North Korea confrontation possible in response to sony cyberattack

It isn't a hundred percent sure that it is North Korea. They are denying it. Sony has been hacked before (over ten times). I would be really careful with this one.

Fact, that our government threatens Northern Korea after attack is absurd. Why we protect interests of Japanese company? Or, maybe somebody, is just interested in cooperation with Sony? It’s not our problem and I think, that they should do everything they want, by themselves!

A proportional response sounds like the WH is equating the NK cyber attack threat to a game of chess. Counter your opposition with an equal or greater move - is considered a strong response. Problem is you have to have some actual pieces on the board and some time back - we sacrificed our Queen ,lost our rooks, our knights, left with a bishop or two and some pawns. There is no chess game. We never even got to end game. The king was tipped and we resigned. Sad but true.

It's all over but the actual invasion - Russia needs a fall guy for this one and N K is playing their role hoping to win an Oscar for their performance. (just an analogy)
If America is in a blackout after a nuclear attack there will most likely be confusion as to who was responsible. Russia is hoping the world will either believe she was justified in her actions or blame North Korea. From the latest propaganda - looks like the latter.
This whole thing sounds like a bad movie. Hollywood produces yet another stupid comedy. This time it parodies a hand grenade with a bad hair cut that happens to be a demi-god in a country with nuclear weapons. The movie studio gets hacked, emails reveal just how juvenile and racist some studio heads are.

Then comes a vague threat that sounds like it was written my a 7 year old. The major movie theaters wet their pants out of fear, remembering the massacre not long ago and cancel the stupid comedy. They also cancel the even stupider comedy that parodies the father of the demi-god.

Then the Japanese corporation that owns the studio pulls the plug on the whole shebang and it may never get released. And since China is a long time enemy with the technical know how they could have helped the North Koreans with the cyber attack. Or maybe they did it and made it look like it came from the DPNK. Or maybe it was Putin, who is pissed at the US sanctions and fracking that's making Russia's gasoline based economy take it in the shorts.

So who does obama apologize to?
This whole thing sounds like a bad movie. Hollywood produces yet another stupid comedy. This time it parodies a hand grenade with a bad hair cut that happens to be a demi-god in a country with nuclear weapons. The movie studio gets hacked, emails reveal just how juvenile and racist some studio heads are.

Then comes a vague threat that sounds like it was written my a 7 year old. The major movie theaters wet their pants out of fear, remembering the massacre not long ago and cancel the stupid comedy. They also cancel the even stupider comedy that parodies the father of the demi-god.

Then the Japanese corporation that owns the studio pulls the plug on the whole shebang and it may never get released. And since China is a long time enemy with the technical know how they could have helped the North Koreans with the cyber attack. Or maybe they did it and made it look like it came from the DPNK. Or maybe it was Putin, who is pissed at the US sanctions and fracking that's making Russia's gasoline based economy take it in the shorts.

So who does obama apologize to?

Somehow, it's always Obama's fault, isn't it?

Here's the thing. Sony pulled the plug because theatres wouldn't carry it. After the Aurora Theater shooting (you know, where a crazy person was able to buy a semi-automatic rifle and a 100 round magazine) Theaters are more worried about that kind of thing.

Now, again, I really think this was probably some disgruntled Sony Employees, not North Korea.
This whole thing sounds like a bad movie. Hollywood produces yet another stupid comedy. This time it parodies a hand grenade with a bad hair cut that happens to be a demi-god in a country with nuclear weapons. The movie studio gets hacked, emails reveal just how juvenile and racist some studio heads are.

Then comes a vague threat that sounds like it was written my a 7 year old. The major movie theaters wet their pants out of fear, remembering the massacre not long ago and cancel the stupid comedy. They also cancel the even stupider comedy that parodies the father of the demi-god.

Then the Japanese corporation that owns the studio pulls the plug on the whole shebang and it may never get released. And since China is a long time enemy with the technical know how they could have helped the North Koreans with the cyber attack. Or maybe they did it and made it look like it came from the DPNK. Or maybe it was Putin, who is pissed at the US sanctions and fracking that's making Russia's gasoline based economy take it in the shorts.

So who does obama apologize to?

Somehow, it's always Obama's fault, isn't it?

Here's the thing. Sony pulled the plug because theatres wouldn't carry it. After the Aurora Theater shooting (you know, where a crazy person was able to buy a semi-automatic rifle and a 100 round magazine) Theaters are more worried about that kind of thing.

Now, again, I really think this was probably some disgruntled Sony Employees, not North Korea.
Sounds like you saw "obama" and everything else went blurry. I think the theatures are more concerned about being taken to the cleaners by lawyers if the shit hit the fan somewhere after the vague threat.
If you choose to believe the FBI they traced it to North Korea using the stolen credentials of a Sony administrator.

If this is allowed to pass with no response there will be more until we do what we're told or lose our electrical grid or communication satellites. We will live at the whim of whoever wants to bother making a threat.

obumble being a bumbler will investigate and consider a response until the story is moved from the headlines. When the next terrorist wants us to all stand on our heads we will do it.
Sounds like you saw "obama" and everything else went blurry. I think the theatures are more concerned about being taken to the cleaners by lawyers if the shit hit the fan somewhere after the vague threat.

Well, yeah.

Here's the thing. The people who sold Joker Holmes a gun were held free and clear of any wrongdoing after Aurora, but the Theater had to pay through the fucking nose. There 10 lawsuits pending against that theater.

Aurora theater shooting lawsuit clears major legal hurdle - The Denver Post

That is fucking insane, but I can totally see why the Theaters did what they did. I can see why Sony did what it did.
If you choose to believe the FBI they traced it to North Korea using the stolen credentials of a Sony administrator.

