Notice How Obama Shied Away From Answering An Important Question About The Muslim Bro

Well, let's see if you're as smart as you claim to be.

I think he avoided answering the question because he was afraid to take sides against a known enemy, but he had no problem siding against Mubarak, an ally, so you tell me what that means Einstein?

The answer to that is obvious to his opposition, but not to his mindless followers.

What's the difference between people who are mindlessly against him and his mindless followers?

Don't worry, Obama will meddle in Egypt's business like every president in recent history has in the middle east. And you'll keep being taxed in order to give Israel billlions of american taxpayer dollars in order to pay for their unmonitored nukes and US made weapons.

Obama is the perfect president for you, perfect.

The perfect president for me just had a 100th birthday. This prick?


After his disasters in Lebanon and Iran at least outwardly Reagan seemed to have learned to not meddle in the middle east, that it was a hopeless cause. I wish you'd take his advice and start asking our politicians to not meddle in the middle east rather than trying over and over again to be the world's hall monitor at the american taxpayer's expense.

What is the difference between STARTING a war and CONTINUING a war that has already begun? (please answer in complete sentences)

Deflection and cowardice duly noted...

NOW, when did Obama serve? How about Biden? Pelosi? Hillary???

AGAIN, what kind of idiot claims that people who support war, have to fight in it? If you support your local police, do you have to become a cop???

Please answer the quiz question...and in complete sentences.

What is the difference between STARTING a war and CONTINUING a war that has already begun?

NOTHING. Obama campaigned on ending the wars, as did the Dems in 2006. Obama is sending our soldiers to war, and that punk coward never served a day in his life. NO DIFFERENCE, EPIC FAIL...
Shouldn't all these neocons beating the war drum be in a recruiting office rather than on here posting messages?

I mean they certainly wouldn't be doing the cowardly thing and pushing for wars they're too scared to fight.................................

OMG, people still yap that stupid stuff?

Obama is beating the "war drum" as he sends more soldiers to Iraq and Afghanistan. Care to tell us when and where HE served?

And what kind of idiot claims that people who support war, have to fight in it? If you support your local police, do you have to become a cop?

You'll have to save this "dem vs rep" standard drivel for the rest of the crowd. Both parties are 234628726148 times too fiscally liberal for me to ever vote for.

Obama is a war drum beating neocon chickenhawk just like Bush/Cheney/O'Reilly/Hannity etc etc etc.

This would be the "perfect" time for the US to go to war with Iran. No one would oppose it. Dems blindly view Obama as their messiah like reps do/did with Reagan so they wouldn't oppose it, Reps have never heard of a war idea they didn't like so they wouldn't oppose it.

Frightening scenario.
Deflection and cowardice duly noted...

NOW, when did Obama serve? How about Biden? Pelosi? Hillary???

AGAIN, what kind of idiot claims that people who support war, have to fight in it? If you support your local police, do you have to become a cop???

Please answer the quiz question...and in complete sentences.

What is the difference between STARTING a war and CONTINUING a war that has already begun?

NOTHING. Obama campaigned on ending the wars, as did the Dems in 2006. Obama is sending our soldiers to war, and that punk coward never served a day in his life. NO DIFFERENCE, EPIC FAIL... you think there is NO DIFFERENCE. Well, that explains a lot, doesn't it?
Please answer the quiz question...and in complete sentences.

What is the difference between STARTING a war and CONTINUING a war that has already begun?

NOTHING. Obama campaigned on ending the wars, as did the Dems in 2006. Obama is sending our soldiers to war, and that punk coward never served a day in his life. NO DIFFERENCE, EPIC FAIL... you think there is NO DIFFERENCE. Well, that explains a lot, doesn't it?

Look, it's apparent you're a brainwashed Libtard Obamanoid. Remember you assclowns screaming for YEARS that a President should have served in the military and served in war? What happened there? Did you vote for McCain in 2008?

Obama is continuing the failed Bush policies in Iraq and Afghanistan. HE never served, that is a fact. And he is sending our troops into battle, just like Bush did.

Go cram your head back in the sand, you're dismissed.
Deflection and cowardice duly noted...

NOW, when did Obama serve? How about Biden? Pelosi? Hillary???

AGAIN, what kind of idiot claims that people who support war, have to fight in it? If you support your local police, do you have to become a cop???

Please answer the quiz question...and in complete sentences.

What is the difference between STARTING a war and CONTINUING a war that has already begun?

NOTHING. Obama campaigned on ending the wars, as did the Dems in 2006. Obama is sending our soldiers to war, and that punk coward never served a day in his life. NO DIFFERENCE, EPIC FAIL...

Bullshit. Obama did not campaign on "ending the wars".

