Not All Christians Are Homo-Haters

How about paying more attention to the loving Christians very focusing on the mis-lead Chrisitians (eg. Westboro Baptist Church etc.)

Tim Tebow, Jameis Winston visit Orlando shooting victims

No Christians that understand the love of our savior and the fact we all fall short of the Holiness of God, would celebrate the death of nor refuse help for fagots worldwide.
Christians are not to celebrate or mourn the deaths of the wicked. The bible describes homosexuals as being filled with ALL unrighteousness, as haters of God. So while I agree in part with you, I don't see any reason to mourn the loss of evil people in the world, be it the Muslim that killed them or the homosexuals that were killed.

Everyone sins.
Not everyone that sins is evil.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
I would not really say they are not Christian - only God can "judge" a person's heart...
I do believe however, they are mislead in how God wants us to treat one another......

Keeping it simple, the 2 great commandments are the (1) Love God and (2) Love Others

1 John 4: 7-8

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
This is about fellow believers, not those ignorant of God a.k.a secular, atheistic, worldly society:

Bible > Commentaries > 1 John 4:7
1 John 4:7
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God.
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Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(a)Fraternal love the necessary product of the true knowledge of God, because God is love (1John 4:7-8).

(b)The grand recent historical exhibition of God’s love (1John 4:9-10).

(c)Our consequent duty (1John 4:11).

(d)God’s abode in us, the perfecting of His love in us, and the proof of His presence through the Spirit, are the equivalent for seeing Him(1John 4:12-13).

(e)All this is grounded on the strong, undeniable truth of the Apostolic witness to Christ (1John 4:14-16).

(f)The fearlessness which is the result of perfect love (1John 4:17-18).

(g)The cause of our love to God, and the necessary connection of that love with love to our fellows(1John 4:19-21).
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
What's the full context of the story that you took that verse from?

They were getting ready to stone a woman for adultery.
He told the people getting ready to stone her that the one without sin could cast the first stone, and they all walked away.

Everyone sins.

We all are offered the free gift of salvation, for our sins to be covered with the blood of Jesus.
There are many people that have not yet accepted this gift, we are to love them and be an example of Jesus to them so that they might come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ
I would not really say they are not Christian - only God can "judge" a person's heart...
I do believe however, they are mislead in how God wants us to treat one another......

Keeping it simple, the 2 great commandments are the (1) Love God and (2) Love Others

1 John 4: 7-8

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
This is about fellow believers, not those ignorant of God a.k.a secular, atheistic, worldly society:

Bible > Commentaries > 1 John 4:7
1 John 4:7
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God.
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Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(a)Fraternal love the necessary product of the true knowledge of God, because God is love (1John 4:7-8).

(b)The grand recent historical exhibition of God’s love (1John 4:9-10).

(c)Our consequent duty (1John 4:11).

(d)God’s abode in us, the perfecting of His love in us, and the proof of His presence through the Spirit, are the equivalent for seeing Him(1John 4:12-13).

(e)All this is grounded on the strong, undeniable truth of the Apostolic witness to Christ (1John 4:14-16).

(f)The fearlessness which is the result of perfect love (1John 4:17-18).

(g)The cause of our love to God, and the necessary connection of that love with love to our fellows(1John 4:19-21).

True, but I am sure that God wants us to love unbelievers as well, otherwise, how will they see Christ in us?
Remember the story of the good Samaritan.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
What's the full context of the story that you took that verse from?

They were getting ready to stone a woman for adultery.
He told the people getting ready to stone her that the one without sin could cast the first stone, and they all walked away.

Everyone sins.

We all are offered the free gift of salvation, for our sins to be covered with the blood of Jesus.
There are many people that have not yet accepted this gift, we are to love them and be an example of Jesus to them so that they might come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

This is another counterfeiting of the Scriptures many have tried to use to shame us for what we do in his name. "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone" is not speaking to judging. Let me explain.

Using the KJV this time, in John 8:1 - 11 scribes and Pharisees had caught a woman in the act of adultery (the woman commonly referred to as the prostitute) and told Jesus who was teaching in the temple that the Mosaic Law required she be stoned to death. Trying to make an opportunity of this to trick Jesus that they might accuse Him, they, with stones in hand, asked Jesus what He says about the Law. After Jesus tried to ignore their repeated questioning, He told them "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." One by one each man dropped his stone and walked away.

