Noaa says that this MAY was the second hottest since 1880


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

•The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for May 2012 was 0.66°C (1.19°F) above the 20th century average of 14.8°C (58.6°F). This is the second warmest May since records began in 1880, behind only 2010.

•The Northern Hemisphere land and ocean average surface temperature for May 2012 was the all-time warmest May on record, at 0.85°C (1.53°F) above average.

•The globally-averaged land surface temperature for May 2012 was the all-time warmest May on record, at 1.21°C (2.18°F) above average.

I don't know about its accuracy, but here it is! I question it as it is way outside of the satellite data.
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The term is climate change; it is unusually cool in NE Florida. The forecast of 30-40% chance of rain has been followed by heavy thunderstorms the last four days.
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In geological terms 125 years ain't even a drop in the bucket. What did the US do to cause global warming back in 1880?

It was a good amount cooler in 1880 of course...This is just the warmest of the years since that time. :)

Second warmest if you "believe" the NOAA data since the medieval warm period of 1300. Really, I'm seriously not sure of that.:eusa_whistle: As there may of been a warmer May within a super nino somewhere in there, but well, to broad brush it. :eusa_liar:
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It has only been since the late 1800's that we have had enough weather stations worldwide to give a reasonable comparison of monthly records. Earlier than that, yearly, at best, is all that we can do.
Here you can see why they chose 1880 to start world temperature comparisons. This is from the BEST study, and shows how the recording of temperature grew from a few small areas in 1800, to worldwide by 1880.

[ame=]Land Temperature Anomaly Video - YouTube[/ame]
In geological terms 125 years ain't even a drop in the bucket. What did the US do to cause global warming back in 1880?

US? or humanity in general? If it was showing up in 1880, it was due to events further back. It takes time for effects to equilibrate throughout a system as complex and massive as our planetary environment. Humanity's impact on our environment is not new, it stretches back 8-10k years, when we first began large scale agricultural development. Our impact simply magnified tremendously when we began using massive amounts of long sequestered carbon substances as fuels.
Second warmest if you "believe" the NOAA data since the medieval warm period of 1300. Really, I'm seriously not sure of that.:eusa_whistle: As there may of been a warmer May within a super nino somewhere in there, but well, to broad brush it. :eusa_liar:

There is no compelling evidence that the MWP was warmer than it is today, in fact, there is compelling evidence that it is currently warmer than it has been in the last few hundred thousand years and possibly the last several millions of years.
The term is climate change; it is unusually cool in NE Florida. The forecast of 30-40% chance of rain has been followed by heavy thunderstorms the last four days.

Actually the term for that is "local weather variation."
RISS shown the 7th warmest May
UAH shown the 4th

It just doesn't match with the satellite data.

It stinks!

You seem to be mixing referents here, 7th warmest May refers to Tucson, Arizona; UAH data is global. NOAA's approach uses surface station data for its GHCN and USHCN assessments.

Both RSS and UAH datasets are based on satellite data, wiki (normal cautions apply) states: "... The satellite series is not fully homogeneous - it is constructed from a series of satellites with similar but not identical instrumentation. The sensors deteriorate over time, and corrections are necessary for orbital drift and decay. Particularly large differences between reconstructed temperature series occur at the few times when there is little temporal overlap between successive satellites, making intercalibration difficult."
in geological terms 125 years ain't even a drop in the bucket. What did the us do to cause global warming back in 1880?

o u c h

thats what you call a swift kick to the balls of every k00k environmentalist. What does Rolling Thunder call sceptics?

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Here you can see why they chose 1880 to start world temperature comparisons. This is from the BEST study, and shows how the recording of temperature grew from a few small areas in 1800, to worldwide by 1880.

Land Temperature Anomaly Video - YouTube

I really dont think you should be quoting anything from BEST right now. other than a publicity grab press release before the BEST papers went for peer review there has been no news for almost a year. I dont know what is going on but I think it is premature to use them as a reliable source and I expect a firestorm after they publish because all the methodologies will come under public scrutiny, unlike the other temp data sets which dont have to answer to anyone. sorry, check that. UAH is constantly gone over with a fine tooth comb because it is considered a 'skeptical' source.

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