Obama campaigned on bringing combat troops home from Iraq beginning 16 months in to his term. It started in 19 months.

He campaigned on sending three additional brigades to Afghanistan to stablize the region. He sent 30k+ troops.
Bill O'Reilly asked Obama point blank, " But you don't want the Muslim Brotherhood, do you???"

Instead Obama dodged the question and said, "I think the new government should be a representative government".

That, in case you haven't been paying attention, means he supports the Muslim Brotherhood or at the very least doesn't care.

There were plenty of other answers to questions Obama gave that I had a problem with, but this one really stuck out.

Is there any question Obama is a closet Islamist?

His love for Islam is well documented. His disdain for Israel is as well. Wake up folks.

I don't get it. Republicans put right winger Sharia Law hard core Islamics in power in Iraq. They even helped Iraq put Sharia Law into their constitution. Why do they have a beef with the Muslim Brotherhood? Why is it good for Iraq but not for Egypt?
NOTHING. Obama campaigned on ending the wars, as did the Dems in 2006. Obama is sending our soldiers to war, and that punk coward never served a day in his life. NO DIFFERENCE, EPIC FAIL... you think there is NO DIFFERENCE. Well, that explains a lot, doesn't it?

Look, it's apparent you're a brainwashed Libtard Obamanoid. Remember you assclowns screaming for YEARS that a President should have served in the military and served in war? What happened there? Did you vote for McCain in 2008?

Obama is continuing the failed Bush policies in Iraq and Afghanistan. HE never served, that is a fact. And he is sending our troops into battle, just like Bush did.

Go cram your head back in the sand, you're dismissed.

Ah, going personal with insults....classic indications that your argument is going nowhere. :clap2:
There's a difference between supporting a war and being a war drum beating chickenhawk.
NOTHING. Obama campaigned on ending the wars, as did the Dems in 2006. Obama is sending our soldiers to war, and that punk coward never served a day in his life. NO DIFFERENCE, EPIC FAIL... you think there is NO DIFFERENCE. Well, that explains a lot, doesn't it?

Look, it's apparent you're a brainwashed Libtard Obamanoid. Remember you assclowns screaming for YEARS that a President should have served in the military and served in war? What happened there? Did you vote for McCain in 2008?

Obama is continuing the failed Bush policies in Iraq and Afghanistan. HE never served, that is a fact. And he is sending our troops into battle, just like Bush did.

Go cram your head back in the sand, you're dismissed.

Just thought I'd take the time to clear up your little misconception bolded.

1. People have complained for YEARS about Presidents STARTING wars against countries that did not attack us...Iraq.

2. People have complained for YEARS about chickenhawks who have never served STARTING wars and urging our military be used willy nilly against countries that did not attack us.

3. People have complained for YEARS about chickenhawks lying, and then lying again...and then lying once again about reasons for attacking a country that did not attack us.

4. People have complained for YEARS about Presidents saying that they will get the people responsible for attacking us "Dead or Alive" and then turning around and pulling troops to attack another country that did not attack us.

Despite either your ignorance or willful lying about it....there is a VAST difference between people STARTING wars and those CONTINUING (and hopefully) FINISHING wars they inherited.
Bill O'Reilly asked Obama point blank, " But you don't want the Muslim Brotherhood, do you???"

Instead Obama dodged the question and said, "I think the new government should be a representative government".

That, in case you haven't been paying attention, means he supports the Muslim Brotherhood or at the very least doesn't care.

There were plenty of other answers to questions Obama gave that I had a problem with, but this one really stuck out.

Is there any question Obama is a closet Islamist?

His love for Islam is well documented. His disdain for Israel is as well. Wake up folks.

I don't get it. Republicans put right winger Sharia Law hard core Islamics in power in Iraq. They even helped Iraq put Sharia Law into their constitution. Why do they have a beef with the Muslim Brotherhood? Why is it good for Iraq but not for Egypt?

Has nothing to do with sharia law or jihad, if the Egyptians elected muslim representatives that solved world hunger than they'd still be against it. Hate based on religion, if they spoke arabic they'd sound word for word exactly like Osama.

Speaking out against anything in Iraq is like speaking out against Bush in their eyes, no good republican would do that with Obama in office.
Tough talk and bluster didn't work so well the last Administration.

Yet the NeoCons and other far RW reactionaries want nothing but that.

Talk about slamming a hard head up against a wall.

Some people never learn.

Neocons just love them some fake macho.

Bill O'Reilly asked Obama point blank, " But you don't want the Muslim Brotherhood, do you???"

Instead Obama dodged the question and said, "I think the new government should be a representative government".

That, in case you haven't been paying attention, means he supports the Muslim Brotherhood or at the very least doesn't care.

