No Wonder The "christians" Are So Full Of Bitter Hate

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Is it any wonder that we read people here who want to control what people are doing in their bedrooms and private life?

This is from just one site. Yes, its all pretty ridiculous but I'll bet there are plenty here who believe this kind of crap.

Frikken weeerd.

14 Outrageous Secrets That a Homosexual Will Never Tell You 8226 ChristWire

How To Spot A Masturbator 8226 ChristWire

20 Ways To Tell If Your Teenage Daughter Is A Lesbian 8226 ChristWire

Hell Hounds The Five Worst Dog Breeds To Own. 8226 ChristWire
Um, if sex, especially homosexual sex is so sinful why do they write about it so much. Can't write about something without visualizing it in your head, and if adultery is possible just thinking about it, then isn't homosexual sex going on if you're thinking about it making you guilty of that particular tresspass? :)
Um, if sex, especially homosexual sex is so sinful why do they write about it so much. Can't write about something without visualizing it in your head, and if adultery is possible just thinking about it, then isn't homosexual sex going on if you're thinking about it making you guilty of that particular tresspass? :)

And, if you believe in a god, you believe he/she created all these things.

Why did he do that?

Because he likes playing tricks on the gullible?
Why they love their guns - So they can kill their teenagers.

Masturbation is a serious issue facing families today but most parents are just too embarrassed to talk about it with their teens. Heed Colossians 3:5: “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.”

That's ^^ on the masturbatory page.
20 Ways To Tell If Your Teenage Daughter Is A Lesbian 8226 ChristWire

This one is the best, by far.

Imagine what Monty Python could do with some of these. I mean ... golf, Beiber and Mac computers?

While most of it is just hysterically funny, there's also this -

Is her vagina pure?

Most girls who fornicate with men at a young age get bored. This is because the sex they had wasn’t holy and sin is never as enjoyable as a union recognized by God before it is consummated. If your little princess’s sweet untouched cherry has already been violated by little Johnny down the street, she will most likely be looking to give it to Jill next. A chastity belt might be in order. Your daughter may not agree now, but she will thank you when she is married to a good Christian man and has a nice family. That is, if she can find one who will accept a fornicator.

A chastity belt???

Would someone PLEASE tell me this is satire?

Read the comment section. Sick sick sick sick.
Okay, this has GOT to be satire but, from reading the comments, many believe it.

Will Conservative Christian Republicans Have To Stave Off A Liberal Homogay Feminist Zombie Attack 8226 ChristWire

You may be wondering if a zombie attack is a Christian ideal. Of course it isn’t. Such a thing could only be caused by homogay scientists and their crazy witchcraft. In the case of such a blasphemy, staunch conservatives must remember that most, if not all, of the infected will be liberals and poor people. This is good because it won’t take much to rebuild society afterwards.
Um, if sex, especially homosexual sex is so sinful why do they write about it so much. :)

Because the Nazis were homosexuals, and we don't want the Nazis coming back around now, do we? Oh, and those two million people of color with AIDS, well they wouldn't have AIDS if it weren't for a bunch of self-indulgent, white privileged, irresponsible, homosexual males, would they?
20 Ways To Tell If Your Teenage Daughter Is A Lesbian 8226 ChristWire

This one is the best, by far.

Imagine what Monty Python could do with some of these. I mean ... golf, Beiber and Mac computers?

While most of it is just hysterically funny, there's also this -

Is her vagina pure?

Most girls who fornicate with men at a young age get bored. This is because the sex they had wasn’t holy and sin is never as enjoyable as a union recognized by God before it is consummated. If your little princess’s sweet untouched cherry has already been violated by little Johnny down the street, she will most likely be looking to give it to Jill next. A chastity belt might be in order. Your daughter may not agree now, but she will thank you when she is married to a good Christian man and has a nice family. That is, if she can find one who will accept a fornicator.

A chastity belt???

Would someone PLEASE tell me this is satire?