Jesus was not arguing with the judgment. Nor was Jesus arguing the law nor the woman's guilt. Jesus was arguing with our right to execute the woman. Once all the men had dropped their stones Jesus confronted the woman and asked her if any of the men were still there to condemn her. When she answered "No man, Lord", Jesus told her that neither did He - He forgave her of her sin. He did not excuse the sin of adultery/prostitution, he forgave her of it. All behavior and thought that is sinful before forgiveness is still sinful after forgiveness. Not only was Jesus not afraid to call a sin a sin, He was not afraid to call a sinner a sinner. He even reminded her of the sin of adultery/prostitution by telling her "Go and sin no more."
I would not really say they are not Christian - only God can "judge" a person's heart...
I do believe however, they are mislead in how God wants us to treat one another......

Keeping it simple, the 2 great commandments are the (1) Love God and (2) Love Others

1 John 4: 7-8

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
This is about fellow believers, not those ignorant of God a.k.a secular, atheistic, worldly society:

Bible > Commentaries > 1 John 4:7
1 John 4:7
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God.
Jump to: AlfordBarnesBengelBensonBICalvinCambridgeClarkeDarbyEllicottExpositor'sExp DctExp GrkGaebeleinGSBGillGrayGuzikHaydockHastingsHomileticsICCJFBKellyKJTLangeMacLarenMHCMHCWMeyerParkerPNTPoolePulpitSermonSCOTTBVWSWESTSK
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(a)Fraternal love the necessary product of the true knowledge of God, because God is love (1John 4:7-8).

(b)The grand recent historical exhibition of God’s love (1John 4:9-10).

(c)Our consequent duty (1John 4:11).

(d)God’s abode in us, the perfecting of His love in us, and the proof of His presence through the Spirit, are the equivalent for seeing Him(1John 4:12-13).

(e)All this is grounded on the strong, undeniable truth of the Apostolic witness to Christ (1John 4:14-16).

(f)The fearlessness which is the result of perfect love (1John 4:17-18).

(g)The cause of our love to God, and the necessary connection of that love with love to our fellows(1John 4:19-21).

True, but I am sure that God wants us to love unbelievers as well, otherwise, how will they see Christ in us?
Remember the story of the good Samaritan.
The knowledge of God IS love according to the scriptures. So telling someone they are sinning against God is love. You are confusing the worldly idea of love with what the bible says is the ultimate love.

2 Corinthians 6:14-16. Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers— Christians with Jews or heathen, godly persons with the ungodly, spiritual with such as are carnal. The apostle particularly speaks of marriage; but the reasons he urges equally hold against any needless intimacy or society with them. Of the five questions that follow, the three former contain the argument, the two latter the conclusion. For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness — The righteous can have no profitable, agreeable, or comfortable society or converse with the unrighteous.What communion hath light — That is, the state of light and knowledge, into which you are brought by divine mercy; with darkness — That deplorable state of ignorance and folly, vice and misery, in which they continue to be lost? And what concord hath Christ — Whom you serve; with Belial — To whom they belong, and who reigns in all the children of disobedience? Or what part — In time or in eternity; hath he that believeth — In Christ and his gospel, and who is a true, genuine disciple of Christ; with an infidel —

Or an infidel with a believer? The union is surely, at the first view of it, too unnatural to be either agreeable, safe, or lasting. And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols — Which would by this means be, as it were, erected in it? If God would not endure idols in any part of the land where he dwelt, how much less under his own roof? He does not say, with the temple of idols; for idols do not dwell in their worshippers. This is a proper question, and a just view in which to place the matter; for ye— As a church, and as individuals;are the temple of the living God.See on Romans 8:9. As God hath said — To his ancient Church, and in them to all his Israel, in all ages;I will dwell in them — The force of the original expression cannot easily be equalled in any translation; ενοικησω εν αυτοις. The words, I will inhabit in them, orI will take up my indwelling in them, would nearly, though inelegantly, express the sense:and walk in them — The former expression signifies his perpetual presence; this latter, his operation. And I will be their God — In the fullest sense; manifesting my favour to them, communicating my Spirit, stamping them with mine image, and vouchsafing them communion with myself, in time and in eternity. And they shall be my people — Whom I will direct and govern, protect and save, here and hereafter. The sum this of the whole gospel covenant.
So if one is very wealthy they have accumulated much material wealth. Otherwise known as greed. How can you twist it any other way?
It depends on what the person does with their material wealth, being wealthy is not a sin, you've been proven wrong about that 1000 times today.
Camels passing through the eye of a needle and St. Francis of Assisi come immediately to mind...
The story about the wealthy young man is not about wealth being a sin, it is about greed...which is often a temptation of those who are wealthy. St. Francis of Assissi is not a biblical figure so...
So...the story says that it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than a GREEDY man reach heaven?
So if one is very wealthy they have accumulated much material wealth. Otherwise known as greed. How can you twist it any other way?
It depends on what the person does with their material wealth, being wealthy is not a sin, you've been proven wrong about that 1000 times today.
Camels passing through the eye of a needle and St. Francis of Assisi come immediately to mind...
The story about the wealthy young man is not about wealth being a sin, it is about greed...which is often a temptation of those who are wealthy. St. Francis of Assissi is not a biblical figure so...
So...the story says that it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than a GREEDY man reach heaven?
No slowpoke, it is saying that greed is a hard sin to fight when you are wealthy.
No, God's idea of love is very different from ours, I am aware of that.

