North Korea calls US Toothless Wolf

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The North Korean Leader behaves like a two year old. He needs to grow up. I suspect that Vladimir Putin is behind much (if not all) of what this guy does. The only World leader I can think of that is as immature as Kim Jong Un is Vladimir Putin. Wrestling lions and tigers and what's next......bears? Only Putin outdoes his performance for the ridiculous!

North Korea call US toothless wolf as row over Sony hack intensifies Daily Mail Online

North Korea has branded the U.S. a 'toothless wolf' whose 'strength is waning day by day' in the latest round of tough-talk following on from the Sony hacking scandal.

A column in the country's national newspaper Rodong Sinmun, which is run by the ruling Communist party, called America an 'empire of devils' that is is 'bound to grow old and go to ruin.'

Tensions between the U.S. and North Korea began rising last month after Sony Pictures was hacked for producing The Interview, a film which depicts the assassination of the country's 'supreme ruler', Kim Jong-Un.

While North Korea has denied being behind the hack, a government official called it a 'righteous act' and threatened to attack cinemas showing the film, leading to the launch being cancelled.

President Barack Obama publicly chastised Sony for pulling the film, before promising a 'proportional response' to the hack, before North Korea's internet was taken offline yesterday.

The U.S. has also refused to acknowledge it had attacked North Korean cyberspace, but the outage prompted an angry response today.

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North Korean leader - Human Rights Criminal photo.
Vladimir Putin has invited him to be his guest in Moscow
this year to celebrate some Russian anniversary.
A man is known by the company he keeps.
This is what bad company looks like!
If there is a hotter place in hell, they will both be there.


The story of Soon Ok Lee who escaped North Korea after Work Camp Imprisonment. She used to be a Communist loyal to Kim Jong Il. Today she is no longer a Communist. Her experience in the Labor Camp led her to Jesus Christ. She said the people who suffered the most torture were the Christians. This man and his father are criminals and guilty of Human Rights Abuses.

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There's more:

North Korea call US toothless wolf as row over Sony hack intensifies Daily Mail Online

According to The Telegraph, the column reads: 'The sound of gunfire has never stopped on this planet since the US made its bloodstained appearance in the world.

'The world is shaking with rage, witnessing the brutal infringement upon sovereignty and human rights abuses. Meanwhile, the strength of the US is now waning day by day.

'No matter how desperately the US may roar, it is nothing but roar of a toothless wolf.

'The incarnation of all sorts of evil, the empire of devils, is bound to grow old and go to ruin. This is the law governing the historical development.'

Roar? When did we roar? The world is shaking with rage, witnessing the brutal infringement of sovereignty and human rights abuses? Did Putin write that script for him? Has he been to visit his brutal labor camps that work people 18 hours a day and snap the necks of the infants that prisoners give birth to while there? Does he condone how they bring their women work camp Slaves into labor? By kicking them in the stomachs? This man has some nerve I tell you!
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It would be funny on one hand for N Korea to talk about U.S. "human rights abuses", but it is not funny. Imprisoning up to 200,000 people for political reasons. The estimated death toll from these prisons and starvation is up to 3.5 million since the 1990's.
The world should not allow this "government" to still exist. Only reason it does is China. Because China does not want another U.S. friendly country on their border. A nightmare for the Chinese.
I thought SONY was a Japanese company

What is your point, RW? SONY is a company that has made reputable products for decades. I think they got into the film industry later on - perhaps I am mistaken. I have a relative who is in heaven now who used to own a franchise of SONY. It was known for making the best equipment - this was before South Korea came up with the line LG. Off the subject somewhat - There is much confusion these days as to where certain products are manufactured and by whom. If you do research into many brands of refrigerators for instance - you'll find a famous brand name and then discover it was made in Mexico. Things are not as they appear these days with many of these manufacturing companies because they are looking to profit off the name.
I thought SONY was a Japanese company

What is your point, RW? SONY is a company that has made reputable products for decades. I think they got into the film industry later on - perhaps I am mistaken. I have a relative who is in heaven now who used to own a franchise of SONY. It was known for making the best equipment - this was before South Korea came up with the line LG. Off the subject somewhat - There is much confusion these days as to where certain products are manufactured and by whom. If you do research into many brands of refrigerators for instance - you'll find a famous brand name and then discover it was made in Mexico. Things are not as they appear these days with many of these manufacturing companies because they are looking to profit off the name.

