Not many supporters met Trump's call for his supporters to go to the streets in protest of his indictment

Is that english you just typed?

They created a system based on the previous overthrow of tryanny. I doubt they would be happy with the current level of control held by unelected idiots in the executive branch.
It isn't confined to the executive branch.

We are an over regulated people and over taxed. Both parties are guilty.
I respect the Supreme Court even though the ideology is more conservative than mine is a problem. They were picked within our system. Our system allows us to work toward changes. You do not destroy the reputation of our judicial system just because it does not match your ideology.
I can understand how that would confuse a braindead Trump leming.

The leftist jurists and deep staters are the ones ruining it, with the applause of fucktards like you.

All to get the Orange Man.
It isn't confined to the executive branch.

We are an over regulated people and over taxed. Both parties are guilty.

One party is far more guilty than the other, and attempts to equivocate just gives the Dems false gravitas

"They do it tooooooooo!!!!!"
the left desperately wanted violence to break out ... but Trump supporters arent the violent thugs like the leftist thugs that burned down half the country in 2020! could you imagine the violence from the left it was Obama instead of Trump getting indicted ?
'half the country' :auiqs.jpg: Without hyperbole, magaturds wouldn't have any arguments.
I would have gone today to protest this country being a turned into a banana republic but the filthy government has shown us that we will be punished for protesting. Look how many 1/6 protesters have been thrown in jail by the Democrat jackbooted thugs that are in the oppressive Justice Department.

In this banana republic we live in protest is verboten. Elections are stolen, political opponents are charged with sedition and protesters are thrown in jail. Hell, you can get arrested by the FBI thugs for only attending a school board meeting.
Why are you still here, then? :dunno: To constantly bitch and complain about how unfairly you feel you are being treated? Sounds like a shitty existence.

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