Now It Comes To It...BLM Protestors Talk About Murder And Sedition In Public

Are you really this upset that I proved how stupid, mentally deficient and basically dumb you are???
The article was plainly quoted...too bad you don't like facts.

Typical Conservative, anti-education, anti-fact and anti-literate...
Your a teacher Union member...I'm guessing Chicago. Marxist....Bernie supporter.
"YOU'RE" a fly over, anti-literate, anti-union, poor white bigot.
I'm guessing Trump ball tickler...
Fly over. Oh, you mean like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin?
You would be stupid enough to believe those States are "fly over."...
Like I said, anti-education, anti-fact and anti-literate.
If your not on the coast...your fly over. Don't use the term if you do not know what it means. Everything from LAX to Laguardia is fly over assface.
Like I said,
Now it comes to it....posters too stupid to read and comprehend the articles they are citing as proof...

During an anti-Trump protest in Seattle this weekend, an activist associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement took to the megaphone to voice her support for, among other things, “killing people,” and “killing the White House.”

Where is the evidence that she is "associated" with BLM...oh yeah, she's Black.
She was wearing a shirt with it on it.
I don't think they're available on Amazon yet.
Too bad your own articles makes you a liar...
During an anti-Trump protest in Seattle this weekend, an activist associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM)

Read more: BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

I wear a superman costume at Halloween, guess you believe I'm really
You must be an English teacher. Too stupid to fully understand that this ignorant communist **** is BLM, Hillary supporter, typical Democrat.
Are you really this upset that I proved how stupid, mentally deficient and basically dumb you are???
The article was plainly quoted...too bad you don't like facts.

Typical Conservative, anti-education, anti-fact and anti-literate...
Your a teacher Union member...I'm guessing Chicago. Marxist....Bernie supporter.
"YOU'RE" a fly over, anti-literate, anti-union, poor white bigot.
I'm guessing Trump ball tickler...
YOU'RE unaware (or just don't give a damn that YOUR libtard brethren make the same mistakes.

Try focusing on IDEAS and CONCEPTS rather than common grammar mistakes. But you really can't defend YOUR positions so this is all you got
Let me simply annihilate your infantile attempt at an attack...
I plainly quoted the article that proves this female was not a member of now the responsibility is on you to disprove the article's statement.
If you mean does the author check her BLM membership card?
I don't think they issue those.
Course I bet you thought anyone who claimed to be a Tea Party supporter was one of their leaders....
Are you really this upset that I proved how stupid, mentally deficient and basically dumb you are???
The article was plainly quoted...too bad you don't like facts.

Typical Conservative, anti-education, anti-fact and anti-literate...
Your a teacher Union member...I'm guessing Chicago. Marxist....Bernie supporter.
"YOU'RE" a fly over, anti-literate, anti-union, poor white bigot.
I'm guessing Trump ball tickler...
YOU'RE unaware (or just don't give a damn that YOUR libtard brethren make the same mistakes.

Try focusing on IDEAS and CONCEPTS rather than common grammar mistakes. But you really can't defend YOUR positions so this is all you got
Let me simply annihilate your infantile attempt at an attack...
I plainly quoted the article that proves this female was not a member of now the responsibility is on you to disprove the article's statement.
If you mean does the author check her BLM membership card?
I don't think they issue those.
Course I bet you thought anyone who claimed to be a Tea Party supporter was one of their leaders....
So in other words, you are attempting to dispute the veracity of your own citing of this article???
That's not very smart.
Now it comes to it....posters too stupid to read and comprehend the articles they are citing as proof...

During an anti-Trump protest in Seattle this weekend, an activist associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement took to the megaphone to voice her support for, among other things, “killing people,” and “killing the White House.”

Where is the evidence that she is "associated" with BLM...oh yeah, she's Black.

To you, no one that act like this idiot is associated with BLM. To you, all BLM people are honorable. This idiot is a n*gger and there is a difference.
So you can't disprove the article and are
Not to worry...being a dumb ni66er like you has it's disadvantages...

Not to worry, I can't be one.
You must be an English teacher. Too stupid to fully understand that this ignorant communist **** is BLM, Hillary supporter, typical Democrat.
Are you really this upset that I proved how stupid, mentally deficient and basically dumb you are???
The article was plainly quoted...too bad you don't like facts.

Typical Conservative, anti-education, anti-fact and anti-literate...
Your a teacher Union member...I'm guessing Chicago. Marxist....Bernie supporter.
"YOU'RE" a fly over, anti-literate, anti-union, poor white bigot.
I'm guessing Trump ball tickler...
YOU'RE unaware (or just don't give a damn that YOUR libtard brethren make the same mistakes.