I have noticed that even lots of clothing is "FABRICATED" in Mexico-----I hope it helps their economy
that jerk looks like a panda

Note the sides of his head are shaved, Rosie. This is forbidden in Leviticus - the Torah - to shave the sides of ones head. His head being shaven on the sides reveals he is involved in the occult - of course - was there ever any doubt? Anyone involved in mass murder, torture of people, making slaves - is a servant of Satan whether or not they acknowledge his existence. See this info for the details:

The occult link of shaved heads and tattoos

from Unbroken Curses by Rebecca Brown, M.D. and Daniel Yoder:

"Christians need to be aware that most fads originate in witchcraft. 'You shall not shave around the sides of your head, nor shall you disfigure the edges of your beard' [it says in Leviticus 19:26-28]. 'You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you; I am the LORD.'

"These commandments -- not to shave the sides of the head, cut into the flesh, or to tattoo the skin -- are in a list of commandments against practices of the occult. Why? because in that time and down through history in many different cultures since then, these practices, which are actually demonic, have been ceremonially performed to honor the satanic realm.

"Through the centuries, men have shaved the sides of their heads and also sculpted designs and stripes into the hair on the sides of their heads as a mark of allegiance to the particular demon god they serve. In ancient Greece and Rome, the priests of Bacchus, their god of debauchery, left their hair a bit longer on top, cut the hair on the sides of their head very short, and then shaved stripes in the sides of their heads. They wore this hairstyle as a sign of priesthood and a symbol of their allegiance to Bacchus.

"In Leviticus 19:28 God specifically commands us not to have tattoos or make marks or cuttings in our flesh. Over the years we have noticed that just about everyone involved in the occult in any way has a mark or tattoo of some sort."

Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world
I thought SONY was a Japanese company

What is your point, RW? SONY is a company that has made reputable products for decades. I think they got into the film industry later on - perhaps I am mistaken. I have a relative who is in heaven now who used to own a franchise of SONY. It was known for making the best equipment - this was before South Korea came up with the line LG. Off the subject somewhat - There is much confusion these days as to where certain products are manufactured and by whom. If you do research into many brands of refrigerators for instance - you'll find a famous brand name and then discover it was made in Mexico. Things are not as they appear these days with many of these manufacturing companies because they are looking to profit off the name.

I have noticed that even lots of clothing is "FABRICATED" in Mexico-----I hope it helps their economy

Very funny, McGhee.
that jerk looks like a panda

Note the sides of his head are shaved, Rosie. This is forbidden in Leviticus - the Torah - to shave the sides of ones head. His head being shaven on the sides reveals he is involved in the occult - of course - was there ever any doubt? Anyone involved in mass murder, torture of people, making slaves - is a servant of Satan whether or not they acknowledge his existence. See this info for the details

: Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world

you are right Jerimiah-----the proscription probably derives from----"that's what some local pagans did" -------it accounts for the side curls religious jews still have------the side curls are not actually REQUIRED-----there is a kind of minimal
requirement that just looks virtually like a regular American boys haircut-------almost. I became an expert cutting my kid's hair at the time he went to a grammar school of the
Yeshiva type. Very interestingly----he did grow up and went to a barber-------the barber just happened to be a Russian jew immigrant -------who did it like I used to do it when my kid
was a little yeshiva boy
that jerk looks like a panda

Pandas are much cuter !!!! :biggrin:

yeah----well you are right------sorta like a----deformed panda

I find it amazing that someone's countenance reveals what is on the inside of them. If you know what you are looking for you can read the person from the outside in. It almost debunks that saying - cannot judge a book by its cover. With people - it is possible at times - to see what is underneath. It is in their countenance and in their eyes.
that jerk looks like a panda

Note the sides of his head are shaved, Rosie. This is forbidden in Leviticus - the Torah - to shave the sides of ones head. His head being shaven on the sides reveals he is involved in the occult - of course - was there ever any doubt? Anyone involved in mass murder, torture of people, making slaves - is a servant of Satan whether or not they acknowledge his existence. See this info for the details

: Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world

you are right Jerimiah-----the proscription probably derives from----"that's what some local pagans did" -------it accounts for the side curls religious jews still have------the side curls are not actually REQUIRED-----there is a kind of minimal
requirement that just looks virtually like a regular American boys haircut-------almost. I became an expert cutting my kid's hair at the time he went to a grammar school of the
Yeshiva type. Very interestingly----he did grow up and went to a barber-------the barber just happened to be a Russian jew immigrant -------who did it like I used to do it when my kid
was a little yeshiva boy

I bet he was as cute as a button!

