Nobody Believes Economic Numbers Out Just Before Election

Americans know EXACTLY which numbers are lies, moron. Anytime Obama claims it's a roaring economy that has produced a lot of quality jobs, EVERYONE WITH A BRAIN SEES RIGHT THROUGH IT.

But by all means....continue to spin, bullshit people, and propagandize. That's why voters are DISGUSTED with you idiot libs and why you're going to get a thumping today.

Get it?

Got it?



Did you know that the worst case scenario for the Democrats today is that they are going to lose as badly as your hero Reagan and the GOP lost in 1986?

Thanks for confirming YOU'RE GOING TO LOSE TODAY.

There is a sour mood in the country. If people believed liberal lies, there were be great optimism.

Did they fake the 3rd quarter GDP number?
Reagan wasn't a failure, darling.

You really need to read economic analysis from other than liberal rags. People could see the effects of Reagan's policies....they were very optimistic.

Reagan's main contribution was to make fiscal irresponsibility politically survivable. We've suffered terribly ever since.

Yeahhhh, Reagan didn't do one thing right. History books that aren't Communist say just the opposite.

Your hero's going down today because he hasn't been honest about the economy.

Reagan promised to balance the budget. How's that for honesty?
Yeah, and the lying POS Reagan ran against Carter's deficits which totaled $300 billion for 4 years which brought the national debt up to nearly $1 trillion. St Ronnie liked to give examples of how big a pile of $1000 bills would make $1 trillion in his attacks on Carter.

“I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only 4 inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills 67 miles high.”
Ronald W Reagan

Well, St Ronnie left with a debt of $1000 bills 268 miles high!

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