Read the comment section. Sick sick sick sick.

Chastity belt? Holw old is that article? :)

Remember some documentary showing old chastity devices for men and women. The ones for men stand out (for obvious reaosns heh.) On ewas a metal ring with inward facing spikes that would presumedly give your little prick a prick if you became arroused. Wonder what the occurence of ED was back when those were being used? :)
Um, if sex, especially homosexual sex is so sinful why do they write about it so much. :)

Because the Nazis were homosexuals, and we don't want the Nazis coming back around now, do we? Oh, and those two million people of color with AIDS, well they wouldn't have AIDS if it weren't for a bunch of self-indulgent, white privileged, irresponsible, homosexual males, would they?

Nazis weren't widely homosexual. They were about creating the master race and you can't very well do that if everybody's gay.
20 Ways To Tell If Your Teenage Daughter Is A Lesbian 8226 ChristWire

This one is the best, by far.

Imagine what Monty Python could do with some of these. I mean ... golf, Beiber and Mac computers?

While most of it is just hysterically funny, there's also this -

Is her vagina pure?

Most girls who fornicate with men at a young age get bored. This is because the sex they had wasn’t holy and sin is never as enjoyable as a union recognized by God before it is consummated. If your little princess’s sweet untouched cherry has already been violated by little Johnny down the street, she will most likely be looking to give it to Jill next. A chastity belt might be in order. Your daughter may not agree now, but she will thank you when she is married to a good Christian man and has a nice family. That is, if she can find one who will accept a fornicator.

A chastity belt???

Would someone PLEASE tell me this is satire?

Read the comment section. Sick sick sick sick.

I was told that very things when my cousin and I were caught fooling aorund, "If you have sex now you'll get bored and become gay." ...Well you were half-right Mom. :)
Um, if sex, especially homosexual sex is so sinful why do they write about it so much. :)

Because the Nazis were homosexuals, and we don't want the Nazis coming back around now, do we? Oh, and those two million people of color with AIDS, well they wouldn't have AIDS if it weren't for a bunch of self-indulgent, white privileged, irresponsible, homosexual males, would they?

Nazis weren't widely homosexual. They were about creating the master race and you can't very well do that if everybody's gay.

Sure, you bet. So how do you explain the fact that Hitler's choice of venue for speechifying and recruiting for his first four years in the Nazi party, were the homosexual gathering places of Bavaria? You know, just because American queers don't like the fact that Hitler was a queer, and that much of the Nazi party hierarchy were queer, doesn't make it any less true.

"Well, in a way, that already happened with the Nazis in Germany."--Beat Generation poet and homosexual icon Allen Ginsberg, during his obscenity trial over the poem Howl, answering the judge who'd asked, "Do you think homosexuality could ever transcend the purely physical and become a political movement?"
Wow. Just wow.

The mission statement from Christwire:


Dear friends, we are living in cruel days. Evil hours. Yes, these are certainly dark times and it’s time for the moral majority to once again step forward to bring freedom and liberty to the world.

Our culture was built on the guiding principles of conservatism and Christianity, from which all morality is born. As such American heritage was meant to be passed on from generation to generation, ensuring that our principles…our values…were never compromised.

But alas, the Left Wing Conspiracy and Liberal Agenda is spreading like a plague not only through our fine society, but through lesser cultures as well. Their sinful antics and attempt to pass off their wanton carnal desires into mainstream culture is destroying society and mankind.

That’s where we come in. Together, in this community, you and your Moral Leaders will combat the evil liberals of this world and once again ensure that a bit of freedom and righteousness once again permeates every country, and let those who don’t abide by our teachings know the eternal pit of hellfire shall be awaiting!


Jack Gould
Youth Pastor/Motivational Speaker
Langley CC
Mission - ChristWire
Obviously reading the entire website is out of the question but if it is satire, they hide that fact well.

Hard to believe that it's not a joke, but I would bet that it's not.

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