Yes, the Jews were given the oracles of G-d. We'd be meshugenah not to pay attention here - when people tell me to stop reading the Old Testament or stop quoting it I think that would be impossible because how else would I know what I know if I didn't study the Torah - Tanach and apply it to my life? When I didn't - I paid the consequences - now I see wisdom - great wisdom in holding fast to what is taught in the Torah - one of my favorite authors - Rebecca Brown M.D. also is very indepth in her study of the Torah - Tanach - what Christians call Old Testament - and I have almost every book she has ever written - her husband Daniel Yoder is another favorite of mine and I read anything I can get by him. If he writes something new? I want to buy a copy! He's a great teacher just as his wife is.
that jerk looks like a panda

Pandas are much cuter !!!! :biggrin:

yeah----well you are right------sorta like a----deformed panda

I find it amazing that someone's countenance reveals what is on the inside of them. If you know what you are looking for you can read the person from the outside in. It almost debunks that saying - cannot judge a book by its cover. With people - it is possible at times - to see what is underneath. It is in their countenance and in their eyes.

Speaking of countenance, Rosie. I saw a Jewish man who had the prayer shawl pinned under his shirt at the airport once and he said a blessing over me in Hebrew - his face shone like the sun - his countenance was so pure and full of light that even his voice was filled with a heavenly sound. I have not had but one or two encounters in my life like that one. I saw the holiest countenance I think I ever saw on a human face that day.

note > I was waving an Israeli flag at the luggage pick up when he saw me and we met - I think I was saying Long Live Israel! I cannot remember. Then he blessed me. I like to express myself openly - bless Israel - around people - sometimes. It's exhilarating.

God will fix his wagon.
that jerk looks like a panda

Pandas are much cuter !!!! :biggrin:
It would be funny on one hand for N Korea to talk about U.S. "human rights abuses", but it is not funny. Imprisoning up to 200,000 people for political reasons. The estimated death toll from these prisons and starvation is up to 3.5 million since the 1990's.
The world should not allow this "government" to still exist. Only reason it does is China. Because China does not want another U.S. friendly country on their border. A nightmare for the Chinese.
It would be funny on one hand for N Korea to talk about U.S. "human rights abuses", but it is not funny. Imprisoning up to 200,000 people for political reasons. The estimated death toll from these prisons and starvation is up to 3.5 million since the 1990's.
The world should not allow this "government" to still exist. Only reason it does is China. Because China does not want another U.S. friendly country on their border. A nightmare for the Chinese.

China is benefiting in more than one way from its relationship with North Korea. According to prisoners who have made their way to freedom (extremely rare in North Korea) such as Soon Ok Lee and her book - Eyes of the Tailless Animals - the products are made by prisoners in North Korea and Chinese labels are sown into the products making it appear it is made in China - then the product is sold to the United States of America where American consumers then buy these products - same with Russians. According to Soon ok Lee in her book Eyes of the Tailless Animals - there are expensive garments for women - under garments and such that have Made in Russia Label sown into the garment - it is then sent to Russia and the Russians sell these products as if they were made in Russia when in fact they were made in North Korea. As I said before, if there is a hotter place in hell for Putin and this North Korean Leader - they'll both be there. Joining the Father - Kim Jong Il no doubt.

What Soon ok Lee speaks of in that cartoon depicted video - above is merely the tip of the iceberg of what goes on in those work camps. I read the book because I had to read the book - in fact it is sitting on my book case in front of me right now - but I will tell you this - reading the book is very difficult. It is one of the most difficult books I have ever had to read in my life - it created a great deal of anguish in me to know what was really, really going on out there. It made me sick. That is the truth. Another truth is that if we do not tell others what is happening to these people who will speak up for us in our time of need? No one. We are the last great bastion of freedom. America. If our light goes out? How great that darkness will be.
If I was Kim Jong-un, I'd be watching my back for assassins. This would be a prime opportunity for an internal enemy to whack him and blame us, and then pull off a coup.

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