our economies are being sent into deficit at record speeds in case you have not noticed so pay atten

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
How to put a dead stop to agenda 21 or global depopulation. (our economies are being sent into deficit at record speeds in case you have not noticed so pay attention) ~ The solution on a primary level to stop this ;)

OK so it appears that we have useful idiots in office out to sink our countries so far into deficit that our economies crash. Is money being paid back to bring us out of deficit, no our countries are being sunk further into deficit. Once our economies crash, money becomes useless as people will no longer be able to feed their families and stores etc. are bound to be looted thus brings in martial law where you will not be able to gain food thus your pets and families starve to death with armies marching the streets and likely shooting to kill anyone they see. Of course once these useful idiots being used to destroy our economies if successful will no longer be useful and are likely to see all promises made to them thrown in the trash as they realize they too were played as fools by these billion / trillion heirs. Sure they may not be faced with doors being slammed in their faces until the economy of majority of countries are already destroyed because if it was done as countries went down one by one, the useful idiots of other countries would then see that they are about to be betrayed so it will likely be long after majority of countries are already destroyed and money rendered useless.

Here in Canada, our current ass face lead governments are deliberately placing us in deficit. They are bringing is muslims to drain our welfare systems while giving away billions to muslim countries thus speeding up our debt clocks rocketing us into deficit inevitably to the point of no return if allowed to continue.

How do we prevent this from happening on a most primary level? Think, once several countries around the world have been crashed, money will be worthless. So all of these billions heirs & trillion heirs are way more than likely investing in self sustainable cities out of reach from the general public right now because once you no longer have resources to provide for your families, how are you going to be able to afford to get to these cities let alone have the resources to infiltrate them or destroy them? Once our populations are starved off, people who helped destroy these economies (such as First Nations here in Canada unless they wake up) are going to be targets and these cities are going to be sending out armies to destroy the First Nations so they can take their resources, it is inevitable. The first Nations need to wake up and support the countries that can protect them (because bows and arrows vs. modern tech doesn't stand a chance) as well as all citizens of the country in which their reserves reside. Primarily to stop everything from continuing to escalate we must find these cities and destroy them while we still can, therefor billions heirs & trillion heirs will no longer have anywhere to retreat too when money becomes worthless therefor they will stop this plan of global depopulation because they will have nowhere to retreat once these cities and resources within them are destroyed.

Our current leaders sending us off into deficit at record levels need to be jailed until they can come up with the money to pay back the countries that they are quite obviously deliberately out to betray. They want you all dead quite obviously so do they really deserve to still be in office even one more day?

These useful idiots have also been distracting you all with such things as forcing LGBT lies and deceptions on the public, placing favouritism to the most violent modern day religion while they put citizens lives at risk to the muslim threat of which all muslims follow the quran which contains violent hate crimes currently happening around the world deemed as acceptable against non muslims which can be found in the quran which every single muslim on the planet supports and follows or they quite obviously would not be muslim while also trying to dictate to you that not adhering to governments lies and deceptions means that you have a disorder.

All a distraction of injustices to try and keep you from seeing what is really going on here as these useful idiots such as Trudeau and Obama are obviously sending our economies so far into deficit they will never be able to recover thus inevitable if this treason is allowed to continue are about to crash and your families are about to suffer and starve to death along with you and your pets because billion heirs want control of your countries resources and do not want to share. Is a billion heir more valuable than any of you? No, so are you going to allow them and these traitors known as useful idiots to continue to kill you and your families while making you suffer before the inevitable happens unless you all wake up and make a stand now?!! We need to put our prisons to good use for our very own elected officials selling us out to lobbyist dictatorship.

Plain and simple.

The Economic Collapse


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

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