Nobody Likes Bill O'Reilly

Do you wonder if the obamalama is going to "cap" Jeffery Immelt's salary at 500 grand?

He actually hires a ceo being compensated 20 million bucks, doing business with Iran, and driving company into the ground as an economic advisor.. Now tell me again how stupidazz is credible?
Firewalled at work

can I get a brief synposis of it


proxy server...TAKE THAT FIREWALL
but you should listen to this.

He's correct, but all we'll hear is " he's a right wing blow hard, blah blah blah " .........

He's almost always right, but when he starts yelling and gets angry I mute him. For those of us who only want information from our own side, this is enough to just call him a "blow hard" and summarily dismiss him.

Christian Bale doesn't like him either!
[ame=]YouTube - Christian Bale vs. Bill O'Reilly[/ame]

Summary: Investors have lost faith in Wall Street, and the stock market has tanked, due to greed and mismanagement on the part of the CEOs coupled with lack of oversight on the part of the federal government for the past few years. This is all the fault of Obama, who is using the situation to grow the government and get it to pass a pork laden package for his supporters.

Does anyone else see a disjoint between the first and second parts of that statement?

For a while, I thought maybe O'Reilly was going to place the blame where it belongs, but, no, ideology has to triumph over reality.

Summary: Investors have lost faith in Wall Street, and the stock market has tanked, due to greed and mismanagement on the part of the CEOs coupled with lack of oversight on the part of the federal government for the past few years. This is all the fault of Obama, who is using the situation to grow the government and get it to pass a pork laden package for his supporters.

Does anyone else see a disjoint between the first and second parts of that statement?

For a while, I thought maybe O'Reilly was going to place the blame where it belongs, but, no, ideology has to triumph over reality.

that's not the way I heard it. He squarely placed blame on both sides.. Then he did point out that obamala appoints a CEO of a company ran into the ground yet collecting 20 million dollars a year salary for said failure on his economic advisory board.. See any irony in that doya?
Thats hillarious. Not a shock from good ol' Bill Defileme.
Since Im new I'll go ahead & state here, for the record, I am no Repub nor am I am dem. Each party has had ample opportunity to reinstate the rights & freedoms of the people & each has stomped more on us. I am a Constitutionalist type of guy.
Summary: Investors have lost faith in Wall Street, and the stock market has tanked, due to greed and mismanagement on the part of the CEOs coupled with lack of oversight on the part of the federal government for the past few years. This is all the fault of Obama, who is using the situation to grow the government and get it to pass a pork laden package for his supporters.

It's not Obama's fault; the rest is true. Is he not using this situation to get a pork ladened package passed (under the guise of 'helping us')? Is he not growing the government? I thought it was right on target.
but you should listen to this.

He's correct, but all we'll hear is " he's a right wing blow hard, blah blah blah " .........

He's almost always right, but when he starts yelling and gets angry I mute him. For those of us who only want information from our own side, this is enough to just call him a "blow hard" and summarily dismiss him.



Wrong. FAUX Noise doesn't really like telling the truth........

What, with Rupert Murdoch himself stating that FAUX Noise "doesn't concern itself with facts".

It's also reflected in their stellar anchors with blowhards like O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and Hard on Geraldo, master of the ambush softball interview, as evidenced when he did it with Blow Job Bitch (Blagojavich).
Rocket surgeon eh? Backyard builder or NASA scientist?

Iron Maiden is cool by the way.......(didn't see the skull in the background at first). Iron Man is one of my favorite songs.
What did Billboard say in his rant that was untrue? doyathink?

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