There were plenty of other answers to questions Obama gave that I had a problem with, but this one really stuck out.

Is there any question Obama is a closet Islamist?

His love for Islam is well documented. His disdain for Israel is as well. Wake up folks.

Your analysis is very biased. Perhaps, he's just a student of history. Nothing would help the Muslim Brotherhood more than having America appear to be influencing the elections. Look what happened in Viet Nam when we didn't insist that the re-unification plebiscite take place. A nearly twenty year war broke out in which over 58,000 Americans died and the Communists won anyway. Support democratic ideals and hope for the best, unless you and O'Reilly think we should invade every country that doesn't see things our way!!!
What's the difference between people who are mindlessly against him and his mindless followers?

Don't worry, Obama will meddle in Egypt's business like every president in recent history has in the middle east. And you'll keep being taxed in order to give Israel billlions of american taxpayer dollars in order to pay for their unmonitored nukes and US made weapons.

Obama is the perfect president for you, perfect.

The perfect president for me just had a 100th birthday. This prick?


that perfect president wasnt perfect. One) he wouldnt be dead) two) he would have been loosing his fucking mind towards the end, Three, he would have raised taxes, four) exploded the military budget,five) Star wars.

I know you guys like to suck on dead man cock a lot, but seriously, the man was flawed, everyone is. Hey you keep on sucking, eventually you might get his deadman juice.

Sad how personally people take it when someone says something bad about the person they voted for, I mean read the above meltdown.

Sorry guys, you aren't related to Obama or Reagan, in the name of your own self-respect please stop pretending to be.
Allah is our objective. - The Prophet is our leader. - Qur'an is our law. - Jihad is our way. ...[/I]

Terrorist organization... there is no doubt... unless you choose to be blinded

i'm sure then that you can point me to all of the terrorist attacks carried out by the muslim brotherhood and in their name.

So a terror organization must now carry out terror acts to be labeled such? You can do better than this, or can you? I suppose the directive from Janet Napolitano regarding returning veterans and homegrown terrorists meant that those veterans had already carried our Jihad on American soil, no? Ahh, the lovely scent of liberalism in the morning.. deranged~

What directives?

Did you mean this threat assessment?

"Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are
attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing
extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans
in order to boost their violent capabilities"

Which only seems prudent. Or did she put out some specific directive targeting only Veterans?
Change your contact lens or go back and read my post. I said NOTHING of equating either. I'm simply trying to gauge your expertise in foreign affairs being you had two cents to add which basically does that nothing but throw a small rotten tomato. Not impressive.. I expected better actually.
Apparently you cannot address my twice stated question that I placed to another poster. This, of course, does NOT come to a surprise to me at all. I still await an answer. Or do you wish to indulge yourself with more deflecting?

So in other words, you either:

A) Know ZERO about foreign affairs
B) Know but must protect DingleBarry at all costs
C) Can't read and have a tutor by your side. :razz:

The Obama Administration has consistently aligned itself with far left radicals from Van Jones to Mogahed who is an apologist for radical Islamists as well as the Muslim Brotherhood. Do you support Obama in his endeavor to APPOINT unconstitutional Czars, some of which have radical ties to terror? It's not a difficult question.. don't strain in answering it.

Please list any unconstitutional Czars appointed by President Obama!
Apparently you cannot address my twice stated question that I placed to another poster. This, of course, does NOT come to a surprise to me at all. I still await an answer. Or do you wish to indulge yourself with more deflecting?

So in other words, you either:

A) Know ZERO about foreign affairs
B) Know but must protect DingleBarry at all costs
C) Can't read and have a tutor by your side. :razz:

The Obama Administration has consistently aligned itself with far left radicals from Van Jones to Mogahed who is an apologist for radical Islamists as well as the Muslim Brotherhood. Do you support Obama in his endeavor to APPOINT unconstitutional Czars, some of which have radical ties to terror? It's not a difficult question.. don't strain in answering it.

Please list any unconstitutional Czars appointed by President Obama!

I would like to see a list of those Unconstitutional Czars also.
In what universe does "I think the new government should be a representative government". means "I support the Muslim Brotherhood"?

Secret code that only the Right is privy to....;)

How did that "representative" government in Iran work? The "people" there also demonstrated, and removed the "corrupt" Shah. What did they get? Worse corruption that took its place that leaves most of the population "without representation". And when their people demonstrated against the government, recently, how did the government react? With arrests, crack-downs, imprisonment, human rights violations, etc, it is funny no one in the press will call Iran on "do as I say, not as I do" mentality. Is that your wish for Egypt?

My wish for Egypt is that they find their own way and that we not come in as Imperilistic Father figures telling them we know best and forcing something on them....That is my wish.

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