Try focusing on IDEAS and CONCEPTS rather than common grammar mistakes. But you really can't defend YOUR positions so this is all you got
Let me simply annihilate your infantile attempt at an attack...
I plainly quoted the article that proves this female was not a member of now the responsibility is on you to disprove the article's statement.

I didn't realize there was an actual club, and membership was required. The point is, she may not have anything to do with the BLM hierarchy, but at the very least she goes along with BLM activities.
Are you really this upset that I proved how stupid, mentally deficient and basically dumb you are???
The article was plainly quoted...too bad you don't like facts.

Typical Conservative, anti-education, anti-fact and anti-literate...
Your a teacher Union member...I'm guessing Chicago. Marxist....Bernie supporter.
"YOU'RE" a fly over, anti-literate, anti-union, poor white bigot.
I'm guessing Trump ball tickler...
YOU'RE unaware (or just don't give a damn that YOUR libtard brethren make the same mistakes.

Try focusing on IDEAS and CONCEPTS rather than common grammar mistakes. But you really can't defend YOUR positions so this is all you got
Let me simply annihilate your infantile attempt at an attack...
I plainly quoted the article that proves this female was not a member of now the responsibility is on you to disprove the article's statement.

I didn't realize there was an actual club, and membership was required. The point is, she may not have anything to do with the BLM hierarchy, but at the very least she goes along with BLM activities.
BLM is terrorist organization.
Your a teacher Union member...I'm guessing Chicago. Marxist....Bernie supporter.
"YOU'RE" a fly over, anti-literate, anti-union, poor white bigot.
I'm guessing Trump ball tickler...
YOU'RE unaware (or just don't give a damn that YOUR libtard brethren make the same mistakes.

Try focusing on IDEAS and CONCEPTS rather than common grammar mistakes. But you really can't defend YOUR positions so this is all you got
Let me simply annihilate your infantile attempt at an attack...
I plainly quoted the article that proves this female was not a member of now the responsibility is on you to disprove the article's statement.
If you mean does the author check her BLM membership card?
I don't think they issue those.
Course I bet you thought anyone who claimed to be a Tea Party supporter was one of their leaders....
So in other words, you are attempting to dispute the veracity of your own citing of this article???
That's not very smart.
Not at all.

I'm not making false claims about a group that doesn't actually have leaders. Nor am I the idiot wearing BLM apparel calling for the murder and theft from whites.
"YOU'RE" a fly over, anti-literate, anti-union, poor white bigot.
I'm guessing Trump ball tickler...
YOU'RE unaware (or just don't give a damn that YOUR libtard brethren make the same mistakes.

Try focusing on IDEAS and CONCEPTS rather than common grammar mistakes. But you really can't defend YOUR positions so this is all you got
Let me simply annihilate your infantile attempt at an attack...
I plainly quoted the article that proves this female was not a member of now the responsibility is on you to disprove the article's statement.
If you mean does the author check her BLM membership card?
I don't think they issue those.
Course I bet you thought anyone who claimed to be a Tea Party supporter was one of their leaders....
So in other words, you are attempting to dispute the veracity of your own citing of this article???
That's not very smart.
Not at all.

I'm not making false claims about a group that doesn't actually have leaders. Nor am I the idiot wearing BLM apparel calling for the murder and theft from whites.
No, however you are the idiot that is attempting to ignore the plain English where YOUR CITE states that that loon IS NOT A MEMBER OF BLM...
YOU'RE unaware (or just don't give a damn that YOUR libtard brethren make the same mistakes.

Try focusing on IDEAS and CONCEPTS rather than common grammar mistakes. But you really can't defend YOUR positions so this is all you got
Let me simply annihilate your infantile attempt at an attack...
I plainly quoted the article that proves this female was not a member of now the responsibility is on you to disprove the article's statement.
If you mean does the author check her BLM membership card?
I don't think they issue those.
Course I bet you thought anyone who claimed to be a Tea Party supporter was one of their leaders....
So in other words, you are attempting to dispute the veracity of your own citing of this article???
That's not very smart.
Not at all.

I'm not making false claims about a group that doesn't actually have leaders. Nor am I the idiot wearing BLM apparel calling for the murder and theft from whites.
No, however you are the idiot that is attempting to ignore the plain English where YOUR CITE states that that loon IS NOT A MEMBER OF BLM...

Your basis on which you determine membership is whether or not they commit an act of violence or riot. To you, if they riot, they aren't members and if they don't, they are. Not how it works, boy.

I have noticed that the BLM protestors stick within their own isolated communities when they riot. There's a reason for that. While they may be nothing but scum, they do have enough sense about them to know where to go and where not to go.
Let me simply annihilate your infantile attempt at an attack...
I plainly quoted the article that proves this female was not a member of now the responsibility is on you to disprove the article's statement.
If you mean does the author check her BLM membership card?
I don't think they issue those.
Course I bet you thought anyone who claimed to be a Tea Party supporter was one of their leaders....
So in other words, you are attempting to dispute the veracity of your own citing of this article???
That's not very smart.
Not at all.