If this is allowed to pass with no response there will be more until we do what we're told or lose our electrical grid or communication satellites. We will live at the whim of whoever wants to bother making a threat.

obumble being a bumbler will investigate and consider a response until the story is moved from the headlines. When the next terrorist wants us to all stand on our heads we will do it.

See, Iceweasel, this is how you make it Obama's fault, because everything is Obama's fault, somehow.

What we need to do is not have lax security like Sony did. The power grid and other corporations should have tighter cyber-security.
This whole thing sounds like a bad movie. Hollywood produces yet another stupid comedy. This time it parodies a hand grenade with a bad hair cut that happens to be a demi-god in a country with nuclear weapons. The movie studio gets hacked, emails reveal just how juvenile and racist some studio heads are.

Then comes a vague threat that sounds like it was written my a 7 year old. The major movie theaters wet their pants out of fear, remembering the massacre not long ago and cancel the stupid comedy. They also cancel the even stupider comedy that parodies the father of the demi-god.

Then the Japanese corporation that owns the studio pulls the plug on the whole shebang and it may never get released. And since China is a long time enemy with the technical know how they could have helped the North Koreans with the cyber attack. Or maybe they did it and made it look like it came from the DPNK. Or maybe it was Putin, who is pissed at the US sanctions and fracking that's making Russia's gasoline based economy take it in the shorts.

So who does obama apologize to?

Somehow, it's always Obama's fault, isn't it?

Here's the thing. Sony pulled the plug because theatres wouldn't carry it. After the Aurora Theater shooting (you know, where a crazy person was able to buy a semi-automatic rifle and a 100 round magazine) Theaters are more worried about that kind of thing.

Now, again, I really think this was probably some disgruntled Sony Employees, not North Korea.
As much as it pains me to say this, you are correct.

Fact, that our government threatens Northern Korea after attack is absurd. Why we protect interests of Japanese company? Or, maybe somebody, is just interested in cooperation with Sony? It’s not our problem and I think, that they should do everything they want, by themselves!
I believe Sony Pictures is an American company. They are taxed by the US government, not to mention that everyone who was fucked over by this was an American, including the American public who wont be able to see this movie now. I for one would impose a death sentence on that fat retard, but unfortunately im not in charge.
Sony cancelled the release if the movie, not because of any vague threats by N. Korea, but because of the American people.

Look at the recent panic over Ebola. The media fed it and fanned the flames. People were coming unglued. Until it wasn't an issue. The American people can panic better than any group on earth.
Sounds like you saw "obama" and everything else went blurry. I think the theatures are more concerned about being taken to the cleaners by lawyers if the shit hit the fan somewhere after the vague threat.

Well, yeah.

Here's the thing. The people who sold Joker Holmes a gun were held free and clear of any wrongdoing after Aurora, but the Theater had to pay through the fucking nose. There 10 lawsuits pending against that theater.

Aurora theater shooting lawsuit clears major legal hurdle - The Denver Post

That is fucking insane, but I can totally see why the Theaters did what they did. I can see why Sony did what it did.

That is because the gun dealer got federal approval to sell the gun. No laws broken. The theater should not have to pay in a lawsuit. There is no way they could have known it would happen.
Here's the thing. The people who sold Joker Holmes a gun were held free and clear of any wrongdoing after Aurora, but the Theater had to pay through the fucking nose. There 10 lawsuits pending against that theater.

Aurora theater shooting lawsuit clears major legal hurdle - The Denver Post

That is fucking insane, but I can totally see why the Theaters did what they did. I can see why Sony did what it did.
The FFL and theater owners were not responsible so your outrage is completely misguided. It should be directed to where it belongs, opportunist lawyers seeking to cash in.
If you choose to believe the FBI they traced it to North Korea using the stolen credentials of a Sony administrator.

If this is allowed to pass with no response there will be more until we do what we're told or lose our electrical grid or communication satellites. We will live at the whim of whoever wants to bother making a threat.

obumble being a bumbler will investigate and consider a response until the story is moved from the headlines. When the next terrorist wants us to all stand on our heads we will do it.

See, Iceweasel, this is how you make it Obama's fault, because everything is Obama's fault, somehow.

What we need to do is not have lax security like Sony did. The power grid and other corporations should have tighter cyber-security.
That wasn't my post, boy genius. What I said earlier about obama was an obvious (to most people) joke but your panties got all knotted up.
I'm also not convinced that NK is good for this.

I think it's more possible that this was a disgruntled ex-Sony employee.

Or maybe it was the NSA that actually hacked into Sony, and Sony's capitulation makes you wonder what was really in those Emails.
Sony cancelled the release if the movie, not because of any vague threats by N. Korea, but because of the American people.

Look at the recent panic over Ebola. The media fed it and fanned the flames. People were coming unglued. Until it wasn't an issue. The American people can panic better than any group on earth.
That's a half dozen of one or six of the other response. The threat was vague and directed at the American people. I didn't see any unglueing or panic about Ebola. It made the news because it's a highly contagious deadly disease.
Sony cancelled the release if the movie, not because of any vague threats by N. Korea, but because of the American people.

Look at the recent panic over Ebola. The media fed it and fanned the flames. People were coming unglued. Until it wasn't an issue. The American people can panic better than any group on earth.
That's a half dozen of one or six of the other response. The threat was vague and directed at the American people. I didn't see any unglueing or panic about Ebola. It made the news because it's a highly contagious deadly disease.

I seem to recall quite a few "Don't bring them here!" stories and posts. I also recall quite a few predictions of a nationwide epidemic in just a few weeks.
North Korea had better start trembling.

Once it is proven that it was North Koreans who did the did the hacking the American Him Young Ill will draw a red line and exact the same kind of justice as He did with Syria.

Just one juvenile dictator to another.

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