changed to 'All women must be SEEN and HEARD' (before being ignored after making allegations against Libs/Dems).

Isn't that 'special'...?!
Yeah, they're looking like total morons on this one. No question, no doubt.

After the Kavanaugh debacle and all of the histrionics associated with that and now it's crickets.

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Yeah, they're looking like total morons on this one. No question, no doubt.
What will Dems say after Biden is arrested?
Biden will not be arrested as he is to old and his dementia is now very apparent. (this also depends on wheather they charge him federally [no statute of limitations] or under local jurisdiction law [limitations have expired].) This does not mean however he will not be sued and the woman take everything he owns...
'Vandals covered former VP Biden's car with feminine products and wrote the words 'NO means NO, Joe' in black shoe polish on the driver's door. The car is parked right outside Biden's mother's house. Joe Biden is currently in self-quarantine ...hiding from the media, not COVID-19'.

Woman puts sanitary pads on her cheating partner's car | Daily ...

Biden could not be reached for comment....

The vandals are being sought by police for VIOLATING THE CITY'S SOCIAL DISTANCING REGULATIONS.

It's the usual formula, they will ignore as long as they can. When they can't any longer they will pivot to attacking and discrediting her. "Women must be believed" will never be mentioned as they pull out the knives.

Yep, "Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find."
You know, I can not tell you how many nights I stay up, unable to sleep, trying to keep up with what the 'official' Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat stance is on Sexual Harassment / Sexual Assault Claims / allegations made by women - should they be believed or not, should the men accused and their families just be destroyed before the allegations have been proven or not, and what Alyssa Milano, the self-appointed #MeToo / Sexual Harassment/Assault Policy Ambassador for the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democratic party is thinking.

Thank goodness she has resurfaced to once again present a modified liberal policy stance on how Democrats and the media should deal with this growing scandal.

When it came to Justice Kavanaugh, the Democrats literally threw a woman claiming to have been sexually assaulted under the proverbial bus by dragging her out into a spotlight when she had made it clear that she did NOT want to come forward, used her in their political assassination attempt, then dropped her like a hot rock when it fell apart. Her treatment, however, equated to being treated with 'kid gloves' compared to the Judge and his family. They put him and his family through HELL and declared the law as it applied to him (and any other Conservative / Republican) was / is 'GUILTY until PROVEN innocent'.

It has been amazing to see the Democrats prove many times over since then that this law / rule in no way applies to them!

To avoid even acknowledging this growing scandal Democrats, the media, and snowflakes have bent backwards so far that they ended up shoving their heads up their own asses....which works great for them since at that point they really can't see anything. After the Larry King video and now 2 more people have come out as witnesses for Reade there is almost no way to ignore it any more.... And when Alyssa Milano comes out and acknowledges the scandal......you know their favorite accused Democrat is in DEEP shite!

“I’m aware of the new developments in Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden. I want Tara, like every other survivor, to have the space to be heard and seen without being used as fodder”
- Alyssa Milano

Wow, how far the Democrats have come...it's been quite a journey.

Hillary Clinton made it her job to threaten, intimidate, and silence all of her husband's many victims and willing partners for decades before declaring, 'Every woman should be believed.'

Milano nearly wanted Kavanaugh's home burned down with his family inside based on an unsubstantiated accusation......then staunchly defended Joe Biden against his latest claim. She argued that a career-long hair-sniffing, touchy-feely groper and pedophile could not possibly be guilty of sexual assault against a pretty intern....

Milano, it seems, has flip-flopped (based on partisanship) from 'All Men (Republicans / Conservatives) are GUILTY until PROVEN innocent' to ''Uncle Joe can't be guilty of this....but Tara Reade, I hear and see you'.

'All women must be BELIEVED' has changed to 'All women must be SEEN and HEARD' (before being ignored after making allegations against Libs/Dems).

Isn't that 'special'...?!

Upon consulting recent history, it appears both Republicans and Democrats are equally fluid on determining if a woman making accusations of sexual assault should be believed. Let's be honest, the only thing that matters is who is being accused.
Upon consulting recent history, it appears both Republicans and Democrats are equally fluid on determining if a woman making accusations of sexual assault should be believed. Let's be honest, the only thing that matters is who is being accused.

Trump ran as a former playboy.

Biden ran as a supporter of "Believe all women accusers.".

Everyone knew Trump threw his semen all over NYC, but he didn't have to force anyone like Biden did.
Yeah, they're looking like total morons on this one. No question, no doubt.

After the Kavanaugh debacle and all of the histrionics associated with that and now it's crickets.

They do this every time and end up getting burned....stupid is stupid does.
It started with Harry Reid and the vote on the nuclear option, and went downhill from there.
You just can't make this shit up, damn funny, :auiqs.jpg: I tell you.

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