Now For The Last Nail In This Coffin....

that story is from the NY times. When did they become part of the "pathological right"?
The LIE that the uranium is to be used for Russian weapons against us is NOT in any NY Times story. That lie is purely the fabrication of PompousCheek.
Which makes YOU a pathological liar just like her.
And this:
a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a serial liar.
Thank you again.
I searched your post for any examples lies.... seem to have forgotten to include any.
Why is that?
I have reduced you to a babbling fool parroting the same lies over and over again.
Thank you.

How about we leave that determination up to readers.
"....bloodthirsty Trumpophobes like the leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senators Burr and Warner, acknowledged that Mr. Steele was all they could go on, and they could not get at its sources because of the intervention of special counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, preventing FBI officials from testifying before Congress."
With Clintons Tied to Scandal A Triple Deus Ex Machina Descends Upon Washington - The New York Sun

Until now.....

"Gag order lifted: DOJ says informant can speak to Congress on Uranium One, Russia bribery case with Clinton links"
Gag order lifted: DOJ says informant can speak to Congress on Uranium One, Russia bribery case with Clinton links

Uh, oh......
The LIE that the uranium is to be used for Russian weapons against us is NOT in any NY Times story. That lie is purely the fabrication of PompousCheek.
Which makes YOU a pathological liar just like her.
And this:
a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a serial liar.
Thank you again.
I searched your post for any examples lies.... seem to have forgotten to include any.
Why is that?
I have reduced you to a babbling fool parroting the same lies over and over again.
Thank you.
How about we leave that determination up to readers.
A fact is not something determined by a popularity contest, but you knew that already, and since you know you have been lying all along, you have nothing to lose by a popularity contest.
The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......

Against whom?
Oh the pure STUPIDITY of the pathological lying Right!!!!!!!
Thank you.
I searched your post for any examples lies.... seem to have forgotten to include any.
Why is that?
When caught lying, CON$ervoFascists first play dumb, and then lie some more.
Dumbo, your lie was HIGHLIGHTED, so either you are too STUPID to see the highlighting, or you are just lying some more.
Either way, thank you again.
what do you think it will be used for?
What ever the USA intends to use it for! Using PC's and your "logic," the USA "has energy so it is to be used for weapons."

The USA does not have control of the uranium that was shipped out via Canada. What PC said was that Russia has energy so its likely that it will be used for weapons. How do you know it is not in Iran as we speak?
that story is from the NY times. When did they become part of the "pathological right"?
The LIE that the uranium is to be used for Russian weapons against us is NOT in any NY Times story. That lie is purely the fabrication of PompousCheek.
Which makes YOU a pathological liar just like her.
And this:
a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a serial liar.
Thank you again.
even the left wing MSM has reported the Russian "donation" to the Clinton foundation. So who are you calling a liar?
Notice how lying scum CON$ervoFascists lie, even though I pointed out that the lie is that the uranium will be used for Russian weapons, they try to change the subject, which is simply an admission the they know they were lying which makes them PREMEDITATED liars as well as pathological liars.

I never said it would be used for weapons. I said we don't know where it is so we don't know what it will be used for. It is likely that it could end up in terrorists hands and be used as weapons. No one knows except the Russians who coordinated the shipment.

No one is lying here except you
And this:
a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a serial liar.
Thank you again.
I searched your post for any examples lies.... seem to have forgotten to include any.
Why is that?
I have reduced you to a babbling fool parroting the same lies over and over again.
Thank you.
How about we leave that determination up to readers.
A fact is not something determined by a popularity contest, but you knew that already, and since you know you have been lying all along, you have nothing to lose by a popularity contest.

I provide links and documentation for everything I post.

You, on the other hand, have become our best source of Greenhouse Gases.
"...there is no Kremlin involvement..."


In accord with the history of British Intelligence, Steele, an admitted socialist, followed the instruction of the Russians and passed on their program to organization either paid by the Democrats, or in agreement with their fear of a Trump presidency.

Trump didn't have the bribeable history that the Democrats do.

Putin, Steele, GPS Fusion, the Democrats....and the never-Trump Republicans, all wanted to sink Trump.

The Russians fed the 'information' which is known as the dossier.

Putin wanted Hillary as President....not Trump.
Trump has been already saying: he wants cooperation with Russia. Why in the world did Putin have even one reason to sink him?

On the other side, Deep Sate and their puppets were and are (!) terrified of cooperation with Russia. And that's who badly needed to sink Trump.

Putin always said: he was welcoming a person in Washington who wants to cooperate with Russia. And it makes sense. You Americans. have to bury your Establishment before it buries you. And some of you are wasting your time pointing fingers on Russia.

Trump is a puppet

Trump is the one and only POTUS since 90-s who has not been ANYBODY's puppet. That's why Deep State so badly wants to hobble him and potentially to remove him from the office. And you liberals have been gladly helping Deep State to ruin YOUR OWN country.

Crooked Donnie has been a Putin puppet for decades

Hmmm, did Trump get 500K for a speech in Moscow? Did the Trump foundation get 145 million from Russian owners of Uranium 1 just before the deal giving them title to 20% of our uranium reserves?

The Putin puppet(s) are the Clinton crime family.