I'm not making false claims about a group that doesn't actually have leaders. Nor am I the idiot wearing BLM apparel calling for the murder and theft from whites.
No, however you are the idiot that is attempting to ignore the plain English where YOUR CITE states that that loon IS NOT A MEMBER OF BLM...

Your basis on which you determine membership is whether or not they commit an act of violence or riot. To you, if they riot, they aren't members and if they don't, they are. Not how it works, boy.

I have noticed that the BLM protestors stick within their own isolated communities when they riot. There's a reason for that. While they may be nothing but scum, they do have enough sense about them to know where to go and where not to go.
Your assumption (quite stupid) is that everything Black is a BLM member...I simply quoted the article that this lying thread is based go dispute the validity of the article itself...
If you mean does the author check her BLM membership card?
I don't think they issue those.
Course I bet you thought anyone who claimed to be a Tea Party supporter was one of their leaders....
So in other words, you are attempting to dispute the veracity of your own citing of this article???
That's not very smart.
Not at all.

I'm not making false claims about a group that doesn't actually have leaders. Nor am I the idiot wearing BLM apparel calling for the murder and theft from whites.
No, however you are the idiot that is attempting to ignore the plain English where YOUR CITE states that that loon IS NOT A MEMBER OF BLM...

Your basis on which you determine membership is whether or not they commit an act of violence or riot. To you, if they riot, they aren't members and if they don't, they are. Not how it works, boy.

I have noticed that the BLM protestors stick within their own isolated communities when they riot. There's a reason for that. While they may be nothing but scum, they do have enough sense about them to know where to go and where not to go.
Your assumption (quite stupid) is that everything Black is a BLM member...I simply quoted the article that this lying thread is based go dispute the validity of the article itself...

No one said everything black is BLM/. However, If someone is out rioting with them, they are or they wouldn't be rioting with them.
Last edited:

During an anti-Trump protest in Seattle this weekend, an activist associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement took to the megaphone to voice her support for, among other things, “killing people,” and “killing the White House.”

Read more: BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

“Fuck white supremacy, fuck the U.S. empire, fuck your imperialist ass lives. That shit gotta go.”

At 1:50 in the video clip, she goes, “And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your fucking White House, your fucking Presidents, they must go! Fuck the White House.”

While she said that, another protester can be heard saying, “Burn it!”
She also says, “White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all,” as another protester responds “reparations!”​
“Pay the fuck up, pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time, its your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social change,” she said.

While speaking, she was wearing a jacket that said “Black Lives Matter” on the back.

According to the channel that uploaded the clip to YouTube, the activist saying these things is a teacher.

Caught this story last night. Contemptible vermin. Round them up, intern them, deport them; whatever it takes to get the scum off our streets. Put their financial enablers in the cells with the vermin. Anybody who supports them as well. Time to drain the swamps.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.
-Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

Time to return the Democratic Party back to its Founder's principles. Make Thomas Jefferson proud and expel the vermin. If some ACLU commie shows up whining toss her/him/it/mutant on the boat with the scum, too.
I didn't realize there was an actual club, and membership was required. The point is, she may not have anything to do with the BLM hierarchy, but at the very least she goes along with BLM activities.

A distinction without a difference. The people showing up at these vermin infestations are on the mailing lists and call lists, whatever, and are showing their support and backing; they are just the same as members and should get the same fumigation techniques.
If you mean does the author check her BLM membership card?
I don't think they issue those.
Course I bet you thought anyone who claimed to be a Tea Party supporter was one of their leaders....
So in other words, you are attempting to dispute the veracity of your own citing of this article???
That's not very smart.
Not at all.

I'm not making false claims about a group that doesn't actually have leaders. Nor am I the idiot wearing BLM apparel calling for the murder and theft from whites.
No, however you are the idiot that is attempting to ignore the plain English where YOUR CITE states that that loon IS NOT A MEMBER OF BLM...

Your basis on which you determine membership is whether or not they commit an act of violence or riot. To you, if they riot, they aren't members and if they don't, they are. Not how it works, boy.

I have noticed that the BLM protestors stick within their own isolated communities when they riot. There's a reason for that. While they may be nothing but scum, they do have enough sense about them to know where to go and where not to go.
Your assumption (quite stupid) is that everything Black is a BLM member...I simply quoted the article that this lying thread is based go dispute the validity of the article itself...

Crawl back into your part of the sewers. Your little scumbag proxies aren't going to influence anything any more; get over it and go back to your habitat and hobby of rolling feces into little balls and eating them.