I'm simply saying if God views the practice of homosexuality as sinful, how is any other sinful practice different?
Only God can say who is saved or who is not.

We are to be the salt and light. Not condemn and avoid the unsaved.

Have you ever heard of the great commission?
So if one is very wealthy they have accumulated much material wealth. Otherwise known as greed. How can you twist it any other way?
It depends on what the person does with their material wealth, being wealthy is not a sin, you've been proven wrong about that 1000 times today.
Camels passing through the eye of a needle and St. Francis of Assisi come immediately to mind...
The story about the wealthy young man is not about wealth being a sin, it is about greed...which is often a temptation of those who are wealthy. St. Francis of Assissi is not a biblical figure so...
So...the story says that it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than a GREEDY man reach heaven?

LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
I would assume a greedy person loves money - and therefore has the root of evil in him/her - deductive reasoning.
No, God's idea of love is very different from ours, I am aware of that.

I'm simply saying if God views the practice of homosexuality as sinful, how is any other sinful practice different?
Only God can say who is save or who is not.

We are to be the salt and light. Not condemn and avoid the unsaved.

Have you ever heard of the great commission?
I answered that question awhile back. God sees practicing homosexuals as reprobate, in biblical terms it means they are refused, rejected by God...not worthy of being saved. There are sins greater than others. Homosexual behavior is just one of them. Now my understanding is that it's not necessarily saying those that may struggle with same sex attraction are reprobate, but those who practice and advocate for homosexuality, proud of it....those are reprobates.

So the people waving those rainbow flags at parades and performing sex acts in the streets....they are reprobate. A homosexual who doesn't give into the temptation is not a reprobate, they still have a chance.
So if one is very wealthy they have accumulated much material wealth. Otherwise known as greed. How can you twist it any other way?
It depends on what the person does with their material wealth, being wealthy is not a sin, you've been proven wrong about that 1000 times today.
Camels passing through the eye of a needle and St. Francis of Assisi come immediately to mind...
The story about the wealthy young man is not about wealth being a sin, it is about greed...which is often a temptation of those who are wealthy. St. Francis of Assissi is not a biblical figure so...
So...the story says that it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than a GREEDY man reach heaven?

LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
I would assume a greedy person loves money - and therefore has the root of evil in him/her - deductive reasoning.
Love of money IS greed. Indeed.
I answered that question awhile back. God sees practicing homosexuals as reprobate, in biblical terms it means they are refused, rejected by God...not worthy of being saved. There are sins greater than others. Homosexual behavior is just one of them.

Yep, we have mortal sins and venial sins. Are you Catholic?

Now my understanding is that it's not necessarily saying those that may struggle with same sex attraction are reprobate, but those who practice and advocate for homosexuality, proud of it....those are reprobates.

Yes, you have to repent and submit yourself to God's will to be forgiven. That does not mean you wont stop sinning, but it does mean you will not promote sinful behavior.

So the people waving those rainbow flags at parades and performing sex acts in the streets....they are reprobate. A homosexual who doesn't give into the temptation is not a reprobate, they still have a chance.

A penitent homosexual has just as much chance of going through the pearly gates as anyone else that is struggling with sin. Some do better than others. There are people who have homosexual predisposition and yet have never had homosexual sex in their entire lives. There are people who are liars and lie with almost every breath.

It will be easier for the fagot than the liar when they stand before St Peter.
No, God's idea of love is very different from ours, I am aware of that.

I'm simply saying if God views the practice of homosexuality as sinful, how is any other sinful practice different?
Only God can say who is save or who is not.

We are to be the salt and light. Not condemn and avoid the unsaved.

Have you ever heard of the great commission?
I answered that question awhile back. God sees practicing homosexuals as reprobate, in biblical terms it means they are refused, rejected by God...not worthy of being saved. There are sins greater than others. Homosexual behavior is just one of them. Now my understanding is that it's not necessarily saying those that may struggle with same sex attraction are reprobate, but those who practice and advocate for homosexuality, proud of it....those are reprobates.

So the people waving those rainbow flags at parades and performing sex acts in the streets....they are reprobate. A homosexual who doesn't give into the temptation is not a reprobate, they still have a chance.

What other sins would you put in the same classification with homosexuality?

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