Now getting tons of lag on forum.


Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2014
Central Ohio
Not sure what the deal is, but right now, as of this week, I'm getting tons of lag on the forum.

The lag is constant, and difficult. Typing a word, will take up to 5 to 10 seconds to appear on the screen.

At first I thought it was my computer. But I went to other sites, and discovered no problem whatsoever. Twitter, Quora, Facebook, Youtube, Google groups, no detectable lag whatsoever.

I then thought it might be firefox related. But Chrome shows the same lag issue. Moreover, all those same websites work perfectly on Firefox.

This is a forum problem. My only guess is that it has to do with your advertising again. That was the problem last time, and adblock plus fixed it.

However now, adblock isn't doing the trick.

If I can't type here, without infuriating non-stop lag, then I won't be on this forum much longer, which is really sad, because I like a ton of the people here, like Chic, Hazlut, and many others. But if I can't type... then there is no point.

I get it that you want ad revenue. I totally understand that, but if it kills the usability of the forum, you'll lose all your people, and their won't be ad revenue then either.
No problem on my end, so not sure what your dealing with.. I use AdBlock also, and so far so good.
Have you tried to clear your cache ? Be sure to save your passwords..

How to clear the Firefox cache | Firefox Help

Yes, this; works nearly every time. Get the Click&Clean add on for Firefox, and spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with it.

Some of the lag is also all the links in posts to PhotoBucket, sigs, and the like in people's OP's and other posts, from other slow ass sites connecting to the forum as well. The ads load fairly fast for me, when I do load them, so I don't think it's an ad problem. Youtube and Flash links are also major bandwidth eaters, and rarely have any content worth looking at, so just disable that stuff when here. I would ban them if it were my site; If you can't provide a transcript or are too lazy and illiterate to make a point or explain one, then just stick to DU or Che Lives! and leave the rest of us alone.
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Have you tried to clear your cache ? Be sure to save your passwords..

How to clear the Firefox cache | Firefox Help

Yes, this; works nearly every time. Get the Click&Clean add on for Firefox, and spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with it.

Some of the lag is also all the links in posts to PhotoBucket, sigs, and the like in people's OP's and other posts, from other slow ass sites connecting to the forum as well. The ads load fairly fast for me, when I do load them, so I don't think it's an ad problem. Youtube and Flash links are also major bandwidth eaters, and rarely have any content worth looking at, so just disable that stuff when here. I would ban them if it were my site; If you can't provide a transcript or are too lazy and illiterate to make a point or explain one, then just stick to DU or Che Lives! and leave the rest of us alone.

While I would agree with you in general, you underestimate the childish nature of an unfortunately large portion of the posters.

The latest example, was where I was comparing the Iran deal, with the North Korean deal, and I said "Bill Clinton said X".

I posted articles.

"No he didn't!"

So I posted links.

"He didn't say that!"

I posted a transcript.

"You're lying! You just made that up"

Finally I posted the video from Youtube. Only then did he quietly go away. Some people, you can post a million link, dozens of pictures, fifty transcripts from a dozen sources, and still they won't believe you until you post the video. And you have to post the video because even if you say "Type xxxx into youtube, and it's the first video on the list"... they'll simply refuse to do it and whine that if you can't prove it, why should they look.

Some people on here, you literally have to smash them across the face with the truth, before they'll accept it.
Trump has his klan leader Damascus of Tennessee modifying the wave length band width to slow us all down so we can't post about his daughter and her clothes.
Not sure what the deal is, but right now, as of this week, I'm getting tons of lag on the forum.

The lag is constant, and difficult. Typing a word, will take up to 5 to 10 seconds to appear on the screen.

At first I thought it was my computer. But I went to other sites, and discovered no problem whatsoever. Twitter, Quora, Facebook, Youtube, Google groups, no detectable lag whatsoever.

I then thought it might be firefox related. But Chrome shows the same lag issue. Moreover, all those same websites work perfectly on Firefox.

This is a forum problem. My only guess is that it has to do with your advertising again. That was the problem last time, and adblock plus fixed it.

However now, adblock isn't doing the trick.

If I can't type here, without infuriating non-stop lag, then I won't be on this forum much longer, which is really sad, because I like a ton of the people here, like Chic, Hazlut, and many others. But if I can't type... then there is no point.

I get it that you want ad revenue. I totally understand that, but if it kills the usability of the forum, you'll lose all your people, and their won't be ad revenue then either.

you got modified. You pissed one of the mods off and they slapped you. Send an email to the site using the "contact us" link provided at the bottom of the page.
There's something that goes on everyday around what would be ~0300 EST. I don't know what it is, but I have noticed that one basically can't post, and can't use the hyperlink functionality at that time.
Not sure what the deal is, but right now, as of this week, I'm getting tons of lag on the forum.

The lag is constant, and difficult. Typing a word, will take up to 5 to 10 seconds to appear on the screen.

At first I thought it was my computer. But I went to other sites, and discovered no problem whatsoever. Twitter, Quora, Facebook, Youtube, Google groups, no detectable lag whatsoever.

I then thought it might be firefox related. But Chrome shows the same lag issue. Moreover, all those same websites work perfectly on Firefox.

This is a forum problem. My only guess is that it has to do with your advertising again. That was the problem last time, and adblock plus fixed it.

However now, adblock isn't doing the trick.

If I can't type here, without infuriating non-stop lag, then I won't be on this forum much longer, which is really sad, because I like a ton of the people here, like Chic, Hazlut, and many others. But if I can't type... then there is no point.

I get it that you want ad revenue. I totally understand that, but if it kills the usability of the forum, you'll lose all your people, and their won't be ad revenue then either.

you got modified. You pissed one of the mods off and they slapped you. Send an email to the site using the "contact us" link provided at the bottom of the page.

yup it gets old


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