During an anti-Trump protest in Seattle this weekend, an activist associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement took to the megaphone to voice her support for, among other things, “killing people,” and “killing the White House.”

Read more: BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

“Fuck white supremacy, fuck the U.S. empire, fuck your imperialist ass lives. That shit gotta go.”

At 1:50 in the video clip, she goes, “And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your fucking White House, your fucking Presidents, they must go! Fuck the White House.”

While she said that, another protester can be heard saying, “Burn it!”
She also says, “White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all,” as another protester responds “reparations!”​
“Pay the fuck up, pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time, its your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social change,” she said.

While speaking, she was wearing a jacket that said “Black Lives Matter” on the back.

According to the channel that uploaded the clip to YouTube, the activist saying these things is a teacher.

This is Micah Rhodes.


Micah Rhodes has been leading the Anti-Trump violent protests at Portland Airport in Oregon, he is also a BLM organiser ie. Subversive Agitator.

He has just been arrested by Portland Police for buttfucking an underage boy he met on the Internets, he is already a Registered Sex Offender having been charged with sexually abusing and sodomising an underage girl.

Micah Rhodes has admitted to Portland Police he's been buttfucking underage boys and underage girls since 2014, see the below articles.

Portland activist accused of sex crimes

"Portland police on Monday filed new criminal accusations against an activist involved in organizing recent downtown protests.

Micah Rhodes, 23, faces four felony accusations of second-degree sex abuse. The allegations were filed Monday after officers arrested him during an anti-police protest last week. He was among 12 adults picked up for traffic citations for improper position on a highway and other offenses.

Sgt. Pete Simpson, police spokesman, said the new charges were not filed in retaliation to recent protests.

"All four charges relate to one juvenile victim," Simpson said. "Our detectives started looking into this, after his arrest Wednesday. They found information about a prior incident, and from there, conducted their investigation."

Court records show a Portland police detective received information that Rhodes met a 17-year-old male through a dating phone app in 2015, and the two had sex on multiple occasions. The probable cause affidavit shows the detective interviewed Rhodes on Wednesday and Saturday.

The detective wrote that Rhodes admitted to knowing the boy was 17 years old at the time of the sexual encounters, which occurred in Gresham and Troutdale, according to the affidavit."

Here's the rest of the article.

Portland activist accused of sex crimes

‘Portland’s Resistance’ co-leader charged with sex abuse

The charges against Micah Rhodes involve a minor

"PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – A 23-year-old registered sex offender, who has participated in several recent protests as a leader of ‘Portland’s Resistance,’ is now being accused of sexually abusing a teen boy and girl.

Micah Rhodes faces 4 counts of second-degree sexual abuse.

On Monday,
the Oregon State Police Sex Offender Registration Unit confirmed Rhodes is a registered sex offender. His name does not appear on the pubic state-run website because he is not considered predatory. It’s also absent because when Rhodes was convicted, his case was settled in juvenile court.

Rhodes became a registered sex offender following convictions of first-degree sexual abuse and first-degree sodomy, according to court records. Details of his conviction remain unknown because under state law juvenile records are not publicly available.

Police just recently became aware of the sexual abuse allegations being made against Rhodes. The accusations surfaced while he was in custody following his January 25 arrest during a protest in downtown Portland.

On April 29, 2015, PPB took a report from Rhodes’ parole officer.

The officer filed that during a conversation, Rhodes confided that he had “engaged in sexual behavior with minors in 2014.”

The parole officer is a mandatory reporter.

Rhodes was interviewed by PPB Sex Crimes detectives on Jan. 25 (following his arrest in downtown for the protest) and Rhodes “admitted he had sex with an underage female and an underage male.”

Here's the rest of the article:

‘Portland’s Resistance’ co-leader charged with sex abuse

Black Lives Matter protest marches through NE Portland

"Hundreds of people marched through the streets of northeast Portland on Friday as part of a Black Lives Matter protest.

Organizers posted on Facebook in reference to Black Friday, "Cheap deals do not matter. #BlackLivesMatter."

The rally began at Holladay Park at Northeast 11th and Holladay Street at 1 p.m.

The protesters chanted as they filled the streets carrying signs that said, "Black Lives Matter," "Don't Shoot PDX" and "skin color is not reasonable suspicion."

- Snip -

"The thing that happened in Chicago is absolutely unacceptable,"
protest organizer Micah Rhodes said."

Black Lives Matter protest marches through NE Portland

Yes, they're mostly pedoes, degenerate fetishists, and sex freaks; that's why the Democratic Party supports them; it's their Party base.
Can we get another thread on this please? This is so deeply meaningful that it should spread like cancer, thanks.
If you do not find it disturbing then it speaks volumes about you. Nice trolling though. No substance, failed sarcasm.

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