He is married to a Russian spy Comrade
Oh the pure STUPIDITY of the pathological lying Right!!!!!!!
Thank you.
I searched your post for any examples lies.... seem to have forgotten to include any.
Why is that?
When caught lying, CON$ervoFascists first play dumb, and then lie some more.
Dumbo, your lie was HIGHLIGHTED, so either you are too STUPID to see the highlighting, or you are just lying some more.
Either way, thank you again.
what do you think it will be used for?
What ever the USA intends to use it for! Using PC's and your "logic," the USA "has energy so it is to be used for weapons."
The USA does not have control of the uranium that was shipped out via Canada. What PC said was that Russia has energy so its likely that it will be used for weapons. How do you know it is not in Iran as we speak?
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie.
And I know it is not in Iran as we speak because it has never left the good old USA.
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a serial liar.
Thank you again.
I searched your post for any examples lies.... seem to have forgotten to include any.
Why is that?
I have reduced you to a babbling fool parroting the same lies over and over again.
Thank you.
How about we leave that determination up to readers.
A fact is not something determined by a popularity contest, but you knew that already, and since you know you have been lying all along, you have nothing to lose by a popularity contest.
I provide links and documentation for everything I post.
You, on the other hand, have become our best source of Greenhouse Gases.
You provide links to rumors and gossip from known liars.
I searched your post for any examples lies.... seem to have forgotten to include any.
Why is that?
When caught lying, CON$ervoFascists first play dumb, and then lie some more.
Dumbo, your lie was HIGHLIGHTED, so either you are too STUPID to see the highlighting, or you are just lying some more.
Either way, thank you again.
what do you think it will be used for?
What ever the USA intends to use it for! Using PC's and your "logic," the USA "has energy so it is to be used for weapons."
The USA does not have control of the uranium that was shipped out via Canada. What PC said was that Russia has energy so its likely that it will be used for weapons. How do you know it is not in Iran as we speak?
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie.
And I know it is not in Iran as we speak because it has never left the good old USA.

[The uranium that the Democrats sold to Russia:] "... it has never left the good old USA."

How about I prove you are lying?

Good plan?

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license."
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Last edited:
When caught lying, CON$ervoFascists first play dumb, and then lie some more.
Dumbo, your lie was HIGHLIGHTED, so either you are too STUPID to see the highlighting, or you are just lying some more.
Either way, thank you again.
what do you think it will be used for?
What ever the USA intends to use it for! Using PC's and your "logic," the USA "has energy so it is to be used for weapons."
The USA does not have control of the uranium that was shipped out via Canada. What PC said was that Russia has energy so its likely that it will be used for weapons. How do you know it is not in Iran as we speak?
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie.
And I know it is not in Iran as we speak because it has never left the good old USA.

How about I prove you are lying?

Good plan?

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license."
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

I have your reply right here:

uranium ..


thats nice.

is Lois in jail yet ?
Are these muppets trying to tell us that Hillary Clinton shouldn't run for president again?

lol, I told you that 2 years ago. Pay attention.
Imagine....a dossier produced by Moscow, that paints Trump in a very bad light....
....what better proof that Putin wished for Hillary as President.

The dossier? Comey bought it like it was on sale.

" the F.B.I., C.I.A. and National Security Agency gave a classified report on the Russian hacking, leaking and efforts to influence the presidential election to Mr. Obama, Mr. Trump and congressional leaders, they attached a two-page summary of the unverified allegations in the memos." What We Know and Don’t Know About the Trump-Russia Dossier

. Even when the story blew up:

"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after the FBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

Non-credible....yet the FBI pushed it like is was the truth.

On the one side: The Clintons, Putin, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, the meida, the never-Trumpers....

On the other side: the American people.

God Bless America
Trump has been already saying: he wants cooperation with Russia. Why in the world did Putin have even one reason to sink him?

On the other side, Deep Sate and their puppets were and are (!) terrified of cooperation with Russia. And that's who badly needed to sink Trump.

Putin always said: he was welcoming a person in Washington who wants to cooperate with Russia. And it makes sense. You Americans. have to bury your Establishment before it buries you. And some of you are wasting your time pointing fingers on Russia.

Trump is a puppet

Trump is the one and only POTUS since 90-s who has not been ANYBODY's puppet. That's why Deep State so badly wants to hobble him and potentially to remove him from the office. And you liberals have been gladly helping Deep State to ruin YOUR OWN country.

Crooked Donnie has been a Putin puppet for decades

Hmmm, did Trump get 500K for a speech in Moscow? Did the Trump foundation get 145 million from Russian owners of Uranium 1 just before the deal giving them title to 20% of our uranium reserves?

The Putin puppet(s) are the Clinton crime family.

He is married to a Russian spy Comrade

your desperation is making you look like a complete fool.
Trump is a puppet

Trump is the one and only POTUS since 90-s who has not been ANYBODY's puppet. That's why Deep State so badly wants to hobble him and potentially to remove him from the office. And you liberals have been gladly helping Deep State to ruin YOUR OWN country.

Crooked Donnie has been a Putin puppet for decades

Hmmm, did Trump get 500K for a speech in Moscow? Did the Trump foundation get 145 million from Russian owners of Uranium 1 just before the deal giving them title to 20% of our uranium reserves?

The Putin puppet(s) are the Clinton crime family.

He is married to a Russian spy Comrade

your desperation is making you look like a complete fool.

Far worse.....a congenital liar.
Trump is the one and only POTUS since 90-s who has not been ANYBODY's puppet. That's why Deep State so badly wants to hobble him and potentially to remove him from the office. And you liberals have been gladly helping Deep State to ruin YOUR OWN country.

Crooked Donnie has been a Putin puppet for decades

Hmmm, did Trump get 500K for a speech in Moscow? Did the Trump foundation get 145 million from Russian owners of Uranium 1 just before the deal giving them title to 20% of our uranium reserves?

The Putin puppet(s) are the Clinton crime family.

He is married to a Russian spy Comrade

your desperation is making you look like a complete fool.

Far worse.....a congenital liar.

true, usually at this juncture he turns it over to his sock Jake Snarkey. Wonder if his Jake ID got